Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 234 Martyr Brahma Moko

After struggling to push Jonouchi away, Muto Yugi stood there relying on his own strength.

Looking at Muto Yugi's crumbling appearance, Kyoko said with concern: "Yugi...you're okay, right?...Isn't this too forced? We are companions, you can rely on our shoulders..."

"No more words, Kyoko!"

Jonouchi interrupted Kyoko, looked at Yugi's weak but stubborn back, who was completely different from the past, and said extremely seriously: "This is a duel between Yugi and Sok. The pride of being a duelist is absolutely Don’t allow yourself to be weak in front of your enemies!”

Xingzi asked in confusion: "But aren't we companions? Companions should face any difficulties together, right?"

"Of course we are companions! Aren't we right here!?"

Jonouchi held his chest with one hand and said silently: "The visible but invisible thing is the unbreakable link between us and the game. Your companion is behind you, along with our expectations and Will, transcend everything, game!"

I feel it now……

Yugi closed his eyes and slowly placed his right hand on top of the card deck on the duel plate.

In the originally empty world around us, the figures of our companions appeared...

Jonouchi, Kyoko, Honda...

He, she, they...

They put their hands on the back of Yugi's hand and gave him the courage to awaken the miracle!

Suddenly opening his eyes, Muto Yugi Hanabi pulled out the top card from the deck like lightning, and shouted sternly: "My turn, draw a card!!!"

"First of all, I want to release the magical power sealed by the 'Elf Mirror' and let it be used by me! Come on - the 'Forbidden Summoning of the Martyrs'!"

Muto Yugi pulled out two cards from the deck, inserted them into the duel plate, and shouted: "According to the effect of 'Martyr's Forbidden Summon', I can special summon two level four monsters from the deck! Come out—— 'Magic Warrior Destroyer'! Immediately afterwards, I will activate their special abilities to destroy all the two cover cards on your field! Psychic obliteration!!!"

[Magic Warrior Destroyer, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1600, defense: 1000, effect: When this card is summoned successfully, place 1 "magic counter" on this card (maximum 1). For each "Magic Counter" placed on this card, this card's attack power increases by 300. In addition, you can remove 1 "Magic Counter" placed on this card, and destroy 1 Spell/Trap Card on the field. 】


Suoke was shocked. Before he could react, the two cards covering his field had been shattered by the wave of thoughts!

These are the two cards "Martyr's Rotten Replacement" and "Martyr's Mowgli's Magic"!

[The Decayed Replacement of Martyr, Counter Trap Card, Effect: It can be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, exchanging control of all monsters on both sides of the field. 】

[Martyr's Mowgli's Magic, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: When the opponent activates the magic card effect, discard a card in your hand to invalidate and destroy that card. 】

"In this way, the obstacle is removed...the magic card 'Twilight of the Gods' is activated!"

Destiny led the king, Muto Yugi fiercely inserted the drawn card into the duel plate, shouted with all his strength: "'Twilight of the Gods' is Zhang Dang's 'Black Magician' and 'Black Magic Girl' existing on the field at the same time. A magic card that can only be activated! After excluding all monsters in our deck, hand, and graveyard, destroy all monsters on the opponent's field! Even if the opponent is a god!!!"

[Twilight of the Gods, quick-attack magic card, effect: It can be activated when there are [Black Magician] and [Black Magic Girl] on the field. All monsters in our deck, hand cards and graveyard will be eliminated, and the opponent's field will be destroyed according to the rules. All monsters above (applicable to gods)]

"Asshole! You actually destroyed two of my key cards!"

Suok's pupils shrank as he looked at the soul spheres that were constantly floating on the game field, and he secretly resented in his heart: "If the 'Martyr's Mowgli's Magic' is not destroyed, I can discard the last card in my hand to invalidate it." The effect of Twilight of the Gods! If 'The Rotten Replacement of the Martyrs' is not destroyed, after 'Twilight of the Gods' is activated, I can directly control the 'Black Magician' and the 'Black Magician Girl', but now …”

The souls of countless duel monsters gathered together and soared into the sky!

The Sky Dragon of Osiris, the Titan Soldier of Obelisk, the Chaos Warrior-the Messenger of the Opening, the Dragon-Slaying Warrior, the Queen, the King, the Three Knights of the Prince... Even Li Ziqiu joined all the duel monsters without fear of death!

Not only gods, but magic cards also have levels!

The most powerful "god" magic card - Twilight of the Gods!

The illusory god who is above all living beings will eventually fall in front of this card, and the world will be reborn!

All the monsters in the game appeared, and their souls gathered into a sharp arrow full of light, which pierced the body of the "Martyr Hell God", once again creating a new world!


The huge body of "Martyr Hell God", which was tens of thousands of meters long, began to collapse and shatter!

The dark eternal night was pierced by the god-killing arrow!

Light shines on the earth again!

God, was destroyed!

"Dark Magician" and "Dark Magician Girl" are back on the stage of Muto Yugi.

This round, they and the other two ‘Magic Warrior Destroyers’ have not yet launched an attack!

Now there is nothing on Sok's field, and there is only the last card left in his hand. As long as he launches a direct attack, Sok's health will immediately take 7700 points of high damage and he will be defeated directly!

"This is the end, Thok!"

Muto Yugi waved his hand fiercely and shouted: "Go, magicians, launch a direct attack on Sok! Black burning magic!!!"


The four monsters on the game field sent out strong energy impacts one after another, gathered together, and sprayed towards Sok like a broken bamboo!

The black light of the destroyed magic flashes dazzlingly!

Seeing that the attack was about to hit Suok, Suok, who had always looked nervous, suddenly raised his lips: "You are too impatient, Pharaoh, it is not the battle stage yet... because just when you launch the 'Gods' At the moment of dusk, the conditions for the appearance of a hidden monster in my deck have been met..."

Muto Yugi was stunned for a moment, and then he had a bad premonition in his heart!

"Because some cards have been excluded from the game, the summoning conditions for this card have been met..."

Suok smiled grimly and took out a card from the deck and inserted it into the duel disk: "I'm so sorry, Yugi, I almost thought you were going to win just now... Hehehehe... Hahaha! But you must not be able to Thinking about what a terrifying monster your 'Twilight of the Gods' awakened..."

"Come out, the extremely powerful evil god——"Martyr Brahma Moko" is summoned!!!"

[Martyr Brahma Moko, 10 stars, fire attribute, attack:? ? ? ? , Defense: 4500, Effect: When one of our or the opponent's cards is removed from the game, this card can be specially summoned from the hand, graveyard, or deck. The attack power of this card is the number of cards removed from the game. *1000. During each of our preparation phases, remove a card from our hand out of the game. When this condition cannot be met, this card is destroyed. 】

"The attack power of 'Martyr Brahma Moko' is determined by the number of excluded cards..."

Sok closed his eyes and counted, then opened his eyes, and the malicious smile on his lips became stronger: "The cards you just excluded due to 'Twilight of the Gods', there are 17 cards in total, that is to say, 'Martyr Brahma' Moko's attack power is..."

"17,000 points!"

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