Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 216 Notes on Killing

Tapiriang Tianyin, LP: 4000

Soknenufa, LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Tairiang Tianyin quickly drew a card from the deck to seize the first attack advantage and shouted: "Activate the sustainable magic card 'Power of the Triangle Array'! When I activate this card, I can use the card with the same name in the deck to Choose two to activate! In this way, I have three magic cards on the field!"

[Power of Triangle Array, sustainable magic card, effect: After activating this card, you can select 2 "Power of Triangle Array" from the deck to activate. 】

The appearance conditions of the Phantom Demon are no longer a secret. Everyone present immediately thought of the dark yellow monster that manipulates thunder and lightning!

Jonouchi was shocked: "That kind of magic card that is almost meaningless...could it be...!"

"That's right! Now, the conditions for the Phantom Demon's appearance have been met!"

Tairiang Tianyin sneered and pulled out the three magic cards from the duel disk: "Immediately, I sent the three magic cards to the graveyard and special summoned in attack position - 'Thunder Emperor Harmon'!"

It was still early in the morning, but black clouds suddenly rolled up in the sky!

In the center of the whirlpool of rolling black clouds, a thunder suddenly fell and violent sparks exploded on the battlefield of Tapir Liang Tianyin!

"Come out! Thunder Emperor Harmon!"

Following the call of Tapir Liang Tianyin, where the thunder and lightning struck, a dark yellow demon spread its wings, and its roar rolled up countless powerful sound waves!

"Oh, are the cards so smooth?"

Sok looked down at his hand, then raised his head and yelled with an unhappy face: "Hey, stinky girl! Did you really shuffle the cards? Why can you get 40 cards in a deck in the first round? The one who drew the phantom?"

Tapirang Tianyin raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Oh? Are you saying that because the cards in your hand are not satisfactory?"

Thok looked at the "Martyr Chief Dragon", "Soul of Orihagon", "Olihagang Exodia", "Sky Dragon of Osiris" and "Martyrdom" in his hands with empty eyes. These five cards of "The Watcher" made him "poof" for the rest of his life. He pointed at Tairian Tianyin and said angrily: "It's none of your business, just play your own cards! I just got stuck for a moment!" I’m not afraid to tell you, I can draw the God of Heaven on the next card, just wait to die!”


Magic cards are temporarily useless, and monster cards are at least ten-star monsters.

This is a bit of a joke!

Since playing cards, this is the first time that my hand has been stuck like this!

But having said that, are there too many high-star monsters in your deck? Otherwise, when this duel is over, all those who want sacrifices will be given away.

"Humph, since you want Tianshendang so much, then I'll help you..."

Tairiang Tianyin sneered twice, took out a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk. He shouted loudly: "Immediately, I will activate the magic card 'Handbook of Killing'! According to the effect of this card, both of us will Send four cards from the deck to the graveyard, then draw the same number of cards!”

[Hand Note Kill, Quick Attack Magic, Effect: Players on both sides send 4 cards in their hands to the graveyard (if there are less than 4 cards in the hand, all cards are sent to the graveyard). Afterwards, draw a number of cards from the deck equal to the number of cards sent to the graveyard. After drawing a card, if there are less than 1 card in hand, both players can draw 1 card from their deck. 】(animated version)


Shimojounouchi was shocked: "Obviously the current situation is beneficial to her, but why does she still activate this kind of hand-changing card to help Sok draw the winning card in advance!?"

Next to him, Muto Yugi frowned at first, but then he seemed to understand something and his eyes suddenly widened!

correct! So that’s it!

"No, she's not helping Sok..."

Muto Yugi said to Jonouchi in a deep voice: "If my guess is correct, there must be a very terrifying tactic hidden under the surface of her helping Sok filter!"

Jonouchi turned around and said blankly: "What a terrible tactic? Why can't I see it at all?"

Yugi shook his head and didn't say much, but with a flick of his right hand, the last card in the deck was already in Yugi's hand!

He turned it over with his fingers, and what appeared in front of Jonouchi was a very common magic card.

But Jonouchi suddenly realized it as if he was enlightened, and said in shock: "Yi Yu, what do you mean..."


Yugi quickly stopped Jonouchi from saying what he said next, and said softly: "We are just bystanders now, and we should not interfere with other people's duels! If Sok can discover Tairiang Tianyin's intentions in advance, he may be able to avoid the fate of being defeated. …”

Jonouchi laughed dryly: "He is good at fighting, and he also wins at cards with cards that are so strong that he can cheat. But for things like this that use his brain, he is probably..."

Sok's ears twitched on the stage.

Yugi and Jonouchi thought they were speaking quietly, but every word fell into Sok's ears.


What tactic?

Could it be that Tairiang Tianyin could still take away his own God? Phew, ridiculous!

Why! ! !

Suoke's eyes suddenly widened!


I remember that there is indeed such a card in the original book that can exchange the cards in the hands of both parties!

Could it be said that Tapirang Tianyin assisted him in filtering and pumping, because he had this kind of calculation?

The corner of Suoke's mouth raised a dangerous arc, and he sneered secretly: "Hey, it's good to have the Pharaoh as a military advisor, but it doesn't matter whether she planned it that way or not. She can't use Tianshen Dang anyway, hum. snort……"

Send four cards in his hand to the graveyard, and then Thok draws four more cards from the deck.

After taking a look, Sok was slightly disappointed.

It's a pity that Tianshendang didn't get it.

"Tsk, I can see from your expression that you didn't get the God of Love. It's really not cool..."

Tairiang Tianyin snorted coldly, selected a card from the newly drawn hand and inserted it into the duel plate: "In this case, I will overwrite one card and end the turn first..."

"My turn, draw a card!"

Sok pulled out a card from the deck, his squinted eyes suddenly opened, and he shouted loudly: "Activate the quick-attack magic card 'Oliha Gang's Tenjin Dang'! It's over, DANKNESS!!!"


Tapirang Tianyin's little hand trembled, his mind was shocked, and he said in disbelief: "No... no way! How could there be such a coincidence!?"

Everyone below was also open-mouthed. They didn't expect that the duel would end in the first round!

But, after waiting for a long time...

The breathtaking seven-colored six-pointed star barrier never appeared.

Down below, Jonouchi kept looking at the field blankly and said, "What...what's wrong? Is the duel plate broken?"

"Can't you see that? Sok is just lying to her!"

Kaiba folded his hands in front of his chest and snorted coldly: "Last night when he was dueling with Malik, he had already used this trick once, and you were still fooled today... Sure enough, a mediocre person is a mediocre person, and he was lucky enough to advance. It can’t change the nature of the weak!”

"What did you say!?"

Jonouchi made a face in embarrassment, stuck out his tongue roughly at Kaiba and said: "President of the top eight, you are so shameless!"

Kaiba ignored him and still stared at Sok's figure on the stage.

It was as if he had a telepathic connection. Even though he hadn't done anything yet, Kaiba inexplicably felt that an extremely strong aura was condensing and swirling around Suok's body!

The sense of oppression that is even greater than that of the Phantom God is almost breathless!

Show me, Thok!

Kaiba yelled in his heart!

"Call out your wings called "Oliha Gang"!"

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