Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 258 The End

The God of Oliha Gang let out a harsh roar like the friction of steel, rushed directly into the sky, and flew towards the universe!

But how could Suoke let it go so easily! ?

Whether it is for the sake of the martyrs' blood feud thousands of years ago, or for themselves to continue to be free and unrestrained in this world, this kind of chaotic monster must be eliminated!

"In the name of the Great Evil God, rule all the darkness in the world!"

Suok raised his hands high and shouted angrily: "Evil, chaos, all negative energy, come into my hands!!!"

The power of darkness poured into Sok's body from all over the world!

The martyrs also transferred their power into Sok's body one after another!

The evil dragon wings spread out from his back, and devil horns sprouted from his head. All the evil spirits and darkness in the world were united like never before, making Sok stronger!

The true form of the Great Evil God appeared, and Sok flapped his wings and chased the God of Oliha Gang at an extremely fast speed!

"Where to run!?"

In just a few breaths, Sok had already caught up with the God of Oliha Gang who was fleeing into the universe!

He grabbed the two-branched tail of God Oliha Gang and tore it violently from the middle, tearing off nearly half of God Oli Hagang's body!

"hold head high!!!"

God Oliha Gang screamed, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, turned around, and swallowed Sok in one gulp!

The God of Oliha Gang has no entity, and his body is filled with darkness and chaos that is so dense that it cannot be dissolved!

That sticky unknown object constantly tries to absorb Sok's power, wears away Sok's will to resist, and wants to digest Sok and become a part of its body!

But regardless of whether Sok's soul is a higher-dimensional existence, even the most indestructible belief that has gathered countless martyrs cannot be consumed by the mere god of Oliha Gang!


With a loud shout, Suoke's body was ignited with blazing karma fire that burned his soul!

Those sticky darkness seemed to have encountered a natural enemy. As long as they were burned by Sok's flames, everything would instantly turn into fly ash, not even a single residue left!

With this flame, Sok ran rampant in the body of God Oliha Gang, fighting in and out, constantly tearing and burning the body of God Oliha Gang!

Even the aurora can't cover up the fire burning in the sky!

The sky rained bloody winds, and countless pieces of squirming meat were torn apart and scattered on the Pacific Ocean like garbage!


The huge dragon head of the god Oliha Gang fell from the sky like a meteorite on the island, and he died with his eyes open!

The Great Evil God then landed on the ground, and his last head was crushed to pieces with one kick!

The legs of Fudo Yusei and Yujo Judai standing on the island were trembling slightly unconsciously. Their faces turned pale as they looked at the scenes of bloody fighting that seemed like the end of the world.


Fudo Yusei swallowed deeply: "I understand now... why you told me not to provoke him no matter what..."

Yujo Judai forced a smile: "Yes... no matter how many times I see him, I still think he is really scary..."

Before he finished speaking, Suoke had vaguely heard something over there. He turned his head in the attitude of a great evil god and asked angrily: "You two little bastards are not talking bad about me, are you?"

"No no!"

Yujo Judai and Fudo Yusei waved their hands in fear: "We are in Quasok-sensei (Mr.) You are awesome, you killed that monster too!"

"Kill? It's not that simple."

Suok clapped his hands, turned his head and stared at the broken temple on the island, and sneered: "The God of Oliha Gang is just a medium for the earth's negative will to materialize. Now I have eliminated the medium for its existence, its true body." The Soul of Oliha Gang is about to appear!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the island was shaken!

Immediately, a poisonous snake emitting black gas sprang out from the pile of ruins!

Although this new "Soul of Oriha Gang" is far less huge than "God of Ori Hagang", its troubles are far more serious than "God of Ori Hagang"!

Because it cannot be killed by any means!

As long as the earth still exists, it will never be destroyed!

"What kind of monster is that!?"

Fudo Yusei took a step back unconsciously and said in shock: "It's completely different from all the duel monsters I've seen before..."

Yucheng Judai also gritted his teeth and said: "Is that the negative will of the earth? That kind of darkness and resentment..."

The spirit of Oliha Gang stared at Sok and kept sticking out his long and slender tongue.

It is hesitating and eager!

It desires Sok's body and power, and then cleanses the world!

"Hey, interesting!"

Suoke seemed to understand the intention of the soul of Oliha Gang with a tact, and his linear pupils revealed madness: "You want to take over my body!? Humph... I am the aggregation of all the darkness in the world - the great evil god of the underworld. Sok! You are so discerning that you actually picked me!? Hahaha..."

Suok's arrogant attitude made the soul of Oliha Gang hesitate even more, its blood-red eyes full of caution.

"What's wrong? My body is right here. You should hurry up and grab it and give it a try!"

After waiting for a while, the soul of Oliha Gang was still hesitating, but Sok was too lazy to wait any longer.

The devil's breath spurted out from the corner of his mouth, Suok smiled ferociously, and said slowly: "Since you don't dare to come over, I won't be polite!" After saying that, Suok's belly straightened out, and the evil dragon head was more than two hundred meters long. He immediately opened his huge mouth, issued an extremely strong suction force, and swallowed the soul of Oliha Gang in one gulp!

Dark clouds continued to roll around Sok.

The evil and chaotic will keeps running rampant in Sok's mind!

This time, it is the negative will of the entire earth that wants to seize Sok's body. No matter how strong the martyrs are, they are still powerless!


Whether it is an earth or a universe.

Lower dimensions can never compete with the existence of higher dimensions!

on the contrary!

Darkness gives Sok even more power!


The dark wind blew on the island like a knife. Without the protection of Xinyu Xia and Red Dragon, Judai Yusei and Fudou Yusei would be cut into countless pieces immediately!

Absorption completed!

Suok lost the posture of the great evil god and turned back into a human being. He looked at the mess everywhere and there was no intact island anymore. He sneered and said: "Now, it is completely over!"

After removing his guard, Yusheng Judai breathed a sigh of relief: "I almost thought I was going to be killed just now. It really scared me to death..." But midway through his words, Yusheng Judai suddenly remembered something and looked to the side in horror: "Oops! Rafiru...!"

A feather fell, but Rafiru was unscathed.

Yujo Judai felt relieved and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Fortunately, there is 'Aiatos'..."

Suoke glanced at Rafilu on the ground and said nothing.

At this time, Yucheng Judai stepped over the gravel on the ground and ran to Suoke. He bowed very solemnly first, and then said seriously: "Teacher Suoke... I know it is very abrupt to make such a request. But...I have one more thing, I hope you can help me..."

Suoke didn't even bother to listen: "If you don't want to help, get out of here!"


Judai Yujo's disappointment was palpable: "Wait a minute, Teacher Sok... Just do me a favor! No one can do that except you..."

Sok turned around, pinned Yujo Judai to the ground and kicked and punched him, then used the ability of "Martyr's Infinite Replacement" to return to Pegasus' office and put away Paradox's D wheel. Summoning the Black Crow Knight, he flew to who knows where...

On an isolated island in the Pacific, Fudo Yusei is taking care of the bruised and bruised Judai Yujo while repairing the D wheel in preparation for returning to the future world.

Wiping the smelly sweat from his forehead, Fudo Yusei scratched the back of his head painfully.

There isn't even a wrench here, so I don't know how long it will take to repair...

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