Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 219 Three Phantom Demons Gather (Ten Thousand Rewards and Additional Updates)

The bodies of the three Phantom Lancers immediately shattered, turning into black smoke and rising up!

Immediately afterwards, the smoke dispersed, and finally the phantom revealed its true form!

When the three phantom demons gathered together, endless white light immediately spread out from their bodies, and then countless souls shining with white light poured into the bodies of the three phantom demons from all over the world!

Its extremely huge life energy made the three phantom demons look up to the sky and let out a deafening roar!

"what happened!?"

"what is that?"

The people watching below looked at the stars in the sky in surprise, not knowing what was going on.

As a girl, Shizuka looked at those flickering light spots with a smile on her face: "...so beautiful."

Next to her, Peacock Dance looked at these light spots. Her intuition as a duelist made her frown slightly: "Although it is indeed beautiful, but... why can I feel sadness and pain from these light spots..."

Of course Suok knew what was going on. He looked at Tairian Tianyin with cold eyes and said slowly: "Is this your purpose, woman? Use the power of the three phantom demons to absorb the souls of all duel monsters in the world, and then cure them." The injuries you suffered from me and the dark energy that enhanced your own... Hum, your calculation is good, I should praise you!" At this point, Suoke turned to the people below and shouted: "Don't you understand? The Duel Monster is going to die, take out your own deck and see for yourself!"

What! ?

As soon as these words came out, everyone below was stunned!

Kaiba, Jonouchi, Yugi, Peacock Dance, everyone present who had cards took out their decks!

But a scene that stunned them appeared!

The originally bright monster paintings on the card have now gradually lost their color!

Whether it's a Chaos Warrior or a Blue-Eyed White Dragon!

No card can be spared except the God Card!

Peacock Dance held her deck in horror: "How is that possible, my Amazon warriors!"

Kaiba also looked at the "Blue Eyes White Dragon" that had turned into a blank in his hand. He was filled with anger and his whole body was trembling with anger: "Blue Eyes White Dragon... unforgivable!"

Muto Yugi, who can see spirits, even witnessed the spirit of the "Dark Magician Girl" card sitting weakly on the ground. It no longer had the youthful vitality of the past, and gradually became old and ugly!

Noticing Yugi's gaze, the already old black magician girl covered her face in pain and said weakly: "No... don't look anymore... I don't want the prince to see me like I am now..."

Only then did they discover that those light spots were floating out of everyone's deck!

"Tairiang Tianyin!!!"

Muto Yugi's golden eyes suddenly lit up on his forehead, and he glared at Tairiang Tianyin with the majesty of a king: "What on earth did you do!?"

"Hmph, hum...happy, happy, so happy!!!"

Tapirang Tianyin stuck out his tongue, showing a distorted expression as if he had been spoiled. The sick girl said with a cruel smile: "The life energy of all the elves in the world has now been absorbed into my body! I can feel that my body has healed. , my power is unprecedentedly powerful! Hahaha..." Having said this, Tairiang Tianyin suddenly pointed at Suoke in an aggressive manner, and even his voice was distorted and laughed wildly: "Sock! Did you see it? I have become so powerful! No one in this world can be my opponent anymore! No one can do it, not even you!!!"

"Not only duel monsters, I will absorb all the lives of all creatures in this world to become the nourishment of my darkness!"

"Everything will return to the original darkness! Hahaha!!"

By the end of the laugh, his voice was hoarse, but Tapirang Tianyin seemed to be unaware of it. He desperately tore at his own skin and flesh with his hands, and then healed in an instant.

Everyone below looked at it with horror. Even the Pharaoh was a little stunned for a moment and didn't know what to do now.

The harsh grin echoed in the endless sky, and Suok sighed slightly.

"Oh...another fucking lunatic..."

Clapping his hands, Suoke grabbed a brick from nowhere and walked towards the opposite side, Tairang Tianyin. As he walked, he muttered to himself as if with emotion: "I really don't understand how stupid you guys are. The Three Illusion Gods are here. How dare you let the Three Illusion Demons show themselves to you... Let's forget it. You still dare to show off in front of me... Didn't you see what the Sun God was like when I beat him up? ?”

Tapirang Tianyin's laughter suddenly stopped. When he saw Suoke walking towards him, he stepped back unconsciously and said in a panic: "I...I'm not afraid of you anymore. You...what do you want to do?"

Suoke shook the brick in his hand, raised his eyebrows and nodded: "Think! How about it, is it direct enough?"

"... Shameless!"

Tapirang Tianyin finally figured out the meaning of Suo Ke's words, and all the hatred for Suo Ke suddenly surged into his heart!

Hatred made her lose her mind. She raised her hand and sent out a violent black light shock wave, roaring: "Go to hell! Sok!!!"

The crushing energy impact spurted out like a bursting embankment, directly burning the air and roaring towards Sok with a pungent smell of burning smell!

But Suoke didn't dodge, with a slight sneer on his lips, and he rushed towards Tapirian Tianyin's black light impact stream without hesitation!

Unaffected by this impact flow full of destructive energy, Suok's progress did not stop at all!

The slight pain can only make him more motivated to fight!

Finally, come to the end!

Suoke suddenly stretched out his hand, and his right arm protruded from the black light shock stream and directly pinched Tairian Tianyin's neck!

The shock wave stopped suddenly!

Time seems to have stopped!

The wall of phantom energy covering Tairang Tianyin's body shattered instantly, and he was hit hard to the ground by Suok like a poor worm. His head smashed a big hole in the reinforced concrete duel tower!

At this time, Tairiang Tianyin finally regained his senses and once again remembered the fear of being dominated by Suok!

Tapirang Tianyin's voice trembled as he begged desperately: "No... don't..."



Suoke raised the brick and hit Tairang Tianyin hard on the face without any mercy at all because she was a girl or because she was beautiful!

The muffled sounds of "Bang!" and "Bang!" made even Jonouchi and the others below feel horrified.

Muto Yugi suddenly felt that his anger was gone. He wanted to step forward but was afraid to say softly to Suok: "Well... I... I have forgiven her... Let's deal with those three phantoms first... …”


Suok turned his head in displeasure and said angrily to Muto Yugi: "I hit her because she was just showing off in front of me, and I wasn't helping you vent your anger! If you dare to be nagging again, I'll kill you, a dwarf who wears underwear to increase your height." Fight together!"

Muto Yugi immediately covered his mouth and did not dare to speak anymore.

Otherwise, the girl is soft-hearted.

Seeing Tairiang Tianyin being beaten to a bloody pulp by Suok with a brick, the little penguin couldn't bear it anymore.

Pulling Sock's collar, the little penguin whispered softly: "Dear... this little sister is so pitiful... Wouldn't it be bad if you hit her like this? And the brick in your hand..."

Suok was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said: "Since you are pleading for her, madam, then I will spare her life..."

"No, no, I mean..."

The little penguin waved his hands repeatedly, and with a swipe, he took out a two- or three-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd from behind his small body and stuffed it into Suoke's hand. His cute little face was full of expectation and he said: "What's in your hand?" Is that brick a little too small? My dear, use this to chop her, it’s so powerful!”


Suoke looked at Fang Tian's painted halberd, which was flashing with cold light and weighed several hundred kilograms. He smiled dryly and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth: "Why bother women..."

The ten thousand rewards from creation will be updated tomorrow.

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