Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 231 The Reversal of the Martyrs

"Three thousand years have passed, and I am still here, fighting for you, Pharaoh!"

Unlike Pandora's Black Magician, Muto Yugi's Black Magician not only looks more humane, but his skin is actually the dark complexion of an ancient Egyptian!

He stood there, not like a monster projected by a virtual imaging device, but like a living human being!

Black Magician, Attack: 2500, Defense: 2100

"Please, Black Magician!"

After Muto Yugi nodded towards the black magician, he reached out and pulled out another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate: "Next, I want to activate the magic card 'The Bond of Master and Disciple'! The effect of this card is that when our side When there is a 'Dark Magician' on the field, you can Special Summon a 'Dark Magician Girl' from your deck in defense position!"

[The bond of master and disciple, magic card, effect: When there is a face-up "Black Magician" on your field, special summon 1 "Dark Magician Girl" from the deck in defense position]

"Come to me, Dark Magician Girl!"

[Dark Magician Girl, 6 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2000, defense: 1700, effect: The attack power of this card increases by the number of "Black Magicians" and "Black Chaos Magicians" in both sides' graveyards x 300. 】

A burst of pink bubbles flew all over the sky, and from the middle appeared a cute and playful little magic apprentice girl holding a staff.

As soon as the black magician girl appeared, she hugged Yugi Muto. Her youthful and soft body stuck to Yugi's side and spun around several times. She rubbed Yugi's cheek like a kitten and shouted happily, "Prince, prince." !”

All the men at the scene stared straight-eyed.

Do Duel Monsters still have this function?

With such a cute duel monster, you still need a shitty girlfriend?

As the person she was currently dating, Kyoko felt extremely unhappy. Then she unconvincedly compared her appearance and figure with that of the Dark Magician girl... As a result, she became depressed at the time.

She desperately found that there was nothing about herself that could compare to a duel monster.


Suok let out a loud "poof", pointed to the opposite side, and shouted righteously: "Woman, let go of that dwarf! In public, it's really unethical for you two to do this... Damn it, but I So envious... Bah! I mean, why do you hug him but not me?... No, no, I mean, I want to name you and do it all... Damn it, what on earth am I talking about..."

Opposite me, Muto Yugi also felt a little embarrassed. He quickly broke away from the arms of the black magician girl and laughed twice: "Well... let's continue the duel..."

Suoke's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Hurry up and wait, I will spit out your overnight meal!"

Below, Honda, Jonouchi, and Yogi Ryuji, who were originally on the game side, cheered in unison: "Support! Support!"


Yugi smiled bitterly at first, then shook his head and cheered up: "Since I have two magicians on the field now, I can activate this card from my hand - the magic card 'Magic of Miracles' Door'! According to the effect of this card, I can gain control of one of the opponent's monsters, and of course the one I chose is - 'Olihagun Eye of the Undead'!"

[Miracle Magic Gate, Magic Card, Effect: You can activate this when there are 2 face-up Magician-type monsters on your field. Gain control of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's field. 】

"Well done! This removes the last monster barrier on Sok's field! As long as Yugi launches another direct attack, the victory of this game will be confirmed!"

At the bottom, Kaiba secretly cheered for the game, but then he looked at the last folded card on Sok's field: "But that folding card from Sok... what exactly is it? A counterattack type of 'Holy Shield-Reflector Power' , or the 'Physical Strength Enhancer-SUPER, Z' that can restore health? In any case, now that the game has taken the absolute initiative, it depends on whether this attack can be effective..."

A door painted with ancient magic words suddenly opened behind "Oliha Gang Eye of the Undead". Two big black hands stretched out from it, grabbing the eyes hidden in the black mist and dragging it in completely. !

But at this moment, a fierce roar resounded through the sky!

"Don't even think about it!"

Suoke suddenly waved his hand, opened the cover card on the field, and shouted: "The trap card 'Martyr's Reversal' is activated! According to the effect of this card, all cards in our hand, graveyard, and field are returned to the deck. , and draw five cards, our life value becomes 8000 points! Come back, 'Oliha Gang·Eye of the Undead'!"

[Martyr's Reversal, Trap Card, Effect: This card can only be added to the deck once. This effect can only be used once per duel. It can only be activated when our health is below 1000 points. This card is activated successfully. After that, they are excluded from the game, return all the cards in our hand, graveyard, and field to the deck, and draw five cards, and our health becomes 8,000. 】

In an instant, five scarlet demonic fires shot up in five directions on the battlefield!

There are blood-red energy thin lines connecting the five demonic fires, forming a huge five-pointed star array!

The magic wheel reversed, and a soaring red light shot into the sky like thunder and lightning, directly shattering the "Magic Gate of Miracles" that Yugi had just launched, sucking "Oliha Gang Eye of the Undead" into the formation, and immediately Then, disappear!

Sok reached out and picked up "Oliha Gang Eye of the Dead" from the duel plate, and mixed it with all the cards in his hand and the graveyard into the deck. After shuffling the cards, he pulled out five more cards and looked at the opposite side with a sneer. Muto Yugi said slowly: "Because the selected target disappeared, your 'Miracle Magic Gate' also failed to activate at the same time... Hum, Muto Yugi, the situation of the battle has been completely reversed, what should you do? How can you survive my stormy attacks in the next round? Hahaha...!"

"Have all the monsters that were finally defeated come back to life again..."

Muto Yugi smiled bitterly, but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead randomly, his eyes became firmer: "But I will not be afraid... I am just glad that I did not choose to revive the dead and resurrect the giant god soldiers to attack you, otherwise I would really Completely helpless..."

"Nice look, Pharaoh...but it's useless."

Sok raised the corner of his mouth and said with a ferocious smile: "Next, do you dare to use 'Black Magician' to launch a direct attack on me? Let me remind you that my 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' has returned to the deck. Next I can summon the Black Crow Knight with an attack power of up to 6,000 at any time in one round! With just one click, your poor health will return to zero... Hum, think carefully, and proceed with caution, nameless Pharaoh!"

Muto Yugi looked at Sok for a long time and suddenly smiled: "Are you testing me, Sok? If I change the 'Black Magician' to defensive position, it means that I no longer have a card in my hand that can reverse the counterattack. You next You can safely attack me with the Black Crow Knight in one round, right?... Heh, it's really unlike you to use psychological tactics to deal with me..."

Suoke raised his eyebrows slightly: "Whatever you think, make a decision quickly!"

"Then, my decision is..."

Muto Yugi suddenly opened his eyes, waved his hand and shouted at Sok: "'Black Magician', launch a direct attack on Sok! Black Magic Guide Wave!!!"

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