Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 244 A souvenir from the future

The D wheel stopped in front of Sok. Yujo Judai immediately jumped down from it, bowed respectfully at ninety degrees and said: "Teacher Sok, your student from the future - Yujo Judai says hello to you!"

Fudo Yusei in the car suddenly became serious when he saw Yujo Judai, a usually lively and active person, and he also felt a little inexplicably reserved.

After getting off the D wheel, Fudo Yusei followed the example of Yujo Judai and bent down to say hello to Sok: "Hello, Mr. Sok."

Although these two people had strange origins, as the saying goes, don't hit the Smiling Man, and Sok didn't just kill them as if they were the accomplices of Dazi or Paradox.

casually shattering Yameruda's brain nerves, Suok looked at the two of them, frowned and said: "From the future? Teacher Suok?... You didn't take medicine when you went out, I am the great evil god of the underworld, invincible in the world, the one with more money How can I possibly become a teacher for you brats if I can’t spend all my money?”

"I don't know about this either... maybe teacher you are just interested..."

Judai Yujo scratched his head at first, and then seemed to suddenly remember something. He quickly took out a letter from his luggage and handed it to Suoke and said: "By the way! Teacher Suoke, before I graduated, you once handed it to Suoke." Give me this souvenir and ask me to pass it on to you in the past... I didn't know what it meant at the time, but now it seems that you should be referring to this time."


Can I still write this?

Suoke looked at the little penguin on his shoulder suspiciously and asked, "Madam, are these two guys trustworthy?"

The little penguin nodded: "Both of them are seafood heads, so they should be credible."

“Seafood head…”

Sok first glanced at Yusei Judai: "This is a jellyfish..." Then he looked at Fudou Yusei: "This is a crab..." Finally, Sok touched his chin and thought for a while: "Let's put it this way , Muto Yugi is also a starfish. It seems that the world view of the Yu-Gi-Oh World should be 'seafood is justice'... but I am the evil god, and these bastards should be my enemies..."

Thinking of this, Suoke didn't say anything, and without any mental barriers, he punched Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei into unconsciousness, and then reached out and took the envelope from Yujo Judai's hand.

Check the appearance of the envelope. It is intact and has a wax seal.

After opening it, there was a pinyin text message written in the local dialect of Suok's hometown in the real world. The name at the beginning and in the signature was Suok's real-world name - "Wang Jie".

It should be impossible for anyone to forge this kind of thing. In other words, the possibility of this letter being written by my future self is extremely high.

With this in mind, Sok began to decipher this "dialect-encrypted" souvenir.

After a long time...

Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei slowly opened their eyes and looked around blankly...

who I am……

Where is this?

"Are you awake?"

Suoke sat in front of the two of them and said with a solemn expression: "Fudo Yusei and Yujo Judai, you just suffered a mental attack from the negative will agent of the earth - Datsu, and suddenly fainted. Fortunately, I am here. Only then can we rescue you in time, it’s so dangerous, it’s really so dangerous!”

Fudo Yusei was hit hard and his consciousness was still a little blurry. He blinked blankly: "Is... is this so?"

As for Yujo Judai, he had been tested for a long time when he was in school. He was beaten by Sok so many times. Even if he was beaten to pieces, he could still tell whose hand it came from based on the injuries after he woke up...

Looking at Suoke's serious and dignified face, Judai Yujo broke out in cold sweat.

Although I know that "Dazi" must be unjust, I must not expose it at this time, otherwise I may really die later...

So Yujo Judai pretended not to notice anything and nodded seriously: "Thank you, Teacher Sok!"

"Hey, you're welcome! Anyone who dares to attack my students is going against me, the Great Evil God of the Underworld! This grudge cannot be settled like this!"

Suoke slammed the table and said righteously: "So now I am going to poke the asshole of Darzi, that bitch, and you must cooperate closely with me, do you understand!?"

Without saying anything, Yucheng Judai immediately raised his hands in agreement: "Support!"


Fudo Yusei hesitated and said: "We traveled through time and space to this era in order to hunt down a blond masked man who caused turmoil in various eras. If we leave him alone, perhaps the future of this era and this world will also be like this." destroy……"

"Oh, you mean Paradox?"

Sok pointed to Paradox, who was lying on the ground next to him, unaware of his life or death, and said, "Well, he has been killed by the weakest minion under Dazi."


Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei were shocked.

I quickly ran to Paradox and confirmed his identity and D wheel. I was shocked beyond words.

Paradox was a terrible man who could destroy the world. Because of him, countless people died and cities were destroyed!

But in this era, just a villain's minions can kill him easily!

What terrifying monsters the enemies faced by my seniors were!

Sok stepped forward and explained to the two of them: "Don't look at him as he is still breathing. In fact, his soul has been sucked into his body by the monster condensed by the negative will of the earth. After a while, I will remove Oliha Gang." After the God and Dazi are completely killed, his soul will also be wiped out, and your future world should return to its original state."

How could it be so easy...

Fudo Yusei suddenly felt an unreal feeling.

Paradox will do whatever he wants in the future, and no one in the world can stop him, but in this era, he was killed with just a small role, and not only that, listening to the man named Sock in front of him said that dealing with Da With his relaxed tone, he is probably a hundred times more powerful than the villain leaders of this era!

How could there be such powerful humans in the world?

Next to him, Yujo Judai quietly leaned his head and whispered: "Well, I said that Teacher Sok is very powerful. Do you believe it now?"

"I see……"

Fudo Yusei stood up, clenched his right hand and put it on his heart, and said sincerely: "I am willing to help you, Mr. Sok!... But you are already so powerful, what can we do to help you?"

"It's because I'm too powerful, so when I approach Dazi's lair, he will definitely escape again..."

Suoke groaned: "I will borrow your D wheel to surprise the real base of Doma, and then completely kill Dazi! In order not to alert the snake, I will hide my identity first and challenge Dazi in a duel. , and then drag him into my 'dark game'! At that time, no matter how powerful he is, he will never be able to escape with his clone again!"

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