Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 214 Completed

After walking out of the temple, the four rotating Oriha Gang mantra wheels outside the temple disappeared without knowing when.

Suoke suddenly realized something and looked down at the blank cards in his hand. Among them, four cards had just illuminated their patterns.

"Oliha Gang's Barrier", "Oliha Gang's Qi", "Oliha Gang Tolitos" and "Oliha Gang's Fourth Level Barrier Controlling Town"!

The temple that lost the protection of the God Control Formation was immediately noticed by Dazi.

The void shattered instantly, and the sky suddenly became hot and completely shrouded in darkness!

In the endless black sky, a huge orange eye with linear pupils suddenly appeared, staring at Timaeus and Sok below!

Those eyes were full of hatred, hatred and madness!

God of Oliha Gang!

A strong wind whipped up in the darkness, and a long-haired man wearing white sacrificial clothes slowly fell from the sky!

It is the phantom clone of Dazi who has arrived!

Dazi's eyes never left the card in Suoke's hand for a moment!

Because there is a new power of Oliha Gang that attracts me all the time!

Dazi, who had always thought she was perfect, felt incomplete for the first time!

As expected, Oliha Gang's power is far beyond what he already possesses! I have been searching for thousands of years and finally waited for this day!

Raising his head, Dazi saw Suoke's appearance.

Just as he was about to speak, he was suddenly startled: "Is it you?"

Suoke also looked at Dazi's androgynous face and long hair, and said slowly: "Blue hair, neither male nor female, are you Dazi?"

"The Great Evil God of the Underworld still remembers me. I'm really honored."

Dazi raised the corner of his mouth, not at all irritated by Sok's verbal provocation, and said with a calm and sly smile: "But this time is different from three thousand years ago. I have fully recovered my strength, and the resurrected energy of the God of Oliha Gang is about to be completed." , even if I don't use tricks to deceive and use another 'Pharaoh', I can still seal you back to the underworld for another three thousand years!"

"It's really you..."

Suok clasped his hands on his chest and said coldly: "I'm just saying how could a mere Pharaoh know how to destroy the conditions of the trial by smashing the stone slabs of the Three Illusion Gods, and then take the opportunity to offer everything he has to drive me back to the underworld with a thousand-year building block? ...It turns out it was all your idea!"

"Hahaha! You are right, the evil god of the underworld!"

Dazi looked up to the sky and smiled and said: "Since I woke up from the deep sea, I have been pursuing the legend of the elves. The weak elves will deprive their souls of them as sacrifices for the resurrection of the god Oliha Gang, and the powerful elves will find a way Eliminate it as much as possible to prevent it from becoming my enemy in the future... When I heard that the patron saint of ancient Egypt had wiped out thousands of enemy troops in one night, I knew that there was an elf that must be eliminated..."

"According to the guidance of the mysterious will of the God of Oliha Gang, when I arrived at the village of Clay Elna where the millennium artifact was rumored to be made, I discovered the stone slab hidden in the village..."

Dazi raised the corner of his mouth, looked down at Suoke with a victor's attitude, and said: "Everything is written very clearly above. The soul of darkness needs to gather the seven artifacts, and the soul of light needs to fuse the three illusory gods. When someone When one side defeats the other, the winning side will become stronger..."

"The King of Thieves and Aknadin were very capable and easily released you from the underworld... But I didn't want either of you to become complete, so I quietly sneaked into the palace and destroyed the three illusory gods' stone tablets... "

"Due to the fact that the playing conditions of the positive party were destroyed by external forces, the trial was forced to terminate, and you must return to the underworld honestly and wait for the next restart..."

Having said this, the smile on Dazi's face disappeared, and his expression gradually became colder: "But that troublesome guy Pegasus actually resurrected the three illusory gods in modern times... The soul of light has the conditions to appear, and with Correspondingly, the soul of darkness will definitely appear in some form! ...But it doesn't matter, now I am no longer seriously injured like I was three thousand years ago, I have become stronger than before!"


Dazi stretched out her hand and shouted coldly: "Hand over all the cards in your hand that belong to Oliha Gang!"

Sock glanced at the card deck in his hand and suddenly laughed.

Dazi thought he was powerful and had control of the overall situation, but he didn't know that the water-controlling general who defeated him at full health thousands of years ago was his subordinate. He also didn't know that he was actually the king of all martyrs. He didn't even know how desperate the gap between him and himself was!

"...Want these cards? What a pity, I refuse!"

Suoke's face gradually became full of murderous intent, and his pupils shrank into linear shapes in an instant: "Just right, I will use you to test this new power, Dazi!"

After saying that, Suoke raised his hand and a strong green light shot out towards Dazi!

After recognizing that this was the power belonging to Oliha Gang, Dazi didn't even hide, because the god of Oliha Gang was already one with her life!

How could I possibly hurt... myself with my own strength! ?

What! ?

The green light tore apart Dazi's protective shield without any hindrance and directly cut off his right arm!

If Dazi hadn't subconsciously ducked to the side at the last second, he would have been cut into two pieces by the green light right now!

How is this going! ?

Dazi covered her wound with a painful look on her face, and was surprised to find that behind Suoke, the phantom of Oliha's newly formed barrier slowly emerged!

The green mantra wheel rotates rapidly...

One layer after another!

In addition to the third layer of barrier, there is another layer!

That was Oliha Gang's fourth level of barrier control formation that even Dazi didn't know about!

No wonder!

No wonder I am not immune to his attacks! The authority granted to Sock is even higher than his own!

I see!

It turns out that what has been calling me is the fourth level of enchantment!

Thinking of this, the flame of ambition suddenly ignited in Dazi's eyes, and he shouted loudly: "Sock! The deck in your hand is the most important element to complement the great God of Oliha Gang! Even if I use all my means, I will You must get it! Be prepared for your awakening!" After that, Dazi raised his right hand high and ordered to the huge eye in the sky: "Great God of Oliha Gang! Judge the evil gods of the underworld! Annihilate the darkness. Light!"

The golden eyes light up with golden light!

The huge body hidden in the darkness revealed its prototype!

It was a dark blue demonic dragon covered with tentacles - the God of Oriha Gang!

The bloody mouth opened wide, and an energy wave as thick as a flood instantly broke through the barrier of space and sprayed sharply towards Sok!

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Suoke remained calm!

Because, behind Sok, the shadows of the three phantom gods of Oliha Gang suddenly appeared, and they joined forces to block the attack of the God of Oliha Gang!

Dazi smiled contemptuously: "Evil God, do you think you can withstand the attack of the God of Oliha Gang just by relying on those low-level phantom gods in your hands? Maybe their attack power is very powerful, but ...The attack power of the God of Oliha Gang is infinite!"

Dazi laughed arrogantly!

Everything seems to be in the palm of your hand!


"So what?"

A grin of maximum malice appeared on Sok's face, an astonishing divine light erupted from his body, and he shouted sternly: "If your monster is infinite, then mine is also infinite!"

"Come out! The strongest messenger transformed from my body! I am here to summon your appearance!"

"Exodia of Oriha Gang!!!"

Da Zi was extremely shocked and said: "What!?"

The god of dreams beyond ancient times!


Now put on Oliha Gang's magical armor, he reappears in the world again!

The burly figure is even more impressive than the giant divine weapon of the God of the Earth!

The karmic fire of hell is constantly gathering in its hands!

The power of the three phantom gods of Oliha Gang are also gathered into one!

The attack power is infinite!

“God’s wrath and karma!!!”

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