Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 229 Oliha Gang·Wing Shenlong

Yugi opened his eyes and said solemnly: "I'm waiting, Sok!"

Sok sneered and inserted a card in his hand into the magic trap area.

"First, I'm going to cover a card..."

Immediately afterwards, Sock slapped the last card in his hand onto the duel plate and said word for word: "Then, here is this card... I pay half of my life points to special summon Oriha Gozo from my hand. One of the phantom gods - come out, 'Olihagang Winged Dragon'!"

Sok, LP: 3000→1500

[Oliha Gang·Wing Shenlong, 10 stars, divine attribute, phantom beast tribe, attack:? ? ? ? ,Shou:? ? ? ? , Effect: You need to use three monsters as sacrifices or pay half of the health points to summon. This card is not affected by magic, traps, and monster effects at any time. The attack power and defense power of this card are the attack power of the monsters in both players' graveyards. In total, the following effects can be activated: 1. Deduct 1 point of the opponent's health, sacrifice the monsters on your field, and add the deducted health and the monster's attack power and defense to the attack power and defense of this card. On defense. 2. Pay 1000 life points to remove two cards from the opponent. 3. This card will not be destroyed. 】

The golden flame soared into the sky behind Sok, burning the entire sky!

In the midst of the sky full of fire, a huge bird burning with blazing divine fire fell down, letting out a shrill phoenix cry!

The divine bird flapped its wings and shook off the flames from its body. What appeared in front of everyone was the phantom god who was almost indistinguishable from the "Winged Dragon of the Sun God" except for the unique Oliha Gang inscription on his forehead - Oli. Ha Gang·Wing Shenlong!

"That's...the Sun God!?"

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the appearance of the Sun God.

I didn't expect that Suoke would draw the strongest phantom god at this time!

Jonouchi was a little confused: "But... why is the Sun God in Sok's hands!?"

"Huh, mediocre!"

Kaiba snorted coldly and said: "There's nothing surprising. As the winner of the duel with Malik, isn't it reasonable for Sok to take away Malik's Sun God?"

"Ah, right!"

Jonouchi slapped his forehead and said with a headache: "I almost forgot about the rules of this game and card gambling... Damn it, game, come on!"

At this time, the wooden horse next to him asked Kaiba curiously: "But brother...why did Suok summon the Sun God without using a sacrifice?"

"That may be the special ability hidden by the Sun God..."

When Kaiba said this, he frowned slightly.

He always felt that this sun god was different from the one summoned by Malik. People could always feel an inexplicable evil aura about this sun god!

Rather than saying he is a phantom god, it would be more appropriate to say he is an evil god.

Is it my own illusion, or...

"No, that's not right!"

Muto Yugi gritted his teeth and looked at the phantom god that suddenly appeared on the Sok field, and said with absolute certainty: "That is not the Sun God! Although it has the same appearance and comparable divine power, the body of this winged dragon is full of energy. The destructive dark energy is completely different from the Sun God! And..."

And for some unknown reason, the real Sun God suddenly appeared in his deck!

He had indeed used "Angel's Alms" to throw the Sun God into the graveyard in the first round!

In other words, is Sok's Sun God, like the other two phantom gods in his hand, a real and usable counterfeit card?

"You are wrong, unknown Pharaoh..."

Suoke seemed to have seen through the thoughts of Yu Yu. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, stretched out his hand and nodded his head and said: "My Sun God came out from here, and its energy is even greater than the one that was secretly taken away by the gods and stuffed into it." The Sun God in your deck... Now, I'll let you see how powerful the Winged Dragon that has been baptized by Oliha Gang's power is..."

"The effect of 'Olihagun Winged Dragon' is activated!"

Sok crossed his arms and read out the divine language that could only be recognized by the superior gods who were martyred thousands of years ago. He said with a ferocious smile: "Pay me 1,000 points of life to eliminate two cards on the opponent's field! Although Obelisk's giant The Divine Weapon has the resistance of not being affected by monster effects, but its divine level is lower than that of my Winged Divine Dragon, so the effect is still effective on it!"

Sok, LP: 1500→500

"Not only that, the attack power of 'Olihagang Winged Dragon' is determined by the total attack power of the monsters in both graveyards..."

The ferocious smile on Sok's face became even more arrogant: "And in my cemetery, there is 'Olihagan Exodia' who was thrown into the cemetery in order to summon the 'Martyr Black Crow Knight'! So, 'Olihagon Exodia' Lihagang Winged Dragon's attack power is...infinite!"

Oliha Gang·Wing Shenlong, attack: ∞!

Yugi was shocked: "What!?"

"That's it...the targets are 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​and 'Chaos Warrior - Messenger of the Opening'!"

His pupils suddenly shrank, and Sok stretched out his hand and shouted sharply: "The special effect of 'Olihagon Winged Dragon' is activated! Burn everything, Olihagon - the holy phoenix! Then use your infinite power to directly attack the Pharaoh. Attack! Holy Gold Flame Cannon!!!"

The eyes of 'Oliha Gang Winged Dragon' glowed red, and he turned into a firebird and swept towards the game field!

Even a trace of its burning energy and overwhelming momentum can make mortals despair, and they can only close their eyes and wait for death.


Yugi encouraged his support, and used up his last strength and will to wave his hand and shout: "Open the cover! Activate the quick-attack magic 'Textbook of Magic'! Its effect is to discard all the cards in my hand and turn over the top card in the deck. Card, if it’s a magic card, activate it immediately!”

[Magic textbook, quick attack magic card, effect: can only be used during the opponent's turn, discard all the handbooks, and draw a card. If you draw a magic card, activate it directly. 】

"Because I don't have any cards in my hand, so I don't need to discard them!"

Muto Yugi pressed his right hand on top of the deck, staring at the "Olihagun Winged Dragon" that was about to destroy everything with fighting intent. He suddenly drew an arc, pulled out the top card of the deck, and shouted sternly: "I firmly believe , my card draw this time will awaken a miracle... draw a card!!!" Immediately afterwards, Muto Yugi directly inserted it into the duel plate without looking at it: "What I drew is - the magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead'! "

"The conditions are met, 'Resurrection of the Dead' is activated!"

The dead come to life! ?

Under the castle, Jonouchi lowered his head and thought hard, and murmured: "In the cemetery of the game...are there any monsters that can counterattack the Sun God..."

Kaiba also frowned, not knowing what Yugi wanted to do.

The attack of ‘Olihagang Winged Dragon’ has arrived!

"Obelisk's Titan Soldier" and "Chaos Warrior-Herald of Pioneering" were all burned without any suspense!

Seeing the moment when the final direct attack is about to hit Yugi's body!

The language of the ancient priests rang out, and along with the Pharaoh's chants, a barrier of flames suddenly sprang out from the graveyard of the duel disk, blocking Yugi Muto's body, facing off against 'Oliha Gang Winged Dragon', not taking an inch. let!

Everyone's eyes widened!

Could that flame be...

At this moment, the Pharaoh had finished singing, his eyes were blazing, and he shouted with firmness: "God sleeping underground, be resurrected as a phoenix that burns everything! Special summons - the Winged God of the Sun God dragon!!!"

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