Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 238 Immovable Yusei

"Oh, it's that white dragon, right?"

Judai Yujo seemed to have forgotten his injuries and sighed sincerely: "It's so powerful!... But why have I never heard of that kind of monster?"

"Of course, because the Stardust Dragon has not yet appeared in this era."

The young man sat next to Yujo Judai and said slowly: "I come from the future several years later. In order to recover the 'Stardust Dragon' that was taken away, I used the power of the red dragon to travel through time and space and come to this era. ...Maybe you won't believe it..."

"No, I believe you!"

Yusheng Judai grinned, clenched his fists heartily and said with a smile: "Wouldn't it be cool to travel through time and space? Since we have the power of elves, everything becomes possible!" At this point, Yusheng Judai suddenly paused, Some laughed and said: "Ah, that..."

As if he understood what Yujo Judai wanted to ask, the young man touched his chest with his right hand and said in a deep voice, "My name is Fudo Yusei."

"My name is Yujo Judai, please give me your advice!"

Yusei Judaijirai patted his chest familiarly and said with a hearty smile: "You look really handsome when you ride a bike. Will Yusei be a motorcyclist in the future?"

Fudo Yusei shook his head: "That's called the D-wheel, it's the dueling device of the future."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Yujo Judai stood up excitedly: "Have you evolved to that level? I really want to see with my own eyes what the future duel will be like!"

At this time, two phantoms appeared behind Yucheng Judai.

One is Yubel, and the other is a man wearing glasses, always squinting his eyes, and smiling.

Yubel looked at Yujo Judai tenderly and said, "Does Judai also want to sit on it and give it a try?"

"That's right, that's right..."

Yusei Judai smiled: "But don't show up suddenly, Yubel and Daitokuji-sensei, Yusei will be scared, right?"

Yubel glanced at Fudo Yusei and said, "I won't be scared if I see it."

Daitokuji narrowed his eyes and smiled: "He is also a powerful elf host, nya."

Fudo Yusei nodded, took off his gloves, revealed the red mark on his right arm and said, "Elf lodging...is this what you mean?"

"As expected, Yusei is also a powerful duelist chosen by the elves!"

Yusei Judai stood up from the ground and looked at the devastated ruins with a heavy heart: "Although I really want to have a duel with Yusei to see what the dueling monsters will look like in the future, but now seems not the right time... …”

Fudo Yusei glanced at the collapsed buildings and asked Yujo Judai, "What happened?"

"Recently, incidents of duel monster cards disappearing here have been happening..."

Yucheng Jushidai patted the dust on his body and sighed: "During the investigation, I met the man wearing a mask... Fortunately, I found the right person, but the other person seemed to be a bit strong. I expected it..."

"Yushidai-kun, I hope you can give me a helping hand."

Fudo Yusei stretched out his hand to hold his heart and said: "I want to find my Stardust Dragon, and I also want to stop the terrible plan that guy is planning to implement. If we let it go, maybe the world will completely collapse and disappear! "

"Ah, isn't that of course!"

Yujo Judai patted Fudo Yusei's shoulder with his right hand, and said with a hearty smile: "I was fooled so badly by him just now, I can't let it go like this!" In the middle of the sentence, Yujo Judai suddenly froze: " But... now that he has escaped, where should we find him?"

"I have a rough idea of ​​his goal."

Fudo Yusei took out a data stick from his jacket pocket. After pulling it open, he pointed at the pictures and text on it and Yujo Judai explained: "Since that guy traveled through time and space to commit crimes, he will definitely change the past seriously. A certain period of history! I checked the information in the future and found traces of distortion of history at two points in time. The first one was here, and the other one was in the earlier past, about ten years ago..."

Yujo Judai's eyes fell on that piece of information. After seeing the information recorded on it clearly, he said in disbelief: "President Pegasus was killed at home, and the Duel Monsters completely disappeared from the stage of history!?"

"That's right!"

Fudo Yusei nodded and said seriously: "Mr. Pegasus is the father of Duel Monsters. If he dies, the development of Duel Monsters cards will definitely be hit hard! So we must find Mr. Pegasus before a tragedy occurs. , just protect him from being hurt!"

"Now that you understand, let's go quickly!"

Yujo Judai immediately shook his arm vigorously and vigorously, and said with overwhelming momentum: "This time I must make the guy wearing the mask look good!"

"If it's a regular duel, I'm not afraid of him..."

Fudo Yusei shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "But he holds a powerful duel monster spirit in his hand, and he may not be willing to duel with us honestly. If that guy uses violent means, we may not be able to stop him with just our strength. He...Judaimei-kun, you are not that far away from that era, do you know where in this world we can still win our reinforcements?"


A certain figure flashed in Yucheng Judai's mind for the first time, and he laughed dryly and said: "As for reinforcements, there are indeed them, and that reinforcements are simply terrifying...not to mention the Rainbow Dragon and the Electronic Final Dragon. Well, even Exodia can't defeat that monster at all..."

Fudo Yusei was happy at first, but then became confused: "Is there such a powerful person? Why is there no record of that strong man in my era?"

"Of course there is!"

Yujo Judai immediately turned back to Daitokuji behind him and said, "Teacher Daitokuji, you also know this, right?"

"Ah, indeed..."

Daitokuji seemed to have remembered some terrible memories, and his expression became a little weird: "Ten years ago, it was when Mr. Sok was active, but I want to remind you, Judai...Mr. Sok at that time was notorious. , he doesn’t know you, you may have to suffer a lot if you want to convince him to help you, so you have to be mentally prepared, meow.”

"He's not much better now..."

Judai Yuucheng subconsciously touched his head and said with a smile: "As a companion, Teacher Sok is as reliable as a mountain, but he showed no mercy when he beat us. I'm still feeling a faint pain here... "

After listening to Judai and Daitokuji talking for a long time, Fudo Yusei was confused and asked blankly: "Who are you talking about... Mr. Sok?"

Yujo Judai grabbed Fudo Yusei's shoulders and said extremely seriously and cautiously: "He is the number one monster in the world that you should not mess with! If we go back to the past and see him later, you must remain respectful. , whatever he says is what he says. If you see him cheating in a duel, you must not bring it up. If he says the sun is dark, you must nod and praise him, do you understand?"

Fudo Yusei was dumbfounded at that time: "...Huh?"

"Stop it, I've already sacrificed a lot to deal with that bastard wearing a mask..."

Judai Yujo held his head and squatted down with a headache, and said in pain: "It's terrible... I thought I would never see Teacher Sok after graduation, but now I actually want to take the initiative to find Sok in the most brutal period. Teacher...I must be crazy..."

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