Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 237 Ten generations of traveling in the city

The dim night was filled with the smoke of war.

The ground was devastated, and accompanied by continuous explosions, the buildings representing the products of modern civilization collapsed and destroyed one after another.

This is Europe ten years after the Duel City Competition...

"Boom! Boom!"

Energy bombs kept shooting out from the shadows in the sky!

And a strong figure in a red coat is constantly shuttled among the ruins, nimbly dodging the energy impact falling from the sky!

After crossing one broken building obstacle after another, the young man finally stopped, looked back at the monster in the sky that was constantly chasing him, and said with a relaxed hearty smile: "It's so dangerous, so dangerous, I was almost killed by Caesar's electronics. The dragon has been killed!"

The boy has a brown jellyfish hairstyle, a hearty smile on his face, but his eyes are extremely sharp. His courage will not be inferior to that of Yami Yugi, who is the "king"!

Traveling to the city for ten generations!

The best duelist since Muto Yugi!

Decades later, he was called the second generation Duel King!

At this time, the two monsters that had been chasing Yucheng Judai in the sky finally peeked out of the clouds and revealed their true bodies!

It is "Electronic Ultimate Dragon" and "Ultimate Jade God - Rainbow Dragon!"

They are all extremely powerful monsters, possessing incredible ultimate destructive power! Its huge and oppressive body hovered in the sky, letting out a destructive and crazy roar!

"Yushidai Judai..."

In the smoke of war. A blond man wearing a mask walked out and said slowly in his cold voice: "It is rare for a duelist to have the power to control elves..."

"Has even John's Rainbow Dragon been stolen..."

Yujo Judai scratched his head in distress at first, then looked directly at the other person, raised his lips and said: "It's such an honor to know me... so many missing monsters all appeared, and the monsters also materialized... Hello , the recent riots around the world are all caused by you, right? Who are you!?"

The blond man wearing a mask did not answer Yujo Judai's question, but just sneered: "My purpose in this era has been achieved..."

"Judai (era)?"

Yucheng Judai was stunned: "Are you calling me?"

"He's talking about the times..."

A duel monster phantom with half male and half female characteristics suddenly appeared behind Judai in Yujo City, staring seriously at the blond man not far away: "Don't be careless, Judai, from his body, I noticed Arrived with extremely powerful energy..."

Yujo Judai turned around and gave a reassuring look, and said confidently: "Ah, don't worry, Yubel!"

But before Yujo Judai could finish speaking, a cold drink filled with murderous intent suddenly came from the opposite side!

"Just disappear from here, Yujo Judai!"

The blond man suddenly raised his right arm, stretched out his hand and inserted a card with flashing thunder into a device similar to a duel disk in his hand, and shouted in a cold voice: "The gathered prayers will become a new shining star and turn into a shining star." Road, fly, Stardust Dragon!”

Huge energy fell from the sky, and countless starlights suddenly dispersed in an instant, and then began to arrange themselves automatically, constantly swimming in the sky, drawing out one line of light after another!

These light rays did not disappear in an instant, but remained in the air. After a while, these light spots used this method to draw a huge sacred dragon-shaped pattern in front of Yucheng Judai!

"this is……"

Before Yujo Judai could react, this dragon-shaped pattern composed purely of light suddenly came to life!


The angry roar of the dragon sounded, and a sacred white dragon wrapped in darkness emerged from the sky!

Feeling the terrifying power contained in this card, Yujo Judai looked at the monster that suddenly appeared in shock: "This white dragon... what is it!?"

"Yushiro Judai, I'm going to kill you here!"

The blond man wearing a mask waved his hand suddenly and shouted coldly: "Stardust Dragon's attack, shoot at the speed of sound!"

Following this attack command, Stardust Dragon immediately opened its huge mouth, and suddenly a white energy flow broke through countless gravel and gravel on the ground, and quickly moved towards Yucheng Judai, threatening to blast him into pieces. ash!

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Yujo Judai shouted decisively: "Please, Neos (New Spaceman)!"

In an instant, a phantom that looked like Ultraman appeared, with its arms crossed in front of Judai Yujo, using its power from the universe to block all the Stardust Dragon's attacks for Judai Yujo!

However, as the "Electronic Ultimate Dragon" and "Ultimate Jade God - Rainbow Dragon" also joined the battlefield, New Spaceman finally could no longer resist, and his whole body was blown directly into the sky like a kite with its string broken, and The aftermath of the attack also sent Yujo Judai to the ground and rolled dozens of meters away!

Now, there is no barrier!

Stardust Dragon attacks again, spitting out pure white dragon breath!

If this blow really hits, then Yujo Judai will definitely be killed on the spot, without any luck!

But at this most critical moment, a clear dragon roar suddenly sounded out of thin air!

A red dragon composed of unknown energy suddenly appeared in the sky, blocking this fatal attack for Judai Yujo!

The red dragon disappeared, and a boy riding a motorcycle-like vehicle appeared in front of Yujo Judai!

The boy looked up at the masked blond man and shouted, "I won't let you do anything else! Give me back the Stardust Dragon quickly!!!"

"Oh, are you chasing me through time and space..."

The blond man wearing a mask sneered twice and said slowly: "The trouble is coming, Judai, let's call it a day. This era will be destroyed because of my great experiment, let's say goodbye forever, hahaha... "

Yucheng Judai staggered up from the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "What are you talking about...?"

no answer.

With a proud laugh, the blond man turned around and rode on a white D wheel and drove away quickly!

"Don't go!"

The boy riding the D wheel anxiously wanted to catch up, but in the blink of an eye, the blond man had already rushed into the time tunnel and disappeared!


The young man who stayed where he was secretly resented and could only give up.

Immediately afterwards, the young man quickly got off the D wheel, walked to Yucheng Judai and squatted down, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"Well, it's just a scratch, thanks to Neos."

Yucheng Judai wiped the blood stains from the aftermath of the attack and smiled at the young man: "Thank you very much. If you hadn't suddenly appeared, I would have died here..."

"No, it's me who should apologize..."

The young man lowered his head in blame, clenched his gloved right hand and said, "One of the three dragons that attacked you was my Stardust Dragon. It was because I let it be taken away by the enemy that you were injured. …”

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