Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 218 Phantom Demon King Rabiel

It was just as the little penguin said.

After the effect of "Permanent Lifting" was transmitted to "Oliha Gang's Barrier", except for the translucent green light wall that fluctuated slightly twice, nothing changed!


Tapirang Tianyin opened his eyes slightly and said in disbelief: "Why is this happening?"

"it's a pity."

Suok put his hands on his hips and sneered arrogantly: "The existence of 'Oliha Gang's Barrier' will not be interrupted by the effect of any card. There is no way to make it disappear except to decide the winner! ... Tapiriang Tianyin, you should be more honest and think of other solutions, hahaha..."


Tapirang Tianyin gritted his teeth and said: "Since I can't destroy the 'Oliha Gang's Barrier', then I will destroy your other cover card! 'Godly Flame Emperor Uriah', trap detection!"

Following this order, "Godly Flame Emperor Uriah" immediately opened his mouth and sent out a strong shock wave to destroy Sok's fold!


"I won't let you succeed so easily!"

Sok suddenly waved his hand and shouted angrily: "The trap card 'Martyr Rescue Team' is activated! The effect of this card is that when the opponent specially summons a monster, we can specially summon a monster with ' Martyr's monster!"

[Martyr Rescue Team, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: Whenever the opponent specially summons a monster, we can special summon a monster with "Martyr" in its name from the hand or graveyard. 】

“Because you specially summoned ‘Godly Flame King Uriah’, I can activate the effect of this card before the effect of your Godly Flame King is processed!”

After Sok said that, he immediately took out a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate: "And the monster I chose to specially summon is the high priest of the martyrs, who controls astrology, divination, and the art of seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune. 'Martyr, Masked Phantom King'! Come out, my high priest, fight for me again, and show your divine power of unity between man and nature!"

[Martyr: Masked Phantom King, 10 stars, dark attribute, attack: 0, defense: 0, effect: After this card is successfully summoned, send the top 10 cards of our deck to the graveyard, each with a name For cards with 'Martyr', the attack power of this card increases by 1000 points. 】

The orange hexagram overlapped with the cold green hexagram of "Oliha Gang's Barrier", and in the middle, countless chaotic black clouds rolled up and swept up!

The smoke condensed into a black priest's uniform flashing with thunder and lightning. Under the priest's uniform, there was no face, no legs, and no arms.

Floating there quietly, as if connected to heaven and earth.

This is the High Priest, the Masked Phantom King, the transcendent martyr who merges with heaven and earth.

As his effect was activated, Sok drew ten cards from the top of the deck and threw them into the graveyard. Immediately afterwards, the Masked Phantom King's attack power jumped directly from 0 to 10,500!

Ten of them are cards with ‘Martyr’ in their name!

And not only that, at the same time, a skeleton warrior holding a scepter slowly floated out of the black clouds underground and landed on the battlefield!

It is the "Martyr Soul Eater"!

Its immortality ability also activates!

In just an instant, Sok's field was already filled with monsters, including not only the "Martyr: Masked Phantom King" with terrifyingly powerful attack power, but also the "Martyr: Soul-eating King" who could still regenerate no matter how many times he was destroyed. Strange"!

The troublesome monsters have gathered together, and even the audience below is having a headache, not knowing how to solve the current adversity!

"I suddenly fell into a disadvantage in an instant..."

Muto Yugi looked at the martyrs on the Sok field with a solemn expression, and murmured to himself: "What a powerful deck, powerful monsters... and a duelist with such a strong command..."

"Tairang Tianyin...is there really any chance of her winning?"

Because the trap card was activated, the effect of "Godly Flame King Uriah" could no longer destroy that card, so he could only close his mouth in vain and interrupt his own skills.

"Sock, you guy..."

Tairiang Tianyin glanced at the cards in his hand, gritted his teeth and said: "Although I was originally prepared to play this trump card, the feeling of punching cotton now is really terrible... In return, let me use the ultimate phantom to destroy everything on your field instantly!"

Suoke didn't care at all about the so-called trump card of Tairiang Tianyin, and just whistled teasingly: "Hey, a friendly reminder, if the three monsters on my field are destroyed at the same time, the one sleeping in my deck will be destroyed at the same time. 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness' will wake up, her attack power is infinite, be careful, woman!"

"I know it without you having to tell me!"

Tairiang Tianyin gave a sweet shout and took a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate: "I haven't normal summoned this round yet, so I'm going to summon the monster card 'Phantom Lancer'! Come out, little devil of hell, Phantom Gunslinger!"

[Phantom Lancer, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1100, defense: 800, effect: This card can only be activated when summoning or reverse summoning is successful. Special Summon "Gancer Tokens" (Demon Type, Dark, 4 Stars, Attack/Defense 500) up to the number of monsters you control on your field, and give them to your opponent as "Gancer" monsters on your field. Quantity × 300 damage. The turn this effect is activated, your "Gunner" monster cannot declare an attack. 】

Following the call of Tairiang Tianyin, a hell ghost with a rocket launcher on its body appeared on her field, and then, it split into two bright red ghosts!

"Based on the monster effect of 'Phantom Lancer', special summon the number of "Gunancer tokens" on the field as many as the monsters other than this card. Each "Gunner" will give you 300 points of damage! "

Tairiang Tianyin pointed his hand behind him and slowly raised the corners of his mouth: "I have two monsters, Uriah and Harmon, on the field, so I can specially summon two 'Gunner Creatures' and deal with your HP. Cause 900 points of damage..." At this point, Tairiang Tianyin's face suddenly turned cold, and he shouted sternly: "Take the trick, Suoke!!!"

With an order, three consecutive rockets exploded directly on Sok!

After the smoke dispersed, Sok's health dropped directly from 2000 to 1100!

This is already a very dangerous value!

Suok patted his shoulder and sneered: "Hmph... the strength of your attack is too weak, it just raised a little dust... Come on, use harder, let me see your backbone, DANKNESS!"

"Hey, feel free to be arrogant, you won't be able to laugh anymore soon!"

Tairiang Tianyin reached out and pulled out the "Phantom Lancer" on the duel plate, sent it to the graveyard, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Finally, I will send the three demon-type monsters on the field to the graveyard, and special summon the last phantom demon——' Phantom Demon King Rabiel'!"

[Phantom Demon Emperor Rabiel, 10 stars, dark attribute, attack: 4000, defense: 4000, effect: This card cannot be normally summoned. It can only be Special Summoned by sacrificing 3 Demon monsters on your field. Every time your opponent summons or special summons a monster, special summon 1 "Phantom Token" (Demon Type, Dark, 1 Star, Attack/Defense 1000) on your field. These tokens cannot declare attacks. Once per turn, you can sacrifice any number of monsters you control. Until the end of this turn, the attack power of this card is increased by the total attack power of the sacrificed monsters. 】

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