Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 226 Osiris is a good teammate

"Then, my turn, draw a card!"

Sock forcefully pulled out a card from the deck, drew an arc, inserted a card from his hand into the duel disk, and shouted sternly: "Activate the magic card 'Gift of the Martyrs'! According to the effect of this card, I can put any number of cards in my hand into the deck, and then draw the number of cards multiplied by 2!"

[Gift of the Martyr, Magic Card, Effect: Put any number of cards in your hand into the deck, shuffle them, and draw out the number of cards multiplied by 2. 】

"I have six cards in my hand..."

Sock sneered and took out the card deck from the duel plate, put the six cards in his hand, cut and shuffled them, and inserted them back into the duel plate: "So, I can draw 12 cards! ... What a pity, Pharaoh King , it was a rare card gap that you opened up, and now we are back on the same starting line..."

After pulling out 12 cards from the deck and adding them to his hand, Sok took a look, picked three cards and inserted them into the magic trap area, and then threw all the remaining cards into the graveyard: "I I want to cover three cover cards, then discard all the cards in my hand, and special summon the free aerial warrior sleeping in my deck - 'Martyr Crow Knight'!"

Sneering, he took the "Martyr Black Crow Knight" that popped up from the deck in his hand, and Sock slowly said: "The effect of 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' is that I can remove him from the card by discarding all the cards in my hand. Special summons in the group. According to this effect, each card thrown into the graveyard can increase its attack power by a thousand points! And I... lost nine of them!"


Muto Yugi was shocked: "Then the attack power of 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' will reach 9,000 points. Even if it is reduced by 2,000 points by the thunder bomb of 'Osiris Sky Dragon', it will still have 7,000 points of attack power. Already More than Osiris!"

Cold sweat streamed down his forehead.

Muto Yugi clenched his fists unconsciously.


Suok's strength is terrifying!

"Although I really want to use 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' to kill your sky dragon immediately, but before that, I still have two effects to deal with..."

Sock held "Martyr Black Crow Knight" in his hand. He did not rush to summon it. Instead, he drew two cards from the graveyard, slapped them on the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "When all the cards in my hand were sent to the graveyard, , the effects of these two guys have already been activated! First of all...because there are no monsters on our field and there are monsters on your field, I can special summon 'Martyr Evil Dragon Knight' from the graveyard! "

[Martyr: Evil Dragon Knight, 7 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2400, defense: 1800, effect: This card can only exist in the graveyard. When the opponent has monsters on the field and there are no monsters on our field, this card can be used from Special Summon from the Graveyard. When this card leaves the field, we draw two cards from the deck. 】

“Then, I will special summon ‘Martyr Soul Eater’ from the graveyard in defense position!”

[Martyr Soul Eater, effect: When this card is sent to the graveyard, it can be specially summoned to play with an increased attack power of 1000 points. The increased attack power can be accumulated. 】

An orange hexagram pattern emerged from the ground, and a crimson demon and a skeleton warrior holding a scepter rose from the bottom of the duel tower!

When Muto Yugi saw "Martyr Soul Eater" being specially summoned in defense position, he knew something was wrong!

The seahorse below also widened his eyes for a moment!

Mokuba noticed something strange about Kaiba and asked with concern: "What's wrong, brother?"

“I didn’t expect that the winner would be decided in the first round!”

Kaiba's heart was like a turbulent sea, and he said in disbelief: "Sok's 'Martyr Soul Eating Monster' is a terrifying monster that can be resurrected infinitely and increase its attack power! But what it increases is only its attack power, and its defense power has always been Both are 1300 points and will not change! As long as Thok keeps resurrecting the 'Martyr Soul Eater' in defense position, the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' will continue to fire summoning thunder bombs to destroy him! It won't take long, 'The Martyr' ·The soul-eating monster' will grow into a very terrifying monster with the help of Osiris!"

"Sock, this guy, actually took advantage of the characteristics of God!"

Kaiba looked at the duel field and murmured: "There is no need for the 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' to appear...the winner has been decided!"

Everything was just as Kaiba said. The moment "Martyr Soul Eater" and "Martyr Evil Dragon Rider" appeared on the Sok field, "Osiris Sky Dragon" immediately activated its passive Skill - "Calling Thunder Bullet"!

The attack power of "Martyr Evil Dragon Knight" has been reduced by 2000 to 400.

But "Martyr Soul Eater" has been resurrected in defense mode, constantly dying, constantly reborn, and constantly increasing its attack power!

Attack power: 2400…

Attack power: 3400…

Attack power: 12400…

Attack power: 52400!

If this continues, the attack power of "Martyr Soul Eater" will one day reach infinity.

But obviously Sok didn't waste so much time here, so when the attack power of "Martyr Soul Eater" reached 52,400, he finally resurrected it in attack position!

Osiris's last thunderbolt hit the 'Martyr Soul Eater', reducing its attack power to 50,400.

But there is no doubt about it...

"Tsk, the attack power of a 3-star monster is over 50,000, which makes it a model in the industry..."

Sock sneered and summoned the "Martyr Black Crow Knight" in his hand to the field: "Although the 'Martyr Soul Eater' is not afraid of being destroyed, just in case, I decided to use the 'Martyr Soul Eater' first. Black Crow Knight' comes to kill your 'Sky Dragon of Osiris'..." At this point, Sok suddenly waved his hand and shouted: "Three cover cards are opened! The equipment magic 'Martyr's Exoskeleton Device' is activated! Equipment magic' Activate the Spirit Witch of the Martyr and activate the permanent magic card 'Wheel of the Martyr'!"

[Martyr's exoskeleton device, equipment magic card, effect: It can only be equipped to monsters with 'Martyr' in the name. The equipped monster's attack power and defense power increase by 1000 points. When the equipped monster destroys the opponent's monster, the opponent will be The additional damage equal to the monster's attack power is destroyed, and we recover life points equal to the monster's attack power. When the equipped monster is destroyed, this card is destroyed instead. 】

[Martyr's Spirit Witch, equipped with a magic card, effect: This card can only be equipped to monsters with 'Martyr' in its name. There is no limit to the number of our magic trap areas. The equipped monster is immune to magic and traps twice in one turn. effect. 】

[Wheel of Martyrs, continuous magic card, effect: Once per turn, all monsters with "Martyr" in the name on our field are not affected by the effects of magic and trap cards during our turn. 】

Sok activated so many magic cards at once without announcing the effects. Muto Yugi suddenly fell into a dilemma!

If it is a normal card, the game can use the cards it covers on the field to destroy it in a targeted manner.

But the cards in Sok's deck are basically all unique, and he has never used these cards before!

While hesitating in his heart, the ‘Martyr Black Crow Knight’ with three halo buffs was already in front of him!

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