Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 213 Light and Darkness

Breaking through the dimensional barrier, Timaeus took Sok to a void where day and night constantly alternate.

The space here seems to be infinite, stretching as far as the eye can see.

High in the void, four green wheels inscribed with ancient incantations intersect and rotate, which is the barrier of Oliha Gang!

In the middle of the reverse hexagram pattern, a floating temple stands out.

The most intuitive permissions are shown here.

According to Little Penguin, Dazi possesses the three barriers of Oliha Gang, and there are four rune wheels guarding this temple. No wonder Dazi has been searching for thousands of years and cannot find this place, because this dimensional space is inherently It is not something that Dazi is qualified to achieve.

Soar straight up.

Timaeus carried Sok and landed on the steps of the temple, and his figure instantly transformed into a knight wearing green armor.

In order to prevent Sok from misunderstanding, Timaeus turned around and knelt down on one knee, explaining: "Your Majesty the God King, this temple will reflect all the truth, and this is exactly what I look like, according to your last words thousands of years ago. , please enter alone."

Suok nodded and walked into the temple.

The door opens, and the place you enter is emerald green and crystal clear, with an eternal light above your head.

Both the ground and the walls were covered with green energy crystals. Countless green crystal pillars, large and small, stood in an orderly manner on both sides of the temple. At the end of the temple, there was a very familiar figure to Suok.

The devil's horns, the huge and burly body, and the demon dragon head extending hundreds of meters from the waist and abdomen.

It is the crystallized statue of the evil god of the underworld!

Walking closer, Suoke suddenly discovered that there were two figures at the feet of the crystallized evil god.

An old man stood nearby, followed by a wolfdog.

A girl was standing on tiptoes, her right index finger pointing at the evil god's ankle.

They were also wrapped in green crystal. Their eyes were open, but they fell into a long sleep.

Sok raised his head and looked at his remains tens of thousands of years ago.

In a daze, the crystallized Great Evil God also seemed to lower his head, making eye contact with Suok.

In an instant, countless memory fragments were reorganized in Sok's mind!

The scene in front of Sokk suddenly changed. He saw the prosperous world that once existed thousands of years ago, saw the Oliha Gang invaders from the universe, and saw his body crystallizing and fragmenting due to his absorption of dark power.

The forces of darkness and light are constantly fighting in Sok's soul.

But the body has disappeared, and the soul will eventually go where it should go. The chaotic soul has no destination, and can only be divided into two parts, one part ascends to the God Realm, and the other part falls to hell.

But neither of the two souls gave up on completing themselves, and the war continued...

At this time, the screen changed.

The shattered Orihagun meteorite and the broken crystallized body of God King Sok scattered on the earth, giving birth to the god Orihagang who represents the dark will of the earth.

The martyrs began to frantically search for the remains of the God King. In distant Atlantis, people without the protection of the martyrs were corrupted by the dark power of the Oriha Gang meteorite fragments, triggering negative desires in their hearts, and Under the secret control of the God of Oriha Gang, the user mutates and transforms into a monster with terrifying power, trying to take revenge on the martyrs!

The empire collapsed.

There are fewer and fewer humans and more and more monsters.

Even Queen Leos of the Atlantis Empire was infected by Olihagun's power and transformed into a terrifying monster.

In order to save his lover, Dazi froze her body. Dazi's father Aiyahat and daughter Chris took Laos to the distant land of China to ask for help from the legendary God King.

As the king of the Atlantis Empire, Dazi decided to stay and die with his subjects.

After arriving in the land of China, Eyahart knew that the God King had already fallen, and the culprit was Oliha Gang who had polluted the Atlanteans!

Oliha Gang has not been completely eliminated.

Upon hearing the news, the Water Control God will immediately summon all the martyrs and launch a western expedition.

Before leaving, the Water Control God asked Eyahat to continue collecting the remains of the God King scattered around the world, and left behind three legendary dragons.

"If this trip fails, then the three legendary dragons are the last hope..."

After this goodbye, three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The scarred martyrs returned. There were thousands of them when they left, but less than a hundred returned. Even the figure of the water-controlling god general disappeared forever from the team.

They came back with good news and bad news.

The good news is that the God of Oriha Gang was accused of being severely injured by the Water God, and was re-sealed into the earth.

The bad news is that even Dazi was contaminated by Oliha Gang and became the demon king who leads the monsters.

The God of Oliha Gang was defeated, and Dazi suffered heavy losses. As the entire Atlantis sank into the deep sea, the Atlantis Empire completely disappeared from the world.

The scarred martyrs walked quietly and neatly into the temple where the remains of the God King were placed, and sat down one by one.

"If Oliha just makes a comeback, please wake us up."

After saying these words, the martyrs closed their eyes and their souls died.

The martyrs also ceased to exist.

In the seven thousand years since then, Eyahart and Chris have kept their original promise and finally collected all the remains of the God King.

When Chris filled the last fragment of remains into Sok's body, the entire temple was frozen by the green crystal block in an instant!

At the same time, the great evil god of the underworld, who has been fighting in the underworld for seven thousand years but has never been satisfied, finally wakes up!

It wants to return to the human world and complete itself!

Then return to the land you love so much and save all the martyrs!

The dark soul awakens, and the light soul also awakens at the same time.

Fate made the alchemists of ancient Egypt create a millennium artifact and carve the slate of the illusionary god.

When the millennium artifacts gather on the stone slab, dark souls will appear.

When the three phantom gods merge into one, the bright soul will descend.

That is the final battlefield. No matter who wins or loses, the two souls will become one again.

But in the end, the soul of light did not appear, and the soul of darkness was sealed by the young Pharaoh after he gave everything.

Until one day three thousand years later, Soknenufa and Muto Yugi became classmates...

All illusions end here.

The crystallized body of the great evil god in front of him turned into a dazzling divine light, and his head turned into three light balls of different colors, constantly flying and rotating in the air.

Suokefu came to his mind and immediately pulled out the blank card he carried with him!

Three light balls quickly rushed into the card in Sok's hand, glowing with colors like a rainbow!

The star points of light dissipated.

Three cards reveal their true appearance.

They are exactly the three bodies of "Olihagun·Wing Shenlong", "Olihagan·Giant Divine Weapon", and "Olihagan·Sky Dragon"!

The crystallized body of the Great Evil God also shrank sharply, flew into another blank card, and turned into "Olihagun Exodia".

In the darkness, there seemed to be a vague figure standing back to back with Suoke, gradually disappearing.

The source of dark power disappeared, and the crystallization of the temple was slowly lifted.

Those martyrs of annihilation also turned into streams of light and rushed into Sok's blank cards, including Chrissy and Ayahart.

For thousands of years, due to the powerful Oliha Gang power infection on Sok's remains.

The martyrs were gradually assimilated.

But their sincerity will never change.

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