Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 220 Rampage Summoning

After stabbing Tapirang Tianyin twice with Fang Tian Hua Ji, Suoke patted his butt and returned to his position and shouted to the other side: "Hey! Can you still get up? If you can't get up, this duel will be over." I won!"

Everyone below was sweating profusely, secretly asking, "How can you get up after being stabbed twice and continue playing cards like a normal person?"

But with the energy of the three phantoms used for healing, Tapiriang Tianyin actually got up staggeringly!

Not only did he get up, he also continued playing cards as if nothing had happened.

Everyone down there was shocked. Your stomach is still bleeding. Does it really matter if you try so hard?


Wiping the blood stains on his face from being slapped with bricks, Tairiang Tianyin gritted his teeth and looked at Suok, saying hatefully: "You are such a lunatic... You actually brought a knife to a duel..."

"What did you say?"

Sok was unhappy at the time and said angrily: "You are insulting my status as a duelist!... How could I only carry a knife!?" After that, Sok clicked twice and came from behind. He took out a Tiger tank and put it on the ground, and even the entire duel tower seemed to be shaking.

"Tiger tank, weighing 56 tons, Maybach 12-cylinder engine, power 700 horsepower!"

Suoke proudly said to Tapirang Tianyin: "Although this thing can't kill you, I have more than a thousand cannonballs. If you dare to attack again, I have plenty of time to give you these more than a thousand cannonballs." Finish them all!"

Damn it!

The audience below was shocked!

How do you hide this thing behind your back?

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder also dragged his chin with his small arms and murmured: "More than a thousand cannons... this will take three or four years at the earliest..."

"Then let's start the duel again!"

Sock pointed to the "Martyrs Rescue Team" on his field and shouted: "Because you specially summoned 'Phantom Demon Emperor Rabiel', the effect of this permanent trap card is also activated at the same time. I can then use the card from my hand or Special summon monsters with 'Martyr' in their name from the graveyard!"

A card popped up from the graveyard. Sok reached out and inserted the card into the duel disk and shouted: "Then, I want to summon this monster! Come out, "Martyr Leader"!"

[Martyr·Kui Shou Suo, 10 stars, dark attribute, attack:? ? ? ? ,Shou:? ? ? ? , Effect: The attack power and defense power of this card are always 300 points higher than the monster with the highest attack power on the opponent's field. 】

A huge orange six-pointed star pattern lit up, and a dark blue magic dragon with an Eastern dragon body and Western dragon wings rushed out, circled in the sky three times, and landed on the Sok field!

Martyr: Chief Dragon, Attack: 4300

Sok raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "It's a pity, because the attack power of "Martyr Leader" is follow-up, so unless the opponent's monster's attack power is below 200, the effect of "Oliha Gang's Barrier" cannot be Appear... But it doesn't matter, it's just 500 points of attack power, just consider it as a first-seven gift to you... Then, I will use 'Martyr: Chief Shou' in attack mode together with 'Martyr - Soul Eater' Put it in front!"

Tapirang Tianyin was stunned: "Front position? What do you mean?"

"Humph, with the effect of 'Oliha Gang's Barrier', I can summon monsters in the magic trap area, which is called the back position, and the monster card area is called the front position. If there is a monster in the front position, then you You can't attack the monster behind me..."

Suok sneered ferociously: "Now what I place in the front position are the 'Martyr Soul Eater' that can never be killed and the undefeated dragon 'Martyr Leader' whose attack power is always 300 points higher than the opponent's monster. Damn! As long as they are in front of me, I can say that I am in an invincible position! And not only that... because I specially summoned the monster, your Phantom Emperor's special ability is also forced to activate at the same time!"


Tapirang Tianyin looked at the "Phantom Demon Derivatives" specially summoned by the Phantom Emperor on his field in shock, and said in a voiceless voice: "Oops! Could it be that you specially summoned the 'Martyr Masked Phantom' just for this purpose? King!?"


A card popped up in the graveyard again, and Sok took it out and inserted it into the magic trap area: "I special summon 'Martyr, Magical Lord' in the back position!"

[Martyr·Magic Lord, 10 stars, attack: 1200, defense: 3400, effect: once per turn, declare the race or attribute of the monster to activate, check the opponent's deck, and exclude all cards of the same race or attribute to Outside the game. 】

With the special summons of the "Martyr, Magical Lord", the Phantom Demon Emperor once again gave birth to cubs.

Sock sneered and drew another card from the graveyard and inserted it into the magic trap area: "Then, I will once again special summon 'Martyr·Regional Pioneer Shili' from the graveyard!"

[Martyr·Regional Pioneer Li, 3 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 1500, effect: once per round, our magic trap card area will permanently increase by 1 space. 】

This time, because there was not enough space for Tapiriang Tianyin, the Phantom Emperor finally stopped giving birth.

But Sok has gathered six monsters on the field, and he still has no intention of stopping!

Tairiang Tianyin shouted angrily: "Wait a minute! I no longer have special summon monsters, why do you continue to resurrect your martyrs from the graveyard!?"

"Oh? Did you forget..."

Suok sneered twice and said: "You have two special summons this round. Have you forgotten?"

Only then did Taixiang Tianyin suddenly remember that he had just summoned two "Phantom Spearman derivatives" in order to summon the Phantom Demon Emperor!

"It seems that you have already remembered it, so I will continue without any politeness, huh..."

Sok drew two more cards from the graveyard, shot them into the monster area, and shouted sternly: "Come out, 'Martyrs Servants of the Hell God' and 'Martyrs Fallen Elves'! Take a good look at my army of martyrs, Tapirang Tianyin! Hahaha..."

[Martyr·Servant of the Hell God, 8 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2600, defense: 2300, the effect is that this card will not be destroyed by battle, and the battle damage received is 0. This card can be used as a sacrifice, from the deck Ignoring the summoning conditions, I specially summoned 'Martyr Hell God' to enter the field. During the round when this effect is used, I cannot declare an attack. 】

[Martyr·Fallen Elf, 7 stars, light attribute, attack: 2700, defense: 1500, effect: The effects of monsters fighting this card are invalidated. 】

Martyr·Servant of Hell God, Attack: 2600→3100

Martyr·Fallen Elf, Attack: 2700→3200

The overwhelming number of martyrs almost covered the entire sky!

The will of the martyrs protects them from the influence of the phantom demon absorbing life force, and not only that, because of their existence, Taixiang Tianyin clearly feels that the speed of absorbing life force has suddenly slowed down. If he is hurt now, he will no longer be able to survive. Maybe I can recover as easily as before!



Tairiang Tianyin was so excited that his whole body was trembling, and he laughed morbidly: "You made a mistake, Sok! Not only did you put the newly summoned monster in the front position, but you also did it in attack position! No matter how many monsters you have on the field, No matter what, as long as I attack them, I will win this duel!"


Jonouchi below was stunned and said in confusion: "But doesn't the monster with the highest attack power on the field of Tapirang Tenyin only have 4,000 points? It can't wipe out all of Sok's health points at once?"

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