Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 215 I’m back

The golden flames come forward!

The attack of God Oliha Gang was swallowed up in an instant!

The magic dragon tried its best but could still barely compete with the elves of Sok, but gradually it seemed that it was unable to succeed!


Dazi was shocked and said: "It is also infinite. The God of Oliha Gang has the increase of the will of the earth, so he should be more powerful, but..."

Before he finished speaking, the God of Oliha Gang's attack was severely suppressed again!


Suok smiled ferociously and opened his arms: "Where do you think this is? This is the sanctuary of all martyrs! Dazi! Even if we are really evenly matched, I still have countless other subordinates who are not here!"

"Young ones, come out and let this guy see how powerful you are!"

Suok raised his right hand high, and the orange six-pointed star pattern suddenly lit up the sky!

One after another, some ferocious, some heroic, some huge or elegant figures swarmed and all of them suddenly emerged from the void in their original postures!

The densely packed monsters as far as the eye can see looked at Dazi in the sky with murderous intent, making his back feel chilly.


Suok licked his lips with his tongue, stretched out his right hand, with his thumb pointing down, and smiled ferociously at Da Zi: "Okay, these are all the soldiers and horses under my command. As a rough estimate, there are at least seven or eight who have unlimited attack power." There are more than twenty high-level gods, more than fifty mid-level gods, and more than one hundred low-level gods..."

"Say it, Dazi..."

Suoke's eyes suddenly turned cold: "How do you want to die?"

Dazi swallowed deeply, put her hands together, and made a gesture to escape.

But how could Sock allow him to come and go freely in his own territory?

"Where to go!?"

Suoke suddenly took action, threw out a ray of divine light, and shouted sternly: "Disappear here, Dazi!!!"

Before he even had time to scream, the divine light easily blew up Dazi's clone until not even ashes were left!

At the same time, Dazi, who was in the headquarters of the American Paratis Company, vomited out a mouthful of blood. Like a kite with a broken string, he flew out from the sacrificial position dedicated to the God of Oliha Gang and lay on the ground. My whole body was shaking and I couldn't move for a long time.


Dazi covered her mouth, the pupils in her eyes were trembling, full of horror.

Da Zi, who had never seen the power of the God King with his own eyes, had always thought that the Water Controlling God General was the strongest among the martyrs, so he had no scruples and rushed in with the God of Oliha Gang who had not yet fully recovered. the territory of the martyrs.

But I didn't expect...

The martyrs who had obviously been annihilated from history all reappeared, and their power was even more incredible!

But what is strange is that the martyrs are obviously the patron saints of this world...

Why would you obey the orders of the evil god of the underworld who represents evil and chaos? ?

Dazi was still in shock and doubt, but at this moment, the three divine fires on the altar representing the fate of the god Oliha Gang went out!

Holding her forehead in distress, Dazi sighed deeply.

Needless to say, the God of Oriha Gang is definitely dead!

Not only did he not gain new power this time, but all the soul energy that the God of Oliha Gang had accumulated over thousands of years was lost.

It was the first time in ten thousand years that I had lost so ugly!

The God of Oliha Gang is the negative will of the earth. As long as the altar has not been destroyed, it can be reborn infinitely, but the next time it can save enough to resurrect the soul will be who knows how many years later.


The Three Illusion Gods must be grabbed before the Great Evil God starts the trial!

And Pegasus must be captured too!

He may have a card with good elf power in his hand that can be used as nourishment for the resurrection of the God of Oriha Gang!

Thinking about the next plan in his mind, Dazi secretly prayed that Kaiba Gozaburo could successfully snatch the three phantom gods and bring a glimmer of good news to the current extremely disadvantageous situation.

But what Dazi didn't know was that he would never wait for Kaiba Gozaburo's good news.

Because even his soul was wiped out by Sok, Gosaburo's soul could not return to the altar and become a sacrifice to the God of Oliha, and Dazi did not know that Gosaburo Kaiba had already completely killed him. …

artificial island

Suoke suddenly disappeared inexplicably. Everyone was shocked at first. They didn't know what happened and didn't dare to act rashly.

But after waiting for a long time, Suoke didn't come back. Everyone felt that waiting like this was not an option.

So Jonouchi very cleverly proposed that while Sok hasn't come back yet, we should finish the game quickly and decide the champion later!

This proposal was unanimously approved by almost everyone present.

Ignoring for the time being the danger to life that the champion might face, and deciding the opponent as quickly as possible, Jonouchi and Yugi began the competition, and Tairiang Amane received a bye.

Tapirang Tianyin was in a good mood and felt that his luck was not too bad. How could he not escape as a runner-up?

Moreover, the most powerful evil god is no longer there. Now that he uses phantoms to absorb the life energy of the elves, no one can stop him anymore!

How awesome!

I feel cute myself.

After leisurely watching the battle between Jounouchi and Yugi on the duel field for several rounds, Yugi won with an absolute advantage. Tairiang Tianyin started the duel board with a sneer and walked up: "Okay, now it is my turn……"

Tapirang Tianyin hasn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly, there was an explosion out of thin air!

Suoke grabbed a large piece of meat of unknown content and appeared opposite Tairiang Tianyin. He enthusiastically threw the piece of meat in his hand and smiled heartily at everyone: "Hey, long time no see. Come on, everyone! This is a souvenir I just brought back from my trip. It’s not a particularly expensive thing. Let’s all share it!”

A moment!

The scene suddenly became extremely quiet!

No one dared to pick up the things Suok gave.

Muto Yugi silently followed Jonouchi down to the duel field, gave Tairiang Tianyin an encouraging look and said: "It's your turn now, come on!"

Jonouchi also cheered for Tairang Tianyin and said: "Come on! Strong warrior!"

Tapirang Tianyin's jaw dropped to the ground, and he stammered for a long time, unable to speak a word.

Suoke on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "Oh! It seems that I came back at the right time! ...The opponent is DARKNESS? Needless to say, it must have been the Kouhu King Muto Yugi who won just now, right?"

"It's true that I won..."

Muto Yugi in the audience laughed dryly and said: "What does King Hu mean by no words..."

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Suok shook his arms, stretched his muscles, and after adding a few cards from his pocket to the deck, he started the duel disk and said to Taixiang Tianyin: "Okay, I'm ready to massacre." You! Let the duel begin quickly, I can’t wait to try the power of the three phantom gods of Oliha Gang!”

At this point, we have no choice but to bite the bullet!

Tairiang Tianyin gritted his teeth and looked at his deck, clenching his fists!

Even if you have the extremely shameless "Oliha Gang Tenshen Dang", I already have a counter-strategy!

The strength of my deck is not inferior to that of Martyr, there is no reason for me to lose!

Thinking of this, Tairiang Tianyin's eyes flashed with light!



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