Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 222 Exchange (10,000 rewards plus more updates)

Everyone below was so frightened that they quickly looked away, fearing that Suoke would be displeased and go on a killing spree.

The three phantom demons have all been eliminated, and the fluorescent light in the sky gradually disappeared.

Its extraction of life energy from the elves finally stopped.

But those monsters whose life energy has been sucked away can only return to the cards where they reside until Tairiang Tianyin is completely defeated.

Jonouchi quietly asked Yugi: "Hey, Yugi... Now it seems that Sok has already won, right? He will definitely win, right?"

An Yugi was stunned, looked at Jonouchi curiously and said, "I thought you hated him, Jonouchi-kun."

"It's true that I don't like him..."

Jonouchi scratched his head and said with a smile: "But in comparison, that girl is more dangerous... and Sock also saved Honda and Shizuka. If he didn't show up, I don't know what Malik's bastards would Did you do anything excessive to Shizuka...I owe him a favor..."


Muto Yugi sighed: "He is a very complicated person. I think maybe he should not be defined as good or bad... At present, it seems that the Sok Field is full of terrifyingly tyrannical martyrs, regardless of attack It’s still defense, everything is perfect, even if I were replaced by Tapirang Tianyin, I would definitely be close to despair..."


"There is still a chance of victory!"

Muto Yugi said solemnly: "That's how this game is. As long as there are still health points left and as long as you can still draw cards, everything is possible! The duel between them stakes their lives. In a desperate situation, maybe Tairide Tianyin will draw the reversal card that awakens the miracle because of her strong desire to win!"

Jonouchi was shocked and said: "Oh!? Now that we have reached this point, is it possible for that woman to make a comeback?"

Muto Yugi nodded seriously: "Theoretically, that's true, but if she really comes back and wins, I'm afraid her life will be in danger..."

"Okay, my turn is over!"

Suok stretched out his hand to recall the martyrs who were beating Tairian Tianyin, and said in a condescending and cold voice like a victor: "To be honest, you have disappointed me a little. I don't know whether it is you who are too weak, or the three phantom demons who are too weak." , you didn’t bring me a sense of urgency or satisfaction in the duel at all... I said that you are also the final BOSS of the second part, so you can be easily killed by me here, isn’t it a bit too embarrassing?”

"Hey, you bastard, it's easy to say..."

Tapirang Tianyin dragged his scarred body to stand up from the ground, holding his stomach and said with difficulty: "Obviously because every card you use is ridiculously strong, but now you are making sarcastic remarks..." Halfway through, Tapiron said Liang Tianyin spat out bloody saliva, wiped his mouth, and gritted his teeth unwillingly: "If we swap decks, you will definitely not be my opponent... for sure!"

"Ah, indeed..."

Sok nodded in agreement: "If there were no cartoon world and Thousand Eyes Naji God, Bekas would not be so difficult. If there were no Time Magician, Jonouchi would not win the true red-eyed black dragon from Ryuzaki. If there were not Brainwashing, the game can’t even get the first Illusion God..."

"If, if, where do so many ifs come from?"

Suok sneered and looked at Tairiang Tianyin opposite: "Since the matter is a foregone conclusion, then don't think about others not using a certain card or being merciful to you. What you should consider is how to strengthen your deck. , how to seize the loopholes in the opponent's deck and kill it with one strike! Although my martyrs are strong, they are not invulnerable. My Tianshen Dang seems to be unsolvable, but there is still the risk that it may be exploited by the opponent! ... It's really ridiculous, DANKNESS, I thought that as a BOSS, you had some backbone, but I didn't expect that you are just a trash who only complains about others!"

"Stand up for me, DANKNESS!"

Suoke's face darkened and he shouted angrily: "Don't you still have one more round? Let me see your backbone!"


Tapirang Tianyin's body, which he was struggling to support, suddenly burst out with an astonishing burst of courage!

Pressing the duel plate with one hand, Tairiang Tianyin roared: "You asked for this, Sok! It's my turn, draw!!! Card!!!"

As if he had exhausted all his strength, the card was fiercely pulled out from the duel plate, as if a flash of light flashed through the dark night, even tearing the air apart!

Without even looking at it, Tairiang Tianyin inserted the card into the duel plate with a ferocious look on his face, his voice suddenly distorted, and he roared at the top of his lungs: "The sustainable magic 'Magic Sanctuary' is activated!"

[Magic Sanctuary, Continuous Magic Card, Effect: After this card is successfully activated, both parties select a magic card from the deck and add it to their hands. Only when this card is on the field, both parties can activate the magic covering the field during the opponent's turn. Card. 】

Tairiang Tianyin pointed at Suok and shouted: "Based on the effect of this card, both parties can choose any magic card from the deck to add to their hands. Come on, Suok! Choose the magic card you want and add it to your hand. Let’s play cards!”

Suoke was stunned, and suddenly understood what Tapirang Tianyin was thinking!

So that's it, this is the ultimate move she used to deal with her own God!

Humph, interesting!


Sok pretended that he didn't notice anything, and took out "Oliha Gang Tenshendang" from the deck and added it to his hand: "In my case, of course I would choose this sure-kill card - 'Oliha Gang. ·Tian Shen Dang'!"


Next, Muto Yugi was shocked and lost his voice: "Sock was fooled!"


Tairiang Tianyin hugged his forehead, laughing and crying at the same time, and his voice kept switching, as if he was crazy: "Sock! You chose, and you actually chose! Hahaha... I thought that again There is no possibility of a comeback, I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to bury yourself in the abyss of defeat!”

Suoke looked as usual: "Oh? You seem very happy?"

"I can defeat you in the next second, shouldn't I be happy?"

Tairiang Tianyin stuck out his long and narrow tongue, and kept making cold "hissing" sounds like a cobra. The blue veins on his face protruded, and he said in the most morbid way: "The card I want to choose is the magic card 'Notes Exchange' ! The name of this card says it all, I believe there is no need for me to explain the effect to you, Sok... Sir! Hahaha..."

[Note exchange, magic card, effect: Reveal hand cards to each other, and choose 1 card from each other's hand. The selected card is added to your hand and can be used in this duel. (If sent to the cemetery, it will be returned to the original owner's cemetery)】


Everything is as expected by Muto Yugi!

Tairiang Tianyin's purpose is to capture Sok's "Oliha Gang Tenjin Dang", and then use that card to counter Sok's Martyr deck!

Thousands of rewards are added to the creation of the world, and I am almost exhausted——

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