Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 228 Chaos Warrior-The Messenger of Creation

"It's useless, Yugi!"

Suok said coldly: "The attack power of the Giant God Soldier is only 4000. Unless you can specially summon two more sacrifices to launch the Divine Fist Crush, let alone my Soul Eater, not even you, the Black Crow Knight, can beat!"

"Tired of Wadokana?"

Muto Yugi raised the corners of his mouth, showed a confident smile, and said loudly: "In this round, I will destroy all the monsters on your field, and they will never be able to regenerate!"


Suok raised his eyebrows slightly. Did he draw the Underworld Celestial Wheel in the secret game?

But even if he draws the Heavenly Wheel of Underworld, unless he can pull out the Creator God of Light, he will only have no way out!

Because the Underworld Celestial Wheel can only destroy monsters on the field but cannot remove them, "Martyr Soul Eater" can still be reborn infinitely.

Thinking of this, Sok immediately turned to the little penguin on his shoulder and asked: "Madam, is there any card in the game that can remove monsters on the field?"

The little penguin nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, the original animated card 'Twilight of the Gods', a magic card with divine characters, can even explode the sun god. Are you afraid of it?"

Damn it! ?

Sok was shocked at the time. He didn't expect that there would be such a big explosion in the game deck?

Muto Yugi reached out and took out the "chestnut ball" and "cotton ball" that popped up from the cemetery, and shouted in a deep voice: "The chestnut ball is 'dark', and the cotton ball is 'light'. I want to put the soul of light and darkness in the cemetery Except one for each..."

except! ?

Suoke was stunned and subconsciously thought of the "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End" in his deck.


There should be another one in the game deck...!

"The monster awakened according to this summoning condition is said to be the strongest warrior who can determine the outcome of a duel!"

Yugi suddenly inserted a card in his hand into the duel disk, his body burning with the astonishing courage of a duelist: "Come out, Chaos Warrior - Messenger of the Opening up!!!"

[Chaos Warrior-Emissary of the Opening, 8 stars, light attribute, attack: 3000, defense: 2500, effect: This card cannot be normally summoned. You can special summon 1 light and 1 dark monster in your own graveyard by removing it from the game. Once per turn, you can select 1 of the following effects to activate. 1. Select 1 monster on the field and remove it from the game. The turn this effect is activated, this card cannot attack. 2. If this card's attack destroys the opponent's monster, you can continue to attack only once. 】

The souls of light and darkness were offered, opening the passage between the real world and the chaotic world!

Armored warriors holding sharp blades and shields rushed out of the chaos, and their momentum was as strong as that of gods!

"Coming, Thok!"

Muto Yugi suddenly stretched out his hand, pointed at the "Martyr Soul Eater" on Sok's field and shouted: "The effect of 'Chaos Warrior-Emissary of the Opening' is activated! Once per round, select a monster on the opponent's field to be excluded! Take the move , open up the continuous dance chop!!!"

The frightening red light gathered on the blade in the hands of the Chaos Warrior. The Chaos Warrior raised his hands high and swung the sword down suddenly!

In an instant, even the space was torn apart!

The energy of chaos directly opened the cracks in the different dimension, and an irresistible suction force suddenly burst out from it, sucking the "Martyr Soul Eater" completely in!

The cracks closed and everything was as before.

But the "Martyr Soul Eater" can no longer be reborn!

"The monster that cannot be killed has been banished to the end of another dimension... Sok, what's next is a requiem that will also bury the other monster on your field!"

Muto Yugi inserted the last two cards in his hand into the duel plate and said word by word: "I want to cover a cover card, and then equip the equipment magic 'Sword in the Stone' in the hands of 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ! The effect of 'Sword in the Stone' is that the original attack power of the equipped monster is doubled, so the attack power of 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier'... is 8000!"

[Sword in the Stone, Equip Magic Card, Effect: The original attack power of the equipped monster is doubled. While this card is on the field, you can skip the card drawing phase of your turn. If you draw a card from your deck, this card is destroyed. 】

The blue body gradually turned red and made a "sizzling" sound. The holy sword from the other side gathered stronger energy for the God of Destruction!

Obelisk's Titan Soldier, attack: 4000→8000!


Suok was shocked, looking at the giant divine soldier opposite who seemed to explode if he moved, he thought to himself: "Martyr Black Crow Knight" because of the effect of the sky dragon summoning thunder bombs, the number has changed from 9000 to 7000!

The current Titan Soldier can defeat the Black Crow Knight!

"Take the move, Sock!"

Muto Yugi waved his hand suddenly and roared loudly: "Shock Wave-Excalibur Crush!!!"

"Obelisk's Titan Soldier" stretched out his hand and pulled out the "Sword in the Stone" that dropped from the sky. The energy of the God of Destruction of the Earth was continuously transmitted into the holy sword, and it rushed towards the "Martyr Black Crow Knight" like lightning. "Chop away!"

"Martyr Black Crow Knight" raised his hand unwillingly and counterattacked with his black sword!

But the holy sword strengthened by the power of destruction was already indestructible, and in an instant the "Martyr Black Crow Knight" was split in half with both man and sword!

"Bang bang!" Two crisp sounds.

The broken sword fell to the ground, leaving no bones.

Sok, LP: 4000→3000

"The enemy general is dead and the round is over."

Muto Yugi lowered his hands and slowly closed his eyes: "Since the magic card only has a one-turn effect on gods, the attack power of 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​has now returned to 4000. I have fulfilled my promise. , now it’s your turn, Sock!”

The strong wind blew, and there was nothing on the Sok field, with only two cards left in his hand.

Reversal, done!

The knuckles of Kaiba's hands turned a little white. He didn't expect that Yugi would eliminate two terrifyingly powerful monsters on Sok's field in one round under such unfavorable circumstances.

And not only that, there is now a Chaos Warrior with an attack power of 3000 and a Phantom God with an attack power of 4000 on the game field!

The scene has completely turned to the game!

too strong!

It's really too strong!

Muto Yugi...from now on, I will remember this name!

Immediately afterwards, Kaiba looked at Suok again. He originally expected to see even a trace of panic on Suok's face, but he was disappointed.

Sok was calm and even scary.

"My turn...because the 'Martyr Soul Eater' launched an attack last round, so I can't draw cards..."

Suoke held two cards in his hand and looked at the game opposite him. He narrowed his eyes dangerously and said with a sly smile: "That's really good, nameless Pharaoh! I thought you had reached the end of the road, but I didn't expect you to be here." The reversal was completed in an instant... Hum, well done, it's so beautiful! This is the first time someone can make me feel like I might lose even with this deck in hand..."

"Then, next..."

"Let me see how you deal with the more turbulent terror, hahaha..."

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