Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 248 Black Magic Girl Purple General


Sok knew in his heart that these armored monsters did have hidden effects that could directly destroy the monsters!

"In front of the 'Big Bang Fist Armor', any monster will be crushed!"

Barong bent down like a cheetah and rushed towards the "Dark Magician Girl Pink General" on the Sok field, and shouted angrily: "It doesn't matter whether it is the enemy or himself, the special ability of the 'Big Bang Fist Armor' , will destroy all the monsters on the field! Look carefully, the nameless Pharaoh! This is my invincible armor deck!"

Instantly rushing to the front of "Dark Magician Girl Pink General", Barong showed no mercy and no hesitation in his eyes!

He punched directly into the soft belly of "Dark Magician Girl Pink General"!

Immediately afterwards, the "Big Bang Fist Armor" armed on Barong's right arm immediately glowed with white light, and instantly emitted a violent explosion that swept the entire audience!

Smoke and dust filled the air. Barong jumped back to his own field, waved to Sok and shouted: "The effect of Big Bang Fist Armor is that when there are more than 2 monsters on our field, this card will be destroyed by battle. Activates when sent to the graveyard. All monsters on the field are destroyed. Both parties suffer damage equal to the total attack power of the monsters destroyed by this effect! But because I am wearing 'active protective armor', the only one whose health will be reduced is you. !”

Sok, LP: 4000→1500

Before he finished speaking, all the armor on Barong's body was broken and sent to the cemetery.

"My duel only has the word 'attack', without any unnecessary little moves or actions that are reluctant to give up good cards!"

Barong hammered his chest with one hand, raised the corner of his mouth and shouted: "It doesn't matter whether it's a duel or a fight, you must burst out all your energy in an instant, and never leave any room for the enemy to fight back!... Okay Now, my turn is over, it’s your turn, nameless Pharaoh!”

"Oh, that's really interesting..."

Suok didn't care at all about the loss of his health. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "This kind of straight-forward fighting is not only effective, but also allows you or your opponent to fully enjoy the duel with all your strength and punches. Feeling happy... If you were born seven years later, maybe Tanya the Tiger Girl would appreciate you very much, hum..."


Barong was stunned: "Who is that?"

"Nothing...now it's my turn to draw cards!"

Sock slowly pulled out a card from the deck, raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Just a reminder, this is the first round after the activation of 'Obelisk's Fatal Destruction', and you still have two rounds to defeat it. I..." At this point, Sok inserted a card from his hand into the duel plate and shouted: "Since there is no magician monster on our field, I can special summon this monster from my hand. ...Come out, 'Dark Magician LV3'!"

[Black Magician LV3, 4 stars, light attribute, attack:? , Defense: 1500, Effect: When there is no Magician monster on our field, this card can be specially summoned from the grant card. The attack power of this card is the value of the Magician monster * 500 on both sides of the field. When the opponent activates When a magic or trap card targets a card on your side of the field, you can choose to send this card to the graveyard, negate the activation of that card's effect and destroy it, and at the same time special summon a 'Black' from your hand or deck. Magic LV6'. 】

"Dark Magician LV3!?"

Barong was shocked: "Is it a monster that can continuously evolve!?"

"Yes, LV Black Magician has the ability to evolve twice. When he evolves to the highest level LV9, he will have the power to destroy the world..."

Having said this, Suoke paused for a moment, then sneered: "But I have decided on the method of defeating you as early as the beginning of the duel, so I will not use the terrifying power of LV Black Magic... Then, I offer 'Dark Magician LV3' as a sacrifice...to summon 'Dark Magician Girl Purple General' in attack position!"

[Dark Magician Girl Purple General, 6 stars, dark attribute, attack: 0, defense: 0, effect: When there is a monster named "Dark Magician Girl" on our side of the field, this card cannot be used once per turn. It will be destroyed by battle, excluding a magician-type monster in our graveyard, and inflict damage to the opponent's health equal to the original attack power of that monster. This effect can only be used once per turn. 】

The "Black Magician LV3" on the Sok field turned into a purple light and dissipated. Immediately afterwards, a burst of purple bubbles instantly filled the entire field. A black magician girl wearing a purple robe appeared on the battlefield, with her back to She looked at Sok and flicked her cute wizard hat.

"The special ability of 'Dark Magician Girl Purple General' is activated!"

Sok reached out and pulled out the "Black Magician" from the graveyard, and shouted sternly: "Except the magician monster in the graveyard, and give your monster the damage equal to its original attack power! In this way, our health points will be even. Barong! Go, 'Dark Magician Girl Purple General', black magic soul shock wave!"

Before he finished speaking, a beam of purple energy instantly burst out from the staff in the hand of 'Dark Magician Girl Purple General', and hit Barong hard!

Barong, LP: 4000→1500

"it's not finished yet!"

Sok waved his hand again and shouted sternly: "'Dark Magician Girl Purple General', launch a direct attack on Barong! Black magic energy bullet!"

Following Sok's order, "Dark Magician Girl Purple General" immediately raised the staff in her hand again and launched a direct attack on Baron!


Barong was shocked: "It's obviously a monster with zero attack power, but it launched a direct attack on me...Does she also have any ability that can increase her attack power!?"

"No, you don't have to be suspicious and nervous..."

An evil smile appeared on Suoke's lips: "Her attack power is really only 0... No reason, she just wants to blow you up for fun..."

The energy bomb exploded on Barong's body with a "boom"!

Suoke did not lie, and Barong's health did not decrease at all, but this made him feel even more humiliated!

"Damn it! Who are you looking down on, the nameless Pharaoh!"

Baron said angrily: "Show your true ability to fight me seriously! Using a group of stinky girls to launch this kind of attack that looks like a joke... Do you really take this duel with life and death as a stake!? "

"Sorry, let me rephrase it..."

As Sok spoke, he drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk and said: "As a tribute to your 'attack-only duel', I also decided to give up defense and respond to you with constant attacks. How about, Doesn’t this sound a lot more pleasant to the ears...Okay, I cover a card, and then the turn ends..."

"It's your turn, Barong! You still have...two rounds!"

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