Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 242 Paradox

As soon as the shuttle was fired, everyone ran away with their heads in their arms.

Of course, this rare card cannot be sold.

Suoke didn't care and continued to drive the pickup truck, shouting loudly through the loudspeaker: "Dazi, you bastard, give me back my hard-earned money!..."

The camera zoomed out, and Sok's figure appeared in a crystal ball.

Dazi himself, who was standing in front of the altar, looked at Suoke's every move with a strange expression on his face.

Rafilu and Baron standing behind also looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

In the end, Barong couldn't help but break the weird atmosphere at the scene: "Lord Dazi, let me go to Washington and teach this lawless man a lesson!"

Da Zi looked back at Barong, then turned his gaze to the crystal ball again, and said without showing any joy or disgust: "You also saw what happened to Riddle (Vice President) just now. The enemy we have to face this time is not someone who is willing to fight with you." A madman who fights for life and death in an upright manner, if you go to him, you will end up with the same end..."

Barong said unwillingly: "But are we just going to let him do whatever he wants!?"

"I have already sent Amaluda to capture Pegasus when he came to the company to cause trouble..."

Dazi stared at the crystal ball and said slowly: "It's just a company. After the world restarts, no matter how much money you have, it will be just waste paper... The enemy we have to face this time is so powerful that it even makes my hair stand on end. The situation... so we cannot conflict with him head-on, we can only secretly find ways to collect souls and resurrect our god..."

Standing up, Dazi raised his head and stared at the snake god statue in front of him, feeling a rare uneasiness in his heart that had remained calm for thousands of years.

The God of Oliha Gang is his last trump card.


Why do I think that even this trump card can't deal with Sok...

International Vision Corporation.

A shadow sneaked into Pegasus' office quietly.


Amaluda appeared and shouted to Pegasus, who was sitting in the president's seat reading a book: "Come with me!"

Pegasus raised his head and showed an unexpected calmness in the face of this unexpected guest.

After scanning Ameruda up and down, Pegasus narrowed his eyes and smiled: "...Who is this lady?"

"I am a man!"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Yameruda's face: "Although he looks a little more delicate, I have absolute confidence in dealing with guys like you, whether it's a duel or a fist!"

"Oh! Scoy!" (so awesome)

Pegasus clapped his hands repeatedly and praised: "Although you look like a sissy, you actually still have the heart of a tough guy!"

A flash of confusion flashed in Amaluda's heart.

Facing the intruder, was this guy's reaction too calm?

But he is indeed Pegasus himself, right?

If you can’t figure it out, then don’t think about it!

All he has to do is complete the tasks assigned to him by Master Dazi! ...Before that monster comes back!

Thinking of this, Amaluda no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed forward, reaching out to grab Pegasus, trying to take him away by force!

An inexplicable light suddenly flashed in Pegasus's eyes!

But at this moment, time and space were suddenly torn apart, and a white D-wheel rushed out across the sky, knocking Amaluda directly away!

After a harsh friction sound on the ground, the D wheel stopped!

Immediately afterwards, there was a slightly hoarse sneer from the masked blond man: "Hmph... Pegasus, your death has come..."

But before he could finish his words, Amaluda, who was hit by the D-wheel, jumped up from the ground despite the severe pain in his body. He raised his flying kick and was kicked hard by the blond masked man from the D-wheel. Come down!

The blond masked man fell heavily to the ground, and even his mask was broken.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Amaluda covered the spot hit by wheel D and gritted his teeth: "This makes it even! Where did you sneak attack on me, you bastard... Pegasus is my prey, do you think What to do to my prey!?”

The blond masked man struggled to get up from the ground, coughed twice, and said coldly: "You want to stop me?"

Amaluda shouted angrily: "I don't know who you are, but you can't even think of taking away my prey!"

"……All right."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the blond masked man: "For the sake of a new future, it seems I have to kill you here first... Come out, Stardust Dragon!!!"

As the blond masked man shouted, a holy white dragon wrapped in black smoke suddenly appeared!

He opened his mouth and shot out a stream of dragon's breath towards Amaluda, threatening to kill him!

Amaluda evaded this attack in embarrassment, and felt really angry in his heart!

"Stop trying to push me further!"

Quickly pulling out a card from the deck, Amaluda shook off the duel disk on his arm, suddenly inserted the card into the duel disk, and shouted sternly: "Oliha Gang's barrier, activate!!!"

Green light instantly penetrated the roof, and a green wheel with inscriptions fell from the sky, trapping Amaluda and the blond masked man together!

The embodiment of the rules of dark power, Stardust Dragon was directly crushed and broken by Oliha Gang's power!

Now, only a duel can determine the outcome!

The winner lives!

The loser dies!

A green light curtain rose into the sky, and no external force could interfere with their duel!

Things suddenly developed to this point inexplicably. "Pagasus", who was originally planning to catch Amaluda, didn't understand what was going on, but... it felt quite interesting!

He took out a bag of potato chips from the drawer. While eating the potato chips, Pegasus shouted to the two people trapped by Oliha Gang's barrier: "Come on! Come on!"

"Things actually got to this point, bam..."

Amaluda gave Pegasus a cold look: "Don't have any unrealistic thoughts! I specially blocked the exit of this room with 'Oliha Gang's Barrier'. If you want to escape, Unless you jump directly from the 50th floor!"

Pegasus shrugged: "I can call for a helicopter."


Amaluda's face twitched a little, and it took him a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll kill this unknown guy before your helicopter comes over!" After that, Amaluda glared at the blond man opposite: "You bastard, you're wasting my time! Watch me destroy your soul too!"

"My name is Paradox, I come from the future..."

Paradox reached out and took off the duel disk on Wheel D, looked at Amaluda coldly and said: "I thought that as long as I killed Pegasus, my future would not be destroyed... But now It seems that you are also a target that must be eliminated!"

"Without further ado!"

Amaluda reached out and pulled out four cards from the deck, and shouted angrily: "Use a duel to decide who of the two sides should be eliminated, blond bastard! Let me kill you completely before that monster comes back!"

Paradox put the duel plate on his arm and said coldly: "Then come!"

The "Pegasus" next to him brought another cup of Coke from nowhere. After taking a sip happily, he cheered: "Hit! Beat the hell!... Crunch, crunch (chewing potato chips)... Harder, don't Give me face!"

The two of them tacitly pretended not to hear.



Paradox, LP: 4000

Yameruda, LP: 4000

The duel is about to begin!

"I'll attack first!"

Paradox coldly pulled out a card from the deck, took a look at it, and sneered: "This world is full of contradictions and sins. Now... I will let you take a look at the reality of this world. …”

"Environmental magic - "Sin·World" is activated!"

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