Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 241 Paradis Company

Located in downtown Washington, the Paradis Corporation is the tallest building in the United States, dwarfing all surrounding high-rise buildings.

The top capitalists from all over the world gathered here, but Dazi alone overshadowed almost all of them.

All the corporate stars gathered around the tallest skyscraper in Paradis, as if the capitalists were carefully following Dazi, following his lead.

Because of Dazi, this place became the center of the world.

But today, an uninvited guest came uninvited!

Striding to the gate of Paratis Company, Sock said coldly to the dozens of burly security personnel holding submachine guns at the gate: "Take me to see your president!"

The sturdy men pointed their submachine guns at Suok!

The guy who looked like the leader yelled angrily: "How dare you! Even the president has to inform you of the appointment in advance. Who do you think you are!? Get out of here right away! Otherwise we will shoot!"

"I don't know how to praise!"

Suok sneered and blasted all dozens of people away with a shock wave!

A huge explosion sounded, and the employees who were working normally inside screamed and fled. Those who were a little braver were already calling the police.

Thok ignored the group of mortals.

He walked to the center of the hall, raised his right hand, and a red shock wave emitted from his palm, penetrating the entire building directly from the ground floor! The light penetrated the building, streaked across a straight line like a meteor, fell into the universe, and disappeared!

In an instant, the alarm sounded suddenly!

Suok sneered, and a dark red energy vortex erupted around him, his hair stood on end, and the pupils in his eyes were scarlet and evil!

The marble floor cracked with force under my feet.

Suoke's body turned into a stream of light and rushed directly to the highest floor of the building!

As soon as he reached the top floor, Sock discovered that countless regular armed forces had gathered from all directions!

As soon as they met, they immediately opened fire to suppress them without saying a word!

Someone even dragged a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher from behind!


To Sock, all this is no different from a toy!

Countless bullets poured on Sok's body, but the weak impact could not even penetrate the energy vortex around Sok!

At this moment, a group of strong soldiers came out with rocket launchers on their shoulders, lined up in a row, aimed at Sok's direction and began to fire rockets! The shells poured down like rain, and the whole building was shaking!

"Want to kill me?"

A sinister smile appeared on Suoke's lips, he slowly stretched out his right hand and slapped it hard!

In an instant, an extremely strong palm wind roared out, blowing back the rockets one after another!

Countless armed soldiers were blown to pieces by the rockets flying back before they even reacted!

After the clouds and smoke passed, everything in front of them was already in shambles. The walls were shattered and countless scattered bodies and corpses were strewn across the field. It was like a hell on earth.

"Huh, pointless resistance!"

Suok closed his eyes and used telepathy to find the living life on this floor. Soon, Suok opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth in a dangerous arc.

"I found you!"

After a few dodgers, Sock came to an office door that was obviously different.

The walls here are painted with Oliha Gang patterns, and the door is also faintly glowing with green light. It is obviously not a place that ordinary people can enter.

Suok sneered, two red lights flashed in his eyes, shattered the door, and stepped in!

The world in the room is safe and stable, and in front of the desk in this room, there is a man leaning on the back of the chair and looking at Sok indifferently.

"The Great Evil God of the Underworld...Sock."

The man had no expression on his face and spoke slowly: "I heard Lord Dazi mentioned you."

Suoke looked around and said coldly: "Where is Dazi?"

"To deal with you, I don't need Lord Dazi to personally take action..."

The man slowly stood up from his seat, a green Oliha Gang pattern appeared on his forehead, and showed his duel disk in an attacking posture: "Come on, let me, as the vice president, accompany you now. It’s fun…”

"Play with your third aunt!"

Suoke fired a qigong cannon from the air and sent him flying!

That body weighing two hundred kilograms was like a kite with its string broken. It directly smashed the glass on the top floor and fell from the two hundred floor!


The word "Ah" was dragged out for a long time, followed immediately by a subtle "bang", which could not be heard at all, not because of Thorkel's good hearing.

After using Qigong bombs to blow up several floors, Suok frowned slightly.

I have turned his lair upside down, but Kadazi still hasn't appeared. It seems that he is indeed no longer here.

After fluttering his wings and flying out of the building, Suok looked down at the building below and narrowed his eyes slightly.

If that's the case, then raze this building to the ground!

Ordinary employees on the ground floor have time to escape, but no one in the management office whose office is in a high-rise building will be spared!

After thinking about it, Sok raised his hand to gather the energy cannon!

But the little penguin on his shoulder suddenly appeared and quickly stopped Sok: "Hey, my dear, please wait a moment!"

Suoke turned his head and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"I remember that in the original animation, Ryuzaki and Yumo once took refuge in Dazi..."

The little penguin bit the tip of his wing and chirped: "Then Dazi asked them to go to a card collection room to pick out cards at will. It is said that except for the Three Fantasy Gods and the Legendary Dragon, there are all kinds of cards! ... We have money It’s almost gone, why not sell it all to support the family?”

"I'm a bitch and I'm just bragging."

Suok let out a "poof": "Does he have the Blue-Eyed White Dragon? Does he have the Three Illusion Demons? Does he have the Cartoon World?... But since you said so, it really can't be wasted..."


On one of the busiest streets in Washington, a small pickup truck appeared. The back of the pickup truck was filled with rare cards neatly stacked!

"Great news, great news!"

Suoke drove a pickup truck and shouted with a loudspeaker in his hand: "The world's largest leather factory has closed down! The owner, Dazi, owed 500 billion for eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and ran away with his third aunt! The original price was 50 cents or 60 cents. Tianshendang and Oliha have just formed a boundary, and now they only cost 500,000! All 500,000, all 500,000! You can’t buy it for 500,000 and suffer a loss, you can’t buy for 500,000 and be cheated, you can buy everything for 500,000. Sorry, you poor bitch!"

This street is the base of big capitalists. Of course they know who Dazi is!

At that time, this street was in a state of shock!

I just heard that a madman broke into Paradis Company and carried out a terrorist attack. It turned out to be because Dazi went bankrupt! ?

...But why didn’t I hear the news?

As the leader of the world's capitalists, once the extremely wealthy Paradis Corporation goes bankrupt, the world's financial order will be severely damaged. In today's globalized economy, this turmoil is enough to bankrupt countless people and even destroy the country!

Over there, Sock was still shouting: "Dazi, you bastard is not a human being!" A group of big capitalists here had already crowded in, anxious to know the authenticity of the bankruptcy of Paradis Company.

When Suoke saw so many people gathered around him, he thought business was coming.

As a result, everyone came up and asked questions, but no one mentioned buying a card at all.


At that time, Sock took out his submachine gun from behind his buttocks and fired it into the air, saying angrily: "You poor guy who can't afford anything, get out of here!"

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