Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 236 How cute

"Bang!" A muffled sound!

The Oliha Gang dark warrior driven by Dazi had his head smashed to pieces by Sok's punch!

Suok gave Shizuka a cold look and said slowly: "It should be common sense not to touch things of unknown origin."

"I...I know..."

Shizuka flattened her mouth, and then cried loudly with a "wow" sound.

Jonouchi rushed down from the duel stage, protected Shizuka behind him, and said angrily to Sok: "Shizuka is just a girl who is not experienced in the world, why do you speak to her in such a strong tone!... "But then the people in the city looked at the Oriha Gang warriors lying dead on the ground with some fear, gritted their teeth and said: "But... thank you for protecting Shizuka, Suok..."

"Humph, it's none of my business!"

Suok walked to the edge of the duel tower without any appreciation, looked at the densely packed Oriha Gang warriors below, and said coldly: "Dazi, that ten thousand year old turtle bastard, I haven't even gone to trouble him yet, how dare he? To disturb my enjoyment of playing cards first... is simply boring!"

"No...I'm so angry!"

Suoke's forehead was on fire and he immediately summoned all the martyrs!

Black Crow Knight, Hell God of War, Chief Lord...

One after another, extremely powerful monsters materialized and floated in the sky, looking down at the group of Oriha Gang warriors on the ground like natural enemies!

Suok waved his hand fiercely and shouted angrily: "Young men, serve me! Chop them into meat paste to satisfy the hatred in my heart!"

With an order, countless martyrs rushed towards the Olhagang warriors below like tigers descending a mountain!

Just the first wave of charges had already killed nearly half of the Oliha Gang warriors!

Immediately afterwards, there was a one-sided massacre. Countless martyrs chopped off the heads of those Olhagang warriors at a speed not much slower than cutting wheat!

Compared with their elite level and energy, the martyrs who once followed the God King and experienced countless bloody battles are not terrifying existences of the same magnitude as those puppet monsters summoned by the fragments of the Oriha Gang meteorite!

The army of martyrs continued to slaughter, like locusts passing through the border, leaving no grass growing.

Soon, thousands of Olhagang soldiers had been killed to pieces, leaving no one alive.

Looking at the heroic fighting figures of the martyrs under the tower, Sok sighed: "Look, Penguin! How cute my martyrs are!"


The little penguin squinted his eyes and looked at the "Martyr Ghost Troops", the "Martyr Soul Eaters", and the "Martyrs" who were following Sok's order and chopping the bodies of the Olhagang warriors into minced meat one by one. "Hell Tracker Beast" and a series of ugly and ferocious monsters, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and said: "How on earth are those monsters whose faces look like they have been run over by several heavy-duty vehicles so cute..."

Sok smiled and said, "I think you're cute too, Penguin."

The little penguin was stunned for a moment, then he happily poked his chubby cheeks with his two little arms and said, "Of course, the nest is the cutest!"

Thok continued to laugh: "As cute as my martyrs."


Penguin's little face suddenly fell down, and he said with tears in his eyes: "...you bully the goose."

However, the little penguin was a confused girl, and before she was lost for a second, she suddenly felt that Suok was complimenting her just now, and she burst into tears and smiled happily. She sat on Suok's shoulder happily and rubbed his cheek.

"Okay, now that all the minions have been dealt with, it's time for me to go find Dazi and have a good chat..."

Sok clapped his hands, put all the martyrs back into the deck, turned to Kaiba and asked loudly: "Hey, President! Where is Paradis Company?"

"Paradise Company?"

Kaiba was stunned, not knowing why Sock was asking this, but he still subconsciously answered: "In Washington."


Sock thought for a while and seemed to suddenly remember something: "I remember that the headquarters of International Illusion Company is also there, right?"

Kaiba nodded: "Yes, that's the lair of all the big capitalists. Haima Company also has a branch there... But why do you ask?"

"Hey, of course we're going to cause trouble!"

Suoke crackled the bones and joints of his fists, and sneered: "With Pegasus leading the way, we should be able to find that thousand-year-old bitch Dazi quickly! ... If you dare to disturb my elegance, see if I can use it. Tian Hua Ji stabbed his chrysanthemum to pieces!"

After saying that, Sok spread his wings and was about to fly away.

Isono saw it from behind and quickly called out to Sok: "Please...please wait a moment, Mr. Sok! If you leave, what will happen to the outcome of this duel?"

"Winning or losing?"

Suoke glanced at the Pharaoh on the duel stage, and sneered: "This duel ends here, Pharaoh! Your head will be temporarily stored on your neck. After I deal with Dazi, it will be my turn." it's your turn!"

"But...but this..."

Next to me, Isono was almost crying. It was his first time to host a duel competition, and it ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

It’s not even decided who the champion is yet!

Are all Sock referees so unlucky?


Isono made up his mind!

It was the first time in my life to host such an important competition, how could it end so hastily?

There must be a champion!

As for who it is, of course it is Sok who has the final say... It can't end here anyway!

Isotome made up his mind, so he winked at Suoke as if he was killing a chicken and wiped his neck, and reminded: "Mr. Suoke... otherwise... can you say a few words?"

"Say a few words?"

Suok was about to fly away, but after hearing what Isono said, he thought he should just say a few words.

So Suok stopped, strode up to Isono, reached out and grabbed the microphone in his hand, and said with emotion: "In this situation, I suddenly want to recite a poem and everyone applauds!"

Reciting poetry?

A group of people stood there stupidly, not knowing what Sok was thinking.

But Suoke didn't care so much. After one person gave him a stick, the applause was like thunder.

Suoke nodded with satisfaction and then read aloud:

"If you don't wake up from your spring sleep, Brother Cheng will die early."

"The sun sets on the west mountain, and the president rides a monkey."

"Oh, what a poem, what a poem!"

Suoke was intoxicated in his own literary world, spread his wings happily and flew away.

The group of people behind subconsciously looked towards Kaiba.

Hey, don't say it.

The wooden horse standing in front of the seahorse has disheveled hair and long and thin limbs. It really looks like a monkey.

Trojan himself obviously realized this, and he was so aggrieved that he almost cried.

Turning his head, Trojan horse sniffed and said aggrievedly to Kaiba: "Brother, I want to cut my hair. I don't want to be a monkey..."

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