Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 245 Invasion

Immediately afterwards, Suoke told the two of them: "You must also remember it and don't call me by my name again to prevent Dazi from noticing it. Do you understand?"


The two agreed immediately, and then asked: "But what should we call you?"

Suok smiled slyly, stretched out his hand and wiped his face, and then his appearance changed.

Her white hair turned into the shape of a starfish trimmed with gold, and the evil and chaos in her eyes that could not be concealed instantly became clear and pure.

Face reorganization, height adjustment.

Soon, a brand new "Muto Game" appeared in front of Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei!

"Yusei-kun, Judai-kun!"

Suok, who transformed into Yugi Muto, said to the two of them extremely seriously: "Let us save this world!"

Not only the voice, but also the tone and tone are exactly the same!

Fudo Yusei and Yujo Judai were both stunned. If Sok hadn't transformed into Yugi's appearance in front of them, they must have thought that the person in front of them was Muto Yugi himself!

"Teacher Suoke, you actually have such a powerful ability..."

Yujo Judai was amazed, but then he seemed to suddenly remember something, and said in shock: "I know! So it turns out that Professor Kronos was really wronged. It turned out to be the girls' bathhouse that you peeped at, Mr. Sok!!" !”


This revelation was so harsh that everyone at the scene was shocked!

Especially Suok, his scalp almost exploded when he saw the little penguin on his shoulder with tears in his eyes and muttering about the betrayal.


You, a fisherman, dare to spread rumors about me, I'm afraid you are tired of living!

If I really saw it, I wouldn't say anything. The key is that I didn't get any benefits, and there was a fire in the backyard. This is so unbearable! ?

After seeing the anger in Sok's eyes that was about to burn down the house, Judai Yujo clearly knew what a terrible mistake he had made!

Yucheng Judai immediately said nothing, squatted on the ground familiarly, held his head and shouted: "Say it first, no slaps in the face!"

"No slap in the face?"

Suoke sneered: "Okay! As you wish!"

Ten minutes later

Yucheng Judai, who was beaten by Suok with a bruised nose and face, squatted there honestly, almost crying because of his grievance.

Looking at Suoke with resentment, Yucheng Judai sniffed his nose and said, "Didn't I promise not to be slapped in the face..."

"I always go back on my word."

Sok blocked him with just one sentence, and snorted coldly: "Next time you dare to spread rumors, your life will be in danger!" After that, Sok said to Fudo Yusei: "Let's go! I'll give you the address. You take me to find Dazi right now, and then I’ll give him the last night’s meal!”

Fudo Yusei had already seen how powerful and capricious Soke was, and he did not dare to neglect at all. He directly started the D wheel and said to Soke: "Mr. Soke, please come up, and... Judaimei-kun, please come up." together?"

"Of course together!"

Yujo Judai, who was still sluggish at first, suddenly became energetic when he heard that he was going to fight the BOSS: "It's a rare opportunity to duel with monsters that my seniors have fought before. The blood in my whole body is shaking with excitement!"

Just like that, the three of them sat down and the D wheel started!

With the help of the power of the red dragon, the three of them rushed into the torrent of time, tore apart space, and jumped to the headquarters of the "Doma" organization!

An isolated island has a spiral tower building. The top of the spiral stone tower is the nest of Dazi!

Wheel D made deep tire scratches on the ground, spun extremely irregularly on the ground countless times, and finally hit the bottom of the spiral stone tower.

Sock was fine at all, but Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei were in bad luck. It took them a long time to drag themselves out of the D wheel.

"What...what's going on, Yusei..."

Yucheng Judai touched his butt that was almost on fire from the friction, pouted and said: "Ah... it hurts, it hurts..."

Fudo Yusei was also scratched, but fortunately it was not serious. After getting off the D wheel, he covered the scratched wound and looked at the D wheel. He frowned and said: "The D wheel has stalled, and the key parts are also serious. damage……"


Judai Yujo was shocked and said: "The D wheel is broken!? Can't we go back!?"

"No, I can barely use it again..."

After Fudo Yusei carefully inspected the D wheel, he gave Yujo Judai a reassuring look and said, "But it doesn't matter. As long as I have enough tools, I can repair the D wheel, and we can travel through time and space." The reason is the red dragon, not the D wheel, so Judai-kun doesn’t have to worry about this problem.”

Only then did Yucheng Judai pat his chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'm relieved..." But then Yucheng Judai asked strangely: "But when we traveled through time before, wasn't the D round still Is it okay? Wheel D shows no signs of damage at all, so why did it break so suddenly..."

At this time, Suoke, who had been frowning and thinking beside him, slowly said: "I think... it should be my problem."


Judai Yujo was shocked and said: "Because Mr. Suo... Yugi is too heavy, is it overloaded?"

"...It's roughly the same, but not the usual weight."

Suok clasped his hands on his chest and said slowly: "The world has its own rules. My energy is too strong. Neither the channel opened by the red dragon nor the D wheel that carries me in the torrent of time can withstand my energy." Weight', that's why the D wheel will be damaged, and I think the space-time rift created by the red dragon will not be able to open for the time being... Hey, I originally planned to use Paradox's D wheel with its own time travel function to do whatever he wants in various eras. Well, it turns out that it can only be used twice at most..."

Seeing the anger and evil on Souk's face, Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei were secretly happy at the same time.

Fortunately, it can only be used twice, otherwise my era would be over...

The fluctuations in space and the intrusion of uninvited guests were immediately noticed by Dazi who was in the altar temple!

Among the three people who came, Dazi only recognized the one standing in the middle - the nameless Pharaoh!

How did he find this place! ?

Da Zi hesitated in her heart, but couldn't resist the temptation of the Three Illusion Gods.

As long as there is the energy of the Three Illusion Gods, the God of Oliha Gang can now be fully resurrected!

No matter what, it’s time to take a gamble!

So Dazi no longer hesitated, and immediately shouted to the two people behind him: "Rafiru! Barong! Enemies have broken into our holy land, kill them immediately, and dedicate their souls to our great Oliha Gang." God!"

"Understood, Lord Dazi!"

"Yes, Lord Dazi!"

Rafilu and Baron immediately set off and rushed outside the temple.

Dazi, on the other hand, was sitting in the temple, staring at the figure of the "nameless Pharaoh" on the crystal ball.

I don’t know why, but even though the appearance is completely matched, Kadazi always feels that there is something concerning about this pharaoh...

Is it an illusion, or...

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