Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 223 Don’t lie to me

"I have no cards in my hand, so you get nothing!"

Tapirang Tianyin's pupils shrank to a point, and the sick girl said with a cruel smile: "But I...can get the 'Oliha Gang Tianshen Dang' in your hand!" After saying that, Tapirang Tianyin stretched out his hand towards Suoke: " Okay, hurry up and hand over your 'Oliha Gang Tenjin Dang' to me! I can't wait to try the terrifying power of this card, hahaha..."

"You want this?"

Suoke opened the "Oliha Gang·Tian Shendang" in his hand and shook it, then suddenly smiled: "I won't give it!"


Tapirang Tianyin was anxious at that time!

This is already the last chance. If you can't get "Oliha Gang Tenshendang", you will definitely lose!

If he loses, might this guy Suoke let him go? ?

Fear overwhelmed his mind for a moment, and Tairiang Tianyin actually stepped forward in two steps to snatch the "Oliha Gang Ten Shendang" from Sok's hand!

The result was obvious. Suoke kicked her to the ground with one kick, and then stepped on her back with his foot, making her unable to move.

After pausing, Suoke played with "Oliha Gang Tianshen Dang" in his hand, and with a smile but cold eyes, he said to Yuliang Tianyin: "Always remember it, DANKNESS, what I give you is It's yours, I won't give it to you, you can't snatch it!... Were you thinking just now that if you lose, I won't let you go? Humph... You are really stupid. If you lose, you may still have a chance to survive. , if you really win, then today next year will definitely be your memorial day..."


After all, Tairiang Tianyin is also the overlord of the dark world. Now that she has been humiliated by Suok again and again, her brain can no longer suppress her own emotions: "Sok! You despicable villain! I obviously won, but you Use force to coerce me! I am not convinced, you should be disqualified!"


Sock smiled and punched Tairiang Tianyin's head into the reinforced concrete floor first, then turned to Isono and asked loudly: "Hey! Mustache! Did you see me hit her!?"

Isono nodded fearfully: "I...I saw it..."

"Okay! Then I'll punch her again!"

Without saying a word, Suoke hit Tapirang Tianyin hard on the back of her head, then grabbed her by the neck, pulled her out, and threw her to the ground.

Looking at Tapirang Tianyin who looked at him with an extremely resentful look, Suoke raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't look at me like that, everyone is a monster in the dark world. Since you are risking your life, you should follow the basic laws of the dark world. Speak - whoever is more powerful has the final say. You are also a despicable monster. Now you come to talk to me about fairness. Isn't it ridiculous, DANKNESS?"

"indeed so……"

The resentful expression on Tairiang Tianyin's face slowly disappeared, and her pretty face was filled with weakness and helplessness: "The strong is the king, I have nothing to say...but can I beg you to spare my life? In return, From now on, I will follow you and fight for you in the underworld and the real world... Even if you want to possess the body I am using now, it doesn't matter. As long as you want it, I can give you everything..."

That soft voice begging for mercy made people feel as if their hearts were melted.

Suok glanced up and down at the body of Tapir Liang Tianyin, which was already quite mature even though it was immature, and said overjoyed: "Oh? Really? If you lie, you will be skinned, cramped, and tongue pulled out!"

A good life-and-death duel suddenly turned into a pampering scene, and one by one in the audience were all speechless.

Kyoko blushed and said "poof" towards Sok.

But Peacock Wu didn't know why, and suddenly he remembered the time when he and Suoke were on a cruise together, when he hung himself in the sky and flew a kite...

"Don't worry, we people in the dark world are all true-hearted, different from the hypocrites in the god world. You can trust me..."

Tairiang Tianyin stood up unsteadily, pulled open his shirt, and tried his best to show off the charm of his body.

He leaned over and knelt down on one knee towards Suoke, with the round and plump Opai looming on his chest. Tapirang Tianyin said tenderly: "I will obey your orders in everything from now on... However, I still have one wish. , I wonder if Master Suoke..."

"Needless to say, you want to have sex with the gods, right?"

The sneer at the corner of Suoke's mouth flashed away, and he let go of his right hand. "Oliha Gang Tian Shendang" had already fallen down: "Then, here you go, take it!"

A triumphant smile immediately flashed across the corner of Tairiang Tianyin's eyes, and she snatched "Oliha Gang Tianshendang" away as fast as she could. Her beautiful face instantly became distorted and ferocious, and she continued to laugh wildly: " Hahaha! I didn’t expect that the great evil god of the underworld would be deceived by beauty, how stupid! I won this game! The quick-attack magic 'Oliha Gang Tenshendang' was activated..."

Suoke glared and said with a ferocious smile: "I'll let you start it!"

Suddenly, Tairiang Tianyin felt his hand suddenly sink!

The card that was so light just now suddenly became irresistibly heavy in an instant!

By accident, Tairiang Tianyin's right hand was directly pressed hard to the cement floor by "Oliha Gang Tenshen Dang", making a roar like a tank colliding!


After a scream, Tapirang Tianyin pulled out his right hand from under the card with a pale face!

Looking at his bloody and trembling right hand, Taixiang Tianyin said in horror: "This... this is impossible! How could I be crushed by a small card!? My body is so indestructible, my The dark power is so powerful..."

"Hmph, what's impossible?"

Suoke bent down and easily took the "Oliha Gang Tian Shendang" on the ground back into his hand, and said slowly: "No matter how powerful you are in the two-dimensional world, there is no way you can carry the three-dimensional world." The weight...DANKNESS, you want to use my Tianshendang to deal with me, you are not qualified yet!" At this point, Suoke once again pinched Tairang Tianyin's slender neck, and sneered: "Okay, continue Come down, it’s time for us to talk about what you lied to me about..."

Before he finished speaking, Suoke suddenly tightened his right hand on Tairang Tianyin's neck and shouted: "Come out here!"

With a tug and a tug, Suok pulled out a six-winged sheep-headed demon wearing a black cloak directly from Tairian Tianyin's body!

That is the true form of DANKNESS in the underworld!


DANKNESS struggled desperately in fear: "Let me go! Please let me go, I already know I was wrong, Lord Evil God! Please forgive me!"

"If you tell a lie, you will be skinned, cramped, and tongue pulled out. I always keep my word..."

The sneer of Suoke Moth became even colder: "But you have neither skin nor tongue, so it seems that I have no choice but to let you taste the pain of being burned!"

"Take the trick! Sok Flame!!!"

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