Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 233 The Messenger of Peace

The sky suddenly distorted, and six ion energy gradually condensed and shined at the horns of "Martyr Hell God"!

From point to surface, the martyr's unique six-pointed star pattern gradually emerges.

The divine light that destroyed the heaven and the earth poured down, and there was no other color between the heaven and the earth at this moment. The impact that was indistinguishable from the destruction of the world seemed to penetrate a hole in the universe!

Such power from heaven and earth, such an attack that even the gods were horrified by! Even if the duelist's will to fight against it is slightly relaxed, it will not only be destroyed by the duel monsters in the field, but also the courage and belief of the duelist himself!

Without the qualifications of a king, how can one match the majesty of God! ?

"I won't admit defeat, Thok!"

Muto Yugi faced him head-on, his eyes did not waver at all, and he roared angrily: "The desperate situation will only make my will stronger, and this belief of mine is the power enough to defeat you!"

"Open the cover! Activate the trap card 'Messenger of Peace'!!!"

[Messenger of Peace, Trap Card, Effect: The round this card is activated, all combat damage received from the opponent's monsters becomes 0. Your monster will not be destroyed by battle this turn. 】

Dozens of mages suddenly appeared in front of Yugi, and they jointly opened the protective shield. Just like Yugi, they faced the destructive impact of the God of Hell that could destroy the world without fear of death!

The violent energy hit the protective shield hard, and even the entire duel tower was shaking violently!

This reinforced concrete building is now pitifully like a paper boat in a storm. It will break apart in the next second and be swallowed up by the destructive energy of the violent storm!

"It's no use, Sock!"

Muto Yugi gritted his teeth and shouted: "Although your 'Martyr Hell God' is not affected by card effects, the 'Messenger of Peace' targets our monsters, so no matter how powerful you attack this round, it will not You might be able to hurt me again!”

And the reality is exactly what the game says.

After about ten minutes of energy flow washing away, the "Black Magician" on the game field was still alive, and the game's health did not change at all.


"Hmph...hahaha! Life is tough, Pharaoh!"

Suoke looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and then his body suddenly leaned forward, staring at the game aggressively, and sneered: "Even if you barely dodge the attack of 'Martyr Hell God', it still has the ability to eliminate it in one round. The ultimate special ability of the enemy's infinite life - 'God's Killing Destruction Light'!... Now there are no cards covering your field, and the number of cards in your hand is zero. You have no way to continue to hold on... "

"Muto... Yugi!"

When he finally gritted his teeth and read out the name of the game, Sok's figure suddenly overlapped with the appearance of the evil god three thousand years ago.

How similar it was then to today.

All the priests died in the battle, and the lonely king stood on the top of the ruined palace, looking at the black sun on the horizon...

That powerful enemy that is almost impossible to defeat, that is so powerful that it almost makes people collapse into despair!

Muto Yugi was suddenly shocked!

It seems like some forgotten memory is gradually creeping into my mind!

At this moment, a loud shout woke up Wang who was immersed in the world of memory.

"The effect of 'Martyr Hell God' is activated!"

Sok whipped out the card of "Martyr Hell Demon" from the duel plate, and shouted with his deafening stereo: "As a sacrifice, give a monster with the name 'Martyr' on the field to Damage equal to the attack power of that monster in the opponent's HP!... Because my turn has not ended yet, the attack power of 'Martyr Hell Demon' is still 15,500 points, and you... will also receive 15,500 points. Direct harm!”

"Awaken, nameless Pharaoh!"

Sok waved his hand suddenly again, pointing directly at Muto Yugi: "Destroy the Pharaoh's will, soul, body, everything! The special ability of the 'Martyr Hell God' - Divine Killing Destruction Light!!! "

Ion energy gathers again!

A condensed thin light pierced Muto Yugi's heart with a "whoosh" from the fate wheel gem on the forehead of "Martyr Hell God"!

The special ability this time is far less powerful than the last attack.

But there is no doubt about it.

This blow is enough to kill!

Muto Yugi's pupils dilated in an instant, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Sok sneered and raised the corners of his mouth: "The game is over..."


Jonouchi rushed to the duel field desperately, hugged Yugi in his arms, his eyes were slightly red, and his voice was slightly trembling: "Nothing can happen to you, you must not..."

Kyoko and others also rushed to the duel field, nervously shouting the name of the game.

Familiar faces dangled in front of Sok's eyes, and for a moment it seemed like he was back to the emotion and regret he felt after reading the Yu-Gi-Oh comics all night long.

"Huh, good job, Pharaoh..."

The wings on his back gradually folded in, and the magic horn on his forehead slowly disappeared. Suok put his hands in his pockets and turned around: "Although you lost, but with your most important 'treasure' surrounding you, you should too Close your eyes..."

After saying that, Sok was about to step off the duel stage.

But at this moment, a weak voice suddenly sounded!

"Wait...wait a minute!"

Leaning on Jonouchi's solid chest, Muto Yugi stood up from the ground with difficulty but persistence, and said intermittently: "I...I haven't lost yet...ahem...the duel...continue!"

Suok turned around in surprise, and immediately looked at the place on the duel plate where Muto Yugi's health points were displayed!

LP: 1000!

He was not harmed at all!

"What's going on...are you blocking blood again?"

Suoke's face gradually became serious, and he frowned at the extremely weak Muto Yugi and said slowly: "Your spirit has been severely damaged, which means that the effect of the Hell God should have worked. Why has your health not been reduced?"

"Heh...thanks to this card..."

Muto Yugi forced a smile, turned over the card that popped up from the graveyard and said to Sok: "'Obstacle Tomato'... The effect of this card is to remove this card from the graveyard from the game. This round, I The effect damage received becomes 0!"

[Obstacle Tomato, 2 stars, Attack: 800, Defense: 800, Effect: This card in the graveyard can only be activated by removing it from the game. This round, the effect damage you receive becomes 0. This effect can only be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

"Obstruction Tomato...when did you send this thing to the cemetery..."

Suok squinted his eyes, his eyes cold, but then he seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "That's right! When you first activated 'Angel's Alms', you sent two cards to the cemetery. The first one was' The Winged Dragon of the Sun God', and the second one..."

"That's right!"

Muto Yugi reluctantly raised his lips: "It's this 'Obstacle Tomato'!"

Due to the effect of Barrier Tomato, the effect damage of this round is completely ineffective against the game, so Sock no longer continues to sacrifice itself with the effect of "Martyr Hell God" to inflict infinite damage to the game's health.

"As you wish, the duel continues!"

Sock inserted the two cards in his hand into the duel plate, looked at the game, and said slowly: "I cover the two cover cards and end the round..." After a pause, Sock suddenly smiled: "I said Pharaoh, you should Are you thinking of ways to defeat the 'Martyr Hell God'?"

Yugi also laughed: "Isn't that natural!"

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