Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 243 Give me an American uppercut

"it's useless!"

Amaluda waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "'Oliha Gang's Barrier' will not be destroyed by any effect or for any reason, and its effect will never be suspended! So your environmental magic card - failed to activate!! !”


Paradox looked at the magic traps in his hands with an extremely ugly face, feeling confused.

The core of the "Sin" series of cards is to add the "Sin" monster from the deck to your hand through "Sin·World", then remove the monster from the deck or extra deck, and special summon the "Sin" series monster with the same name.

This kind of summoning condition, which is basically cost-free and so simple as to be mentally retarded, has become the basis of the strength of the "Sin" deck.

But now the core card "Sin World" cannot be activated, and Paradox does not have a single monster from the "Sin" series in his hand, so he cannot even send out a single monster!

And the most terrible thing is that the magic traps added to his deck are all matching cards used with the "Sin" series monsters!

Now even the monsters can't escape, and the magic trap is equivalent to a piece of waste paper!

It’s over!

Seeing that Paradox didn't operate for a long time, Amaluda said impatiently: "Hey! Are you still determined to duel? If you don't play your cards, I will start my turn directly!"

Paradox gritted his teeth and said: "I...I end the turn..."

well! ?

Amaluda blinked blankly.

What's happening here?

Give away the head?

"Hmph...I don't know what you are doing, but it's my turn! Draw a card!"

Amaluda suddenly pulled out a card, inserted a card from his hand into the duel plate, and shouted: "I summon the 'Mechanical Soldiers of the Demon World' to launch a direct attack on you! Super machine gun!"

[Mechanical soldier of the demon world, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1400, defense: 1200, description: A mechanical soldier made by the power of darkness, destroying the enemy crazily. 】

A hail of bullets hit Paradox, greatly reducing his health.

Paradox, LP: 4000→2600

"I put a cover card and end the turn!"

Amaluda snorted coldly: "Okay, it's your turn, hurry up and let me see your so-called duel mode from the future, blond bastard!"

"Damn it... If you want to be proud, you can only do it now!"

Paradox suddenly drew a card from the deck, and when he turned it over, it was the magic card "Sin·Cross" again!

Paradox closed his eyes in pain: "...I will end the round."

"What the hell are you doing?"

Amaluda said inexplicably: "You're going to die, why don't you struggle twice?...Forget it, it's you who will die anyway, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Drawing another card from the deck, Yamilu stretched out his hand again and shouted: "The 'Mechanical Soldiers of the Demon World' will once again launch a direct attack on you! Take advantage of it, super machine gun!"

Paradox, LP: 2600→1200

"It's my turn, draw the cards!"

Paradox gritted his teeth and drew a card, and then...he missed it again.

He closed his eyes in despair: "The round... is over."

"Huh? You won so easily?"

In disbelief, Amaluda used the "Devil World's Mechanical Soldier" to launch a final blow to Paradox, directly reducing his health to zero!

Oliha Gang's barrier began to shrink, and in a burst of green light that reached the sky, Paradox let out a shrill scream!

"Did my experiment go wrong!!!"

He struggled unwillingly, but in the end Paradox's soul was sucked away by Olihagon's barrier and became a sacrifice for the resurrection of the god Olihagon.

The "Pegasus" next to him were dumbfounded.

He finally met the first villain BOSS in the world of King of Cards who was killed due to hand jam.

The big monster that originally required three duel kings to be defeated was easily killed by the weakest minion of Da Zi. Mom, I have nothing to say...

Easily defeating the unknown guy who hit him with the D wheel, Amaluda turned around and said slowly with a dangerous look in his eyes: "You seemed very proud just now, Pegasus... I said I would take care of that bastard soon. , how about your helicopter? Hahaha..."

"Oh...I thought he would win..."

"Pegasus" sighed and said with a disappointed face: "This duel is not exciting at all. Watching you noobs pecking each other makes me feel so tired..."

"Don't worry, you will soon become the nourishment for our god's resurrection anyway!"

Amaluda moved his muscles twice, and once again rushed towards "Pagasus" like a tiger: "Awaken, Pegasus!!!"

But at this moment!

The temperament of "Pegasus" suddenly changed!

"Pagasus", who was wearing a suit, just swayed slightly to avoid Amaluda's attack, and then with lightning speed, he hit Amaluda hard with an uppercut. On the face!

"Take an American uppercut from me, America Boy!"

One blow of the "Evil God Breaking Face Fist" caused Yameluda to flip over in the air more than ten times, and then hit the ground with a "boom"!

Amaluda's seriously injured body was deeply embedded in the wall. It felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and he could hardly even feel the pain!

The muscles at the corners of his mouth barely twitched twice, and America's eyes were filled with despair: "You... you are not Pegasus..."

"Hey, of course I'm not Pegasus!"

The face of "Pagasus" gradually changed and turned back to the appearance of Sok: "I am the invincible evil god of the underworld - Sok! Hahaha... You saw me appearing in other places as expected. I can’t wait to kidnap Pegasus, hum, how does it feel to experience the ups and downs of life, Amaluda?”

"How...how could this happen..."

Amaluda's eyes widened and he trembled in disbelief: "Master Dazi clearly saw you somewhere else! The only one who can possess that kind of overwhelming power is you! Why... why do you appear here? !Answer me, answer me!!!”

The thing is actually very simple.

First, Sock himself showed up at Paradis Company and then caused a scene for Dazi to see.

This is me, so there won’t be any flaws.

Immediately afterwards, Sock used the ability of Little Penguin's "False Illusion", leaving the clone to continue shouting "Dazi bastard, return my hard-earned money.", but he himself used "Infinite Replacement of Martyrs", and was in the international Pegasus Exchange by Illusion Corporation.

Finally, use the special ability of "Imitation Imagineer" to transform into Pegasus.

In this way, all the plans were completed, just waiting for Dazi to send someone to die.

But Sok is not ready to tell his enemies the secret that he can use the power of any card spirit.

"Hey, you don't understand even if I say it..."

Suok stepped forward with a sneer, golden eyes appeared on his forehead, and instantly penetrated Yameruda's heart: "...Ah, I see, it turns out that Dazi's real home is on an isolated island in the Pacific. No wonder I gave him all the I searched all over the company and couldn't find him..."

"You are no longer of use..."

Sok stretched out his hand and put his hand on Yameluda's face, and said ferociously: "Rest in peace, Yameluda!"

The light of destruction gathered in the palm of Sok's hand, and at the moment when he was about to be burned to ashes, the cracks in time and space were suddenly torn open again, and a red D wheel rushed out!

When Yucheng Judai saw Sok, his surprise was beyond words!

"Teacher Suoke, we finally found you!"

There is one more update, I will write it when I come back tonight...

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