Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 227 Chestnut Ball

Can't wait any longer!

Yugi's eyes suddenly became extremely determined, and he immediately opened the three cover cards on his field: "Activate the quick-attack magic 'Tornado'! Destroy your 'Martyr's Exoskeleton Device'! Activate the trap card 'Sand Tornado'!" Destroy your 'Wheel of Martyrs'! Activate the trap card 'Holy Shield-Reflector Power'! Destroy all attack-positioned monsters on your field!!!"

[Whirlwind, quick-attack magic card, effect: It can only be activated by targeting 1 magic or trap card on the field. That card is destroyed. 】

[Sand tornado, trap card, effect: It can only be activated by targeting 1 magic/trap card on the opponent's field. That opponent's card is destroyed. After that, you can set up 1 magic/trap card from your hand. 】

"whispering sound!"

Suok secretly spat.

I was actually fooled by this guy!

Originally, I wanted to use words to confuse the Pharaoh, making him think that he was just using the "Martyr Black Crow Knight" to explore the path. The actual purpose was to use the effect of the "Martyr's Exoskeleton Device" to kill the entire game in one go. health, now that the key card has been destroyed, an inadvertent instant kill is no longer possible.

The effect of "Holy Shield-Reflector Power" exploded the "Martyr Evil Dragon Rider" and "Martyr Soul Eater" on the Sok field into powder.

But the "Martyr Black Crow Knight" completely ignored the sacred energy barrier, rushed into the game's battlefield directly against the protective shield, and chopped off the head of the "Sky Dragon of Osiris" with one knife!

The Black Crow Knight landed and turned around, sheathing his sword.

"You are already dead."

Blood was sprinkled on the battlefield, and Osiris was completely wiped out before he even had time to scream!

Muto Yugi, LP: 4000→3000

"Huh, pointless struggle!"

Sok sneered: "The effect of 'Martyr's Spirit Witch' is that the equipped monster is not affected by magic and trap effects twice in one turn. Your sacred protective shield cannot do anything to my Black Crow Knight! ... And Since 'Martyr Evil Dragonrider' has left the field, I can draw two cards from the deck, and 'Martyr Soul Eater' will also be resurrected with increased power!"

Martyr Soul Eater, attack: 50400→51400

"Your field is empty, so the next step is the final blow..."

Sok stretched out his right hand and pointed directly at Yugi Muto. He raised the corner of his mouth and said with a ferocious smile: "'Martyr Soul Eater', launch a direct attack on Yugi Muto! Soul-destroying wave!!!"

In an instant, a dark destructive energy shot out from the scepter of "Martyr Soul Eater" towards Muto Yugi!

At this moment, there is no more card on the Muto game field!

If he takes this full 50,000 points of damage, Muto Yugi will be defeated in an instant!


Jonouchi shouted out Yugi's name, unable to accept the fact that Yugi lost so easily.

No one else thought that there was any way to escape in this desperate situation, but...

"It won't be that simple! It's up to you, Chestnut Ball!"

Muto Yumi threw a card in his hand into the graveyard and shouted in a deep voice: "I discard the 'chestnut ball' from the card in my hand. According to its effect, it can block one damage for me!"

[Chestnut Ball, 1 star, dark attribute, attack: 300, defense: 200, effect: Discard this card from your hand, and the combat damage you receive once is 0. This effect can only be used during the opponent's combat turn. 】

Before he finished speaking, a black fur ball monster immediately appeared in front of Yugi, and rushed towards the soul-killing wave emitted by the "Martyr Soul Eater" as if he was dead.

With a scream of "Crack!", the chestnut ball was blown into powder.

But Muto Yugi’s health remained unscathed!

"Sorry... Chestnut Ball."

Muto Yugi's eyes were a little unbearable, but then he became extremely determined: "I will not let down the counterattack opportunity you created for me by sacrificing your life! ... It's my turn, draw a card!!!"

After pulling out a card from the deck with great momentum, Muto Yugi took a look, and immediately a divine light flashed through!


Muto Yugi shouted sharply, pulled out three cards from his hand and threw them into the graveyard: "Sock, watch carefully. Next, I will call the second phantom god! I will draw 'Magnet Warrior α', Send 1 each of 'Magnet Warrior Beta' and 'Magnet Warrior γ' to the graveyard. Special Summon 'Magnet War God Maknindo Baluchirion' on our side of the field. Come out, Magnet War God, and become the god I call upon. Take the opportunity!"

[Magnet God of War·Maknindo Baruchilion, eight stars, earth attribute, attack: 3500, defense: 3850, effect: This card cannot be normally summoned. You can special summon it by releasing 1 each of "Magnet Warrior α", "Magnet Warrior β" and "Magnet Warrior γ" from your hand or field. Tribute this card and activate it by targeting 1 each of "Magnet Warrior α", "Magnet Warrior β" and "Magnet Warrior γ" in your graveyard. Those monsters are specially summoned. 】

The three-body magnet warrior appeared out of thin air, flew into the air, decomposed, and then recombined!

Three bodies in one.

New warriors have arrived on the battlefield of Muto Games!

Muto Yugi was determined and without hesitation, he pulled out the "Magnetic God of War" on the duel plate and threw it into the cemetery: "Immediately afterwards, I sent the 'Magnetic God of War: Makindo Baruchilion' to the cemetery, and from the cemetery The three-body magnet warrior is specially summoned! Come out, 'Magnet Warrior α', 'Magnet Warrior β', and 'Magnet Warrior γ'!"

At this moment, three sacrifices have been collected on the game field!

Even Trojan couldn't help but said excitedly: "Brother, the game is about to summon gods!"


Kaiba watched the situation on the battlefield intently, but was not as optimistic as Mokuba.

There are still two phantom gods that have not yet appeared, namely "Obelisk's Titan Soldier" and "Sun God's Winged Dragon", but no matter which phantom god appears, it cannot reverse the fate of the game at this moment.

The Sun God was summoned, and he could barely defeat the "Martyr Black Crow Knight", but in the next round he would be killed by the "Martyr Soul Eater" with an attack power of 50,000!

The Divine Phoenix and Divine Fist Crush can destroy all the monsters on Sok's field, but the "Martyr Soul Eater" can never be defeated!

The most we can do is survive for one more round...


Can you make a comeback in this desperate situation? ?

"The three-body magnet warrior is offered as a sacrifice..."

Muto Yugi pulled out a blue card from his hand with his right hand and raised it high, shouting loudly: "Come, Obelisk's Titan Soldier!!!"

The burning wind blew wildly across the earth, and a blue halo suddenly filled the entire sky!

Obelisk, the God of Destruction, has arrived!

Suok was stunned: "It's actually Obelisk's soles of the feet?" (Note: The Japanese pronunciation of the Titan Soldier is similar to the soles of the feet)

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