Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 240 International Illusion Company

Fortunately, Sock understands English.

After grabbing a random passerby and asking about the location of International Illusion Company, Sock casually gave him a tip of two hundred dollars.

This was something I did casually. Sokko often threw money on the street in Dominocho, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But when he was alone outside, his money was revealed, and soon, several "tails" followed him.

The body paused slightly, and Suoke was already aware of it.

Deliberately not making any reaction, he just bought some food and drink. At a certain street corner, he suddenly turned a corner and walked into this hidden alley.

The sky gradually darkened, and Suoke stood motionless in the alley, waiting for those unknown things to appear.

Soon, a group of bustling noises came from behind and behind.

A group of black hippies, wearing sloppy clothes that exposed half of their buttocks, blocked Sok's entrance and exit.

Suok raised his eyebrows slightly and curiously asked the little penguin on his shoulder: "What do they mean by showing their buttocks?"

"I don't know, wait a minute, I'll check..."

After saying that, Little Penguin took out a thick hard-cover book from behind, flipped through a few pages, and read slowly: "Well... in prison, because you can't see women all year round, those powerful characters will... Falling in love with a man... and exposing half of the buttocks means that the person has been admired by the ruthless men in prison. He has a backer, so that he will not be bullied and bully others... Generally, only black people will continue to do this after being released from prison. , this shows that he has been in prison, and they think this can better deter others..."

Damn, this is so disgusting!

It was impossible to hit him with his fists. Sock felt dirty.

I was thinking about whether to blow up this alley to the ground, but the group of black hippies with dicks in their hands had already surrounded me.

The leader among them shook his head and twisted uneasily, as if he had just taken some medicine. He took a switchblade and stabbed Sok in the stomach without saying a word!

The black people nearby were not surprised, and they were laughing and rapping, betting on how high Sock's blood would rise.

Could this poor guy survive a minute?

Even before the knife was stabbed into his stomach, there was already a nigger who couldn't wait to reach for the wallet in Sok's pocket.

A familiar road.

It was obvious that they had done this many times.

There are also many gangsters in Domino Town, but most of them will not hurt others as long as they extort money. But these black people only have murder and robbery in their minds. Anyway, they have the political correctness of the Holy Virgin and the White Left. As long as they shout "Black Lives Matter" a few more times "Expensive", there will always be retards to speak for them, there will always be lawyers who want to be famous to defend them.

A democratic country without the death penalty is simply a paradise for crime!

There was a "bang", and blood flowed like a fountain, spraying more than one meter high!

But all the black hippies present suddenly changed their expressions!

Because it was not the poor guy who was robbed who died, but the black man who stabbed him with a knife!

The head flew out completely, hit the wall, made a muffled sound, and shattered to the ground!

Suoke sneered and raised his hand to conjure the dragon-killing sword. A few arcs of light flashed by, and almost all the black men were cut into more than a dozen pieces. Their broken bodies collapsed instantly and collapsed on the ground, with blood flowing into rivers.

Seeing this scene, which was as bloody and tragic as hell on earth, the black gangster standing at the end holding a steel pipe finally woke up from his drugged state. His whole body was trembling and shaking, and urine was flowing down his trouser legs.

Looking at the last living black gangster in a blink of an eye, Suok's eyes condensed into the linear pupils of the evil god. He stepped forward in two steps, put the dragon-killing sword on his neck, and said coldly: "You want to rob me? How dare you use a knife?" Stabbing me? Humph...You idiots like you who are destined to go to hell actually dare to provoke me, the great evil god who controls the underworld? Hahaha..." By the end of the sentence, Suok had laughed loudly.

The black hippie knelt down with a bang, hugged Sok's leg and cried bitterly: "I'm not...I didn't want to attack you..."


Suok raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the steel pipe in his hand that he had not put down until now, and sneered: "Then tell me what the hell are you holding in your hand!?"

"This...this is...steel pipe..."

The black guy's smile was uglier than his cry. His lips were trembling and he said, "Actually... I'm a pole dancer... Man, do you want to watch pole dancing? It's free..." But he hadn't finished his sentence yet. The black gangster's expression suddenly changed, and he stabbed Sok's chin with a stick full of viciousness!

But how could such an attack be able to defeat Suoke, the great evil god of the underworld?

Sok just waved his palm and cut off the steel pipe. His head was also beaten to pulp. He snorted coldly: "Vulgar! I would rather watch Teletubbies!"

The body fell to the ground, and the black bastard was never heard from again.

at the same time.

At some point, Dazi, who was sitting in front of the altar, suddenly opened his eyes and gritted his teeth with secret hatred: "He is so cruel that he killed dozens of people I led over without changing his expression... It seems that the sneak attack that drives mortals to surprise has also ended. It won’t work…”

Standing up slowly, Dazi stared at the snake statue in front of him, already making up his mind!


If you haven't captured the powerful Duel Monster Spirit before that terrifying monster finds you, then you can offer your soul as a sacrifice and resurrect the God of Orihagun!

God will wake up and destroy all humans and the evil god who acts recklessly!

For Dazi, this was a test to test the possibility of assassinating Sok with a mortal.

For Sock, this was just an episode, forgotten in the blink of an eye.

Thanks to Haima, International Illusion Company is now very famous. Sock quickly found the headquarters of International Illusion Company and fought all the way in, killing at least three digits of security personnel.

Finally, when Sok kicked open the door of President Pegasus' office, a frightened scream was immediately heard!


It was the voice of Pegasus.

In two steps, Sok walked up to Pegasus, who was shivering and hiding in the corner with his head in his hands. He said angrily: "No, no, no, I'm not here to extort money. Please be alert. I have something else to ask you." Here you go, one-eyed dragon!"


Hearing Sok's voice, Pegasus was startled, raised his head suddenly, grabbed Sok's arm in an awkward manner, and said overjoyed: "Mr. Sok! It turns out to be you, that's really great! I I thought it was those scary monsters coming to my door!"

"Fuck, let go!"

Sok kicked Pegasus away unceremoniously, swaggered to sit on the sofa nearby, and shouted towards the female secretary who was timidly looking in at the door: "What are you looking at? Serve tea!"

The female secretary was startled, but she didn't dare to refuse. She fearfully made Suoke a cup of black tea, and then ran away as fast as she could.

After sitting on the sofa and taking a comfortable sip of black tea, Sok calmly asked Pegasus: "What? Is there a monster trying to harm you?"


Pegasus sat dejectedly opposite Sok, pressed his forehead and said in pain: "I had a very scary dream last night, and encountered some very scary things... That kind of real feeling... I know that It’s not just a dream…”

Suoke drank the black tea and nodded: "No wonder there are so many security guards in your company."

"They can barely bring me the last trace of security..."

Pegasus looked at Sok and said: "I want to ask you for help... Only you can deal with those terrible monsters... But all my communications and networks have been cut off, and I am almost desperate... God bless, fortunately You appeared in front of me at this most dangerous time..."

"I believe in materialism, don't mention those weird things to me."

Suoke took another sip of hot black tea. After thinking about it, he slowly said: "Well... I understand the general situation... In other words, you are being targeted by something, and the other party's strength can even You, the president of International Illusion Company, are under house arrest in the company, like a husky waiting to be slaughtered..."

The corners of Pegasus' mouth twitched and he said, "The metaphor is not quite appropriate, but... it's roughly the same."

Suok raised the corners of his mouth and gradually revealed the evil smile: "Hey, in that case, I have an idea..."

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