Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 212 God King Palace


Not only did he lose, but he lost completely and cleanly.

The souls of the dead should eventually return to the underworld and should not wander around in the world.

Gosaburo's soul attached to the "Oriha Go's Barrier" was directly shattered by Tenjin Dang, and Tapirang Tenyin was completely annihilated before he could even be rescued.

Everyone could see the despair and unwillingness in Gosaburo's eyes before his soul disappeared.

Because Sock did not rely on duel strength to win, but used his unique and ridiculously strong card power to suppress Gozaburo Kaiba in all aspects!

Oliha Gang·Tianshendang

Just one single card is enough to dominate the world.

With a "bang bang" sound, Gosaburo's duel disk fell to the ground.

The "Oliha Gang's Barrier" inserted into the environmental magic area at the top of his duel disk was also popped out.

Suok stepped forward slowly, bent down and reached out to take the "Oliha Gang's Barrier" on the ground into his hand.

According to the rules, after activating "Oriha Gang's Barrier", the loser's soul will be taken away by this card and imprinted on the sacrificial stone slab dedicated to "The God of Oriha Gang", but due to "Oliha Gang's God" Tianshendang, whose authority within the "Liha Gang" system was higher than the barrier, launched a devastating attack, so this time, "Oliha Gang's Barrier" got nothing.

And not only that, the six-pointed star pattern originally painted on "Oliha Gang's Barrier" gradually disappeared and turned back into an ordinary green card.

Sensing the strength of this card, Sok nodded slightly.

This kind of strength is just within the range that can carry a soul. It seems that the things promised to Pegasus have been settled.

The duel is over.

Everyone in the back looked at Suoke with dull and stupid eyes, their minds went blank, and their hearts were shocked beyond measure.

There is such a card in the world that as long as you draw it, you can almost win!

I thought that Sok's Martyrs were already terrifyingly powerful, but the strength of this card has far exceeded the limit that mortals can imagine!

Compared with it, what are the three phantoms?

What are the three phantom gods?

What is Exodia?

The God Card that I and others had dreamed of and fought for desperately, now seems to be ridiculously weak!

If the person holding this card was an ordinary person, even a big capitalist like Kaiba, his life would be in danger! Just because the temptation of this card is enough for duelists to lose their minds, they may even take risks and commit all kinds of crimes because of it!


The one holding this card now is Sok, the great evil god of the underworld!

With the card in his hand, no matter what kind of fanatic he is, he will only feel endless fear, and will not have the idea of ​​grabbing food from the tiger's mouth.

Because as long as he is willing, even the world can be easily destroyed!

The "Martyr Deck", which already has the strongest strength in the world, now has the wings of "Oliha Gang".

Is it really possible to defeat such a monster? ?

Suoke turned around, saw everyone's eyes, and suddenly understood what they were thinking. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "How come you are so frightened by a single card? I still have at least a thousand fake cards that I haven't taken yet." Come out, I won’t bury you if you are scared to death."

"You...you said it lightly!"

There were beads of sweat on Jonouchi's forehead, and he gritted his teeth and said: "That kind of terrible card, where you win immediately as soon as you draw it. It's such a shame. There's no way anyone can beat you!"

Suoke smiled: "Oh, it's just a fifty-cent counterfeit card..."

Before he finished speaking, the "Oliha Gang's Barrier" in Sok's hand suddenly changed!

An extremely strong, dazzling green light burst out from the center of the card, and everything in the world seemed to have lost its color, completely submerging Sok!

In a trance, heaven and earth were replaced.

When he opened his eyes again, Suoke found that he was already in a plain full of green.

The gentle breeze blew on Sok's face, and the green grass and trees swayed.

So real, so familiar.

Something hidden in Sok's bloodline seemed to be awakened at this moment. Behind Sok, countless martyrs emerged one by one, their true bodies. They stood there, crying or laughing, cheering and hugging each other. , excited and wild as never before.

This is the land of China...

The home of the martyrs.

Why was he teleported here by "Oliha Gang's Barrier"?

Before Suok had time to think about it, three black dots quickly flew towards the horizon in the distance, getting closer and closer.

Soon, three dragons with different postures crossed the sky, swooped down to the ground, and stopped on the grass in front of Suok. They bowed their heads piously to Suok: "I have been stationed here for ten thousand years, and I am finally waiting for your return, God King. His Majesty!"

Immediately afterwards, the three giant dragons said to the water-controlling general standing behind Suoke: "Master General."

The dragon's voice echoed in the air for a long time.

Suok turned around and asked curiously towards the Water Controlling General: "Who are they?"

The God of Water Control looked at the three giant dragons in front of him and said with some emotion: "They are the legendary dragons that protect the God's Palace. Thousands of years ago, I led the remnants of the martyrs to attack the God of Oriha Gang, and ordered the dragons who were still young at that time. They are stationed here to the death. If we are defeated, they will wait here for His Majesty the God King to return from the underworld... I didn't expect that separation would last ten thousand years..."

The legendary dragon?

Suoke was stunned for a moment, and still remembered that Little Penguin had indeed mentioned to him that in the original TV series Dazi, the main reinforcements were three legendary dragons with different abilities!

In the original book, tens of thousands of years ago, Dazi's father Earnhardt, with the help of elves and legendary dragons, fought with Dazi in the Battle of the Stone Wilderness that determined the fate and structure of the world. In the end, he fought with Oliha Gang. In the duel between gods, he won and successfully sealed it. Dazi Oliha Gang's power was limited and he was forced to reflect for ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years later, Dazi made a comeback.

The Legendary Dragon selected Yugi Muto, Seto Kaiba, and Katsuya Jonouchi to become the new warriors against Datsu. They overcame obstacles all the way, and finally transformed into three knights and defeated the snake god Yi of Datsu!

Unexpectedly, in this world, the legendary dragons would be the remnants of the martyrs!

"Please sit on my back."

Timaeus lowered his head and said to Sok: "Following your final words, His Majesty the God King, we will take you to the God King's Palace."

Suok nodded, jumped behind Timaeus, and asked: "God King's Palace? Is there anything related to me in there?"

"There are enshrined there the remains of His Majesty the God King thousands of years ago, as well as the martyrs who returned in triumph after fighting the 'God of Oliha Gang'..."

Timaeus fluttered his wings and carried Suok into the sky, soaring into the sky: "For thousands of years, Dazi has been looking for your remains, His Majesty the God King, but he must not have thought of your resting place. Standing in the depths of 'Oliha Gang's Barrier', with only very limited authority, he will never be able to reach this sacred area..."

Does Dazi have low authority?

Suoke was stunned for a moment, but then he suddenly realized!


According to the god general, after absorbing almost all the energy of the Olhagang meteorite thousands of years ago, he was contaminated by dark energy, fell into the underworld, and became the great evil god of the underworld. The broken residue of the Olhagang meteorite, Then it scattered on the earth and turned into the negative will of the earth, choosing Dazi to destroy the world.

It’s true that Dazi only received a very small part of Oliha Gang’s power!

In the end, it turns out that he is actually Oliha Gang's ultimate BOSS!

I will go back to my hometown to visit the grave tomorrow, and the extra update will probably be postponed again. Fortunately, I have annual leave from Monday to Wednesday, so I still have some time——

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