Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 232 Martyr·God of Hell

The black magic energy bomb directly hit Sok's body and exploded.

In the remaining smoke of the explosion, Suok waved his hands gently to push away the smoke and sneered, "It doesn't hurt or itchy."

Sok, LP: 8000→5500

Seeing that the attack was effective, Muto Yugi took a deep breath, inserted all the remaining cards in his hand into the duel plate, and said solemnly: "Next, I cover three cover cards and end the round!"

"It's my turn... draw a card!"

Sok slowly pulled out a card from the deck, took a look at it, and inserted it into the duel plate: "The magic card 'Forbidden Summoning of Martyrs' is activated! The effect of this card is that when the opponent has a monster on the field, and When we have no monsters on the field, we can special summon two monsters below four stars from our deck! I want to summon 'Martyr Hell's Right Hand' and..."

The effect of the card "Martyr: Hell's Right Hand This" has long been known to everyone. How could Muto Yugi allow such a monster to appear that can summon any martyr regardless of conditions! ?

"It's not that easy!"

Muto Yugi didn't wait for Sok to finish his words, he directly pressed the activation button of the magic trap on the duel disk, and shouted in a deep voice: "Activate the trap card 'Elf Mirror'! This card can seal the effectiveness of the magic card, so your The special summon is invalid, Sok!”

[Elf Mirror, Trap Card, Effect: The effect of magic targeting one player is temporarily sealed, and the player decides to transfer it to any player on both sides in any one's turn. 】(comic version)

"Tsk, it's really difficult to deal with, Pharaoh..."

Suok frowned and glanced at the cards in his hand, and snorted coldly: "But it doesn't matter, I have other ways to wake up the trump card sleeping in my deck..." At this point, Suok put the other cards in his hand. A card was slapped onto the duel plate, and he shouted sternly: "I want to summon this monster - come out, 'Martyr Hell Demon'!"

[Martyr Hell Demon, 3 stars, attack: 500, defense: 1300, effect: Once per turn, when a monster with "Martyr" in its name on your field enters the damage step of battle, put the top of the deck Send any number of cards above to the graveyard, and the monster's attack power will increase by the number of cards sent to the graveyard * 500 points until the end phase. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

The orange six-pointed star summoning array lit up, and a demon with a bandage on his face appeared on Sok's field!

It can be seen from its swollen breasts that this is a female Majin warrior!

"The effect of 'Martyr Hell Demon' is to throw any number of cards from the top of the deck into the graveyard. Before the end of the round, each card will increase her attack power by 500 points..."

The sinister smile at the corner of Sok's mouth became more intense. He reached out and pressed it on the top of the deck, swiping his fingers all the way down. Then, he suddenly pulled out a thick stack of cards and laughed wildly: "I will send the 30 cards from the top of the deck to the graveyard. , increase her attack power by 15,000 points, and then launch an attack on your 'Black Magician'! Come on, nameless Pharaoh! Soul-dispersing Iron Claw!!!"

Martyr·Hell Demon User, attack: 500 → 15500!

A dark light appears on the claws of the Hell Demon, becoming increasingly obscure and thick, like a devouring black hole. Even if you take a single look at it, you will be pulled into the endless abyss of hell!

Following Sok's order, the 'Martyr Hell Demon' raised his hand and threw out two claws full of destructive energy!

Its power is like a prison, making people shudder!


"This is the moment I've been waiting for, Thok!"

The Pharaoh's execution song sounded, Muto Yugi clenched his right hand and shouted sternly: "Open the Gaika! The trap card 'Magic Barrel' is activated! This card can completely reflect your attack to your own health! And you will eat I inflicted 15,500 points of damage and lost! I won this duel!!!"

[Magic tube, trap card, effect: When the opponent's monster declares an attack, it can only be activated by targeting 1 attacking monster. The attacking monster's attack is negated, and the opponent is dealt damage equal to that monster's attack power. 】

The trap card is opened, and two dark red magic tubes appear on the left and right sides of the "Black Magician"!

The energy claw attack of "Martyr Hell Demon" turned around in the air due to inexplicable force majeure, and went directly into the entrance of the magic tube!

Immediately afterwards, the energy flew out from the exit of another magic tube and headed straight for Sok!

If he takes this blow, Sok will be defeated immediately!

But how could the majestic evil god of the underworld be defeated by such a ridiculous little trick! ?

"Stop your imagination, Pharaoh!!!"

The dark light on Suoke suddenly surged into the sky!

The Pharaoh's execution song came to an abrupt end, and the BGM of the arrival of the evil god suddenly sounded!

"Thump thump... thump thump... thump thump thump thump..."

Dark energy continues to spread in the sky, madly devouring and tearing at the solid boundaries of the human world, opening up the passage between the real world and the underworld!

Soon, darkness completely occupied the sky, and it was impossible to see the edge at a glance!

The orange six-pointed star summoning array that seemed to cover the entire world was dazzling like never before!


The dark energy in Sok's body is still flowing towards the sky like a spring, and any attack forced by the strong updraft cannot get close!

at this moment

A vast and majestic monster that covered the sky and covered the sun, with a length of tens of thousands of meters, poked its head out of the underworld and let out a dragon roar that shocked the world!


Suok covered his forehead, his face was extremely ferocious. After three bursts of laughter, Suok roared with all his strength: "The strongest combat power based on the three gods of martyrs! I am calling your true name here! Heaven and Earth , Gods and demons, everything must surrender before you... If I were the king, you would be the crown prince, answer my call, martyr - God of Hell!!!"

【Martyr·Hell God

12 stars

divine attributes

Phantom Beast Tribe

Attack: Infinite, Defense: Infinite


1. This card can only exist once in the deck. When there are more than 20 cards with "Martyr" in the name in our graveyard, this card can be special from the deck, hand, graveyard, or outside the game. Called to play.

2. This card is not affected by the effects of any opponent's cards. This card cannot directly attack the opponent's player's health. Only when this card exists on the field, the opponent cannot target monsters with "Martyr" in the name outside the card. .

3. Every time you sacrifice a monster with the name "Martyr" on your side, you will inflict damage equal to the attack power of that monster to your opponent.

4. When our side receives damage other than combat damage, I will put a card with the name "Martyr" in the graveyard and exclude it to invalidate that damage. 】

Everyone at the scene was shocked!

"This...what kind of monster is this!?"

There was only this terrifying monster in the sky that was so huge that it was beyond everyone’s knowledge and an endless dark space. At a glance, the horizon seemed wider than the sky! Every scale on the body is clearly visible, as cold as pig iron, flashing with blue death energy! Anyone who sees it will feel a huge sense of oppression in their heart, and even be filled with inexplicable despair!

"Martyr...God of Hell!"

Muto Yugi raised his head, his pupils shrank slightly, and he gritted his teeth and read out the name word by word!

This desperate gap is as small as an ant in the dust. Just looking at it makes people almost breathless!

The dark air surrounding Sok gradually subsided.

Looking up at Muto Yugi, Sok's pupils have turned into linear shapes, with wings on his back and horns on his head, showing a complete devil posture: "The effect of 'Martyr Hell God' is activated, except for the 'Martyrdom' in the cemetery. The ineffective 'magic tube' caused direct damage to my health!"

A dark light flashed, and the rebounded attack was completely annihilated.

"The next step is the last..."

Sok raised his right hand high and let out a stereo-like shout that echoed over the duel tower: "Muto Yugi, accept the sanction! The 'Martyr Hell God' launches an attack on the 'Black Magician'!"


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