Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 225 God-given Treasure Card

Sok Nenufa, LP: 4000

Muto Yugi, LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Muto Yugi took the initiative at an extremely fast speed, pulled out a card from the deck, and after taking a look, he raised his head and looked at Sok with an extremely serious look, and said slowly: "Sock... ...You are the strongest duelist I have ever seen... Even if you don’t use cheating methods, you are definitely the strongest! So to face you, I must release all my power to fight you to the death!"

A whirlpool suddenly formed between the two of them, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became solemn and sacred!

Suoke said "Huh?" and thought to himself: Could it be that the Pharaoh is going to... in the first round?

"Activate the magic card 'Pot of Desire'!"

Muto Yugi suddenly inserted the card he had just drawn into the duel disk, and shouted solemnly: "Eradicate its effect, I can draw two more cards from the deck!"

After drawing two cards into his hand, Yugi took a look, his fighting spirit became more and more high, and he once again selected a card to activate: "Then, the magic card 'Angel's Alms' is activated! The effect of this card is, I can draw three cards from the deck and discard two!”

[Angel's Alms, Magic Card, Effect: Draw three cards from the deck, then discard two cards in your hand. 】

After drawing three more cards, Muto Yugi's eyes obviously shrank slightly, but he immediately threw the two cards into the graveyard with a normal expression, slapped the remaining card on the duel plate, and shouted: "Because The monster card 'Cotton Ball' is added to our hand by the magic card 'Angel's Alms', so I can Special Summon it on the field! Come out, Cotton Ball!"

[Cotton ball, 1 star, light attribute, attack: 200, defense: 300, effect: If this card is added to your hand from your deck by the effect of a magic, trap, or effect monster, this card can be on your field. Special summons. 】

A soft, furry monster with two tentacles came to the game field with a "bang" and made a cute "baby bang" sound.

Obviously the cotton balls looked harmless to humans and animals, but Suoke suddenly felt alarmed!

This familiar routine, the next step should be...

"The magic card 'Value Increase' is activated!"

Muto Yugi suddenly inserted another magic card into the duel plate and shouted sternly: "The effect of this card is to split the 1-star monster on our field with an attack power of less than 500 into three! Then, I will split these three The body monster was offered as a sacrifice..."

The soft and cute cotton balls split into three with a "bang", but before they settled down, their white bodies immediately turned into dots of red light and rose into the sky!

In an instant, dark clouds swept across, lightning and thunder!

"Come, God!"

Muto Yugi raised the red card held between the index and middle fingers of his right hand high, and his momentum reached its peak in an instant: "The Sky Dragon of Osiris!!!"

The chaotic black mist rolled up the thunder clouds, and among them, the figure of a crimson dragon appeared looming!

God has arrived!

The huge red body of the sky dragon wrapped around the Pharaoh, roaring out a sacred and majestic dragon cry!

"The Sky Dragon of Osiris..."

Muto Yugi commanded the Phantom God with the heroic appearance of a pharaoh, and said with great courage: "Its attack power is determined by the number of cards in my hand. Every card in my hand can increase its attack power by a thousand points. Now I have 4 cards in my hand, so its attack power naturally becomes... 4000!"

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack: 0→4000

Jonouchi, who was watching the battle below, couldn't help but cheer loudly: "Well done, Yugi!"

Kaiba folded his hands on his chest, with a gloomy face and said nothing.

In the first round, the "Sky Dragon of Osiris" with an attack power of 4000 was summoned. If you want to defeat it, you must summon a monster with an attack power of more than 6000!

Lower-level monsters will be destroyed by Osiris's special ability "Thunder Summoning Bullet" almost every time they appear, and they cannot even function as a barrier.

And the Phantom God's innate resistance is destined to prevent it from being defeated by magic, traps, and monster effects!

In a normal game, no matter who it is, it can be said that in this situation, it is inevitable to lose, but... with the strength of the Sok Martyr deck, maybe there is a possibility to break through this desperate situation!

"Well done, Pharaoh."

Facing the pressure of the Phantom God, Suoke smiled and applauded without changing his expression: "The weight of the Phantom God is very heavy. Even if it is Malik or Kaiba, it is already the limit to control a Phantom God... But you are completely Harness the power of the phantom gods and turn their weight on the player into a powerful weapon to destroy the enemy... The sword in your hand has become sharper, and even I feel a little headache, hum..."

"No, this is far from my limit, Sock!"

As soon as Muto Yugi finished saying this, he made a decision that surprised everyone - he actually put three hand cards on the field!

"The Sky Dragon of Osiris" became extremely weak in an instant, and its attack power dropped directly to 1,000 points!

Even Trojan noticed something was wrong at the scene and asked Kaiba in a low voice: "Brother... Yugi, what on earth is he thinking about? Although he has a fantasy god on the field, is it too much to leave only one card in his hand like this?" Is it dangerous?”

"The 'Sky Dragon of Aulisis' has the special effect of reducing the opponent's attack or defense by 2000 points. What he does is not a mistake for ordinary duelists..."

Kaiba said solemnly: "But now he is facing off against Sok! The martyrs in his deck have terrible single-target strength. Others may not be able to do it, but he wants to summon those with an attack power of more than 3,000 in one round. Monsters are too easy!”

"Muto Game..."

Having said this, Kaiba gritted his teeth and said, "Am I looking down on you..."

No one understood Yugi's decision to leave only one card in his hand, but Suoke's eyes widened, remembering what he thought when he saw the "God-given Treasure Card" for the first time...

I used up all the cards in the first round, and then activated this card to get six cards for nothing. Isn’t it flattering?

Muto Yugi wouldn't do such a shameless thing...!

According to Murphy's Law, the less you want something to happen, the more likely it is to happen, so...

"Activate the last magic card in my hand!"

Muto Yugi slowly turned over the last card in his hand, looked at Suok solemnly, and said word by word: "God-given treasure card!"

[God-given treasure card, magic card, effect: Both sides draw six cards from their hands. 】

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!


The most shameless dirty card routine!

In the original book, the Pharaoh, who had never done anything like this in his life, actually used such a dirty trick to deal with himself. Will he prepare to use the underworld's celestial wheel to pull the light of the creator god later?


Suoke looked at his hand of cards gloomily, gritted his teeth and said to himself: "You are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust, it's just a dirty card, no one will do the same!"

"Based on the effect of this card, both of us will add six cards in our hands!"

Muto Yugi drew six cards from the deck and added them to his hand: "I drew six cards from the deck!"

Suoke looked ugly and said: "...I will draw one."

"This is the limit of what I can do, Sok..."

After a series of operations, Muto Yugi took a deep breath and said slowly: "End the round!"

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