Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 249 Black Magician Red General

"It's my turn, draw the cards!"

Barong suddenly pulled out a card from the deck, looked coldly at the "Dark Magician Girl Purple General" on Sok's field, gritted his teeth and said: "This monster is really too dangerous... It seems I have to be here. Just kill it in one turn... Then, resurrect from the graveyard, 'Spiritual Armor Helmet'!"

Before he finished speaking, a hole opened in the ground, and the "spiritual armor helmet" reappeared from the cemetery to Baron's field!

"The effect of this card is that if this card is in the graveyard during my preparation phase, this card can be Special Summoned on our field in face-up attack position!"

After Baron said that, he took another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk: "Then it's time for my armored army to appear, Pharaoh! You have nowhere to escape, take the move! I'll activate it from my hand. The magic card 'Complete Armor Gravity'! Depending on the effect of this card, I can draw ten cards from the deck and special summon all the armored monsters in them!"

[Complete Armor Gravity, Magic Card, Effect: Check the top 10 cards of your deck in turn, and special summon as many armored monsters as possible on your field each time. Cards that cannot be specially summoned are removed from the game. Remove. 】

"Attack Display Summon - Burning Fist Armor!"

[Burning Fist Armor, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 0, defense: 1000, effect: The attack power of this card increases by the number of armored monsters on your field x 200. When this card attacks, the ATK of the monster fighting this card is reduced by the ATK of this card at the end of the damage calculation. 】

"Attack Position Summon - Jet Gauntlet!"

[Jet gauntlet armor, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 0, defense: 1500, effect: This card can be activated at the beginning of the damage step of the battle with the opponent's monster to destroy this card and the opponent's monster (do not proceed) damage calculation). 】

"Attack Display Summon - Active Protective Armor!"

"Attack Display Summon—Destruction Nailer!"

[Destroy Nail Hand Armor, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 0, defense: 0, effect: When this card attacks, it will not be destroyed by that battle, and your combat damage caused by that battle becomes 0. The monster selected as an attack target by this card is destroyed at the end of the damage calculation for that battle, and the owner of that monster is inflicted 500 points of damage. 】

Five monsters were specially summoned in one round. If this kind of deck gave him three Phantom Gods, he would have to take off directly!

Five pieces of armor were equipped on Barong, once again giving him extremely powerful destructive power!

"The Burning Fist Armor starts charging!"

Baron's right fist suddenly erupted with an astonishing energy current, and he shouted angrily: "Every armored monster on my field will increase the attack power of Burning Fist Armor by 200 points, so now its attack power is... 1000 points! Eat the damage, nameless Pharaoh!" Immediately afterwards, Barong jumped in front of "Dark Magician Girl Purple General". The propeller behind his elbow began to erupt, and he punched "Black Magician Girl Purple General" directly. Magical Girl Purple General flies into the sky with her hammer!

Sok, LP: 1500→500

"It's useless. The effect of 'Dark Magician Girl Purple General' is that when there is a monster with 'Dark Magician Girl' in its name on the field, it happens once per turn and will not be destroyed by battle..."

Although his health had dropped to a terrifyingly low value, Sok remained calm and shouted coldly: "Only one of your armored monsters can attack in a round, so if you don't use special effects, you will never be able to attack." There’s no way I can defeat these dark magical girls who hide their terrifying power!…It’s my turn, draw a card!”

Pulling out a card directly from the deck, Sok took a look at it, inserted the duel plate with a sneer and shouted: "You already know the strength of the Dark Magician Girl, then... it's the turn of the 'Black Magician' ! I want to special summon this monster from my hand——Come out, 'Black Magician Red General'!"

The little penguin next to him nodded approvingly: "You have learned the essence of the Pharaoh's forceful ending of the opponent's turn, great!"

[Black Magician·Red General, 7 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2500, defense: 2100, effect: this card's attack power can be reduced by 500 points and specially summoned from the hand, paying 500 life points, this card can be The opponent player launches a direct attack. When this card attacks, the effect of a card activated by the opponent is invalid and destroyed. 】

Breaking through the light of chaos, the black magician wearing a red mage robe descended on Sok's battlefield!

His eyes were bright and blood-red, and there was a strange murderous intent spreading!

"The attack of the 'Black Magician Red General'!"

Suok waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "The target is 'Destruction Nail Hand', the blood mage's dark energy bomb is launched!"

As the attack command was issued, "Black Magician Red General" immediately gathered energy and threw a blood-red energy ball towards the "Destroy Nail Hand Armor"!


Barong secretly sighed in his heart that Pharaoh was lucky.

The effect of "Destroy Nail Hand Armor" can only take effect when it actively launches an attack. As long as the effect of this card is activated in the next turn, it can directly reduce Sok's health to zero, so at this time, it must Don't let it be destroyed!

"In that case, then I will activate the special ability of 'Destroying the Nailer's Armor'!"

Barong waved his hand fiercely and shouted angrily: "All armored monsters have the effect of transferring the target of the attack to other armored monsters when attacked! Therefore, I want to transfer the target of 'Black Magician Red General' to 'Jet' Gauntlet up! Come on, armor gravity, activate!"

Before he finished speaking, the gauntlet on Barong's left arm suddenly lit up, attracting the blood-red energy ball away from its target!

Moreover, if this attack hits, both monsters will be destroyed without calculating the damage!


"Don't even think about it! The special ability of 'Black Magician Red General' is activated!"

Suok concentrated slightly and shouted sternly: "Once per round, when this monster attacks, the effect of a card activated by the opponent is invalid and destroyed! Since you activated the effect of 'Destruction Nail Hand', your 'Destruction Nail Hand' will The hand's effect is invalid and destroyed!"


Barong was shocked: "Are you your original target!?"

"Hmph...whatever you think, but my attack is not over yet..."

Suok sneered twice and said: "Because the target of the attack disappeared, my attack was rolled back. I can once again designate other monsters to attack! Go, 'Black Magician Red General', attack 'Burning Fist Armor' !”

The blood-red energy bomb swung out again and pounced towards Barong!

"Damn it, your effect can only be used once per turn, so it's inevitable that your monster will be destroyed this time!"

Barong gathered energy in his left arm and broke through the attack of energy bombs. He suddenly rushed in front of "Black Magician Red General", raised his fist and roared: "I will transfer this attack to the 'Jet Gauntlet' Go! Go to hell, 'Black Magician Red General'!!!"

The Iron Fist shattered the "Black Magician Red General" in an instant, and the "Jet Arm Armor" armed on Baron's shoulders also shattered!

Returning to the original place, Barong wiped his nose and hummed: "Duel King?...Humph, I think that's nothing more than that!"

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