Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 259 Red leaves ringing

three thousand years ago

Ancient Egypt


The priests looked down at the captured sinners from high above: "As the astrologer of the Pharaoh, why did you sneak into this 'stone temple' where the monster is sealed?"

"Moreover, your disciple suddenly drew his sword and attacked the Pharaoh..."

The thousand-year-old eyes on Aknadin's face flashed with cold light: "Although we stopped him in time, the man suddenly committed suicide by taking poison... I think this has nothing to do with you..."

The sinner lowered his head and turned a deaf ear.

"Huh, keep silent? Then I'll torture your heart directly!"

The priest Seth raised the thousand-year tin staff in his hand and shouted: "Summon the 'Elf of White Feather'!" Before he finished speaking, the thousand-year tin staff suddenly glowed with golden light, and a white elf suddenly flew out of the stone slab of the wall. In addition to the color, Just like a winged chestnut ball!

Seth's lips raised a sneer: "Then... this elf will take away your heart!"

A white light flashed by, and the elf instantly penetrated the sinner's chest!

The sinner finally could no longer remain silent, vomited out a mouthful of blood, and kept breathing heavily.

And the white elf, carrying the sinner's heart, flew to the thousand-year scale in the hands of the priest Karim to measure truth and sin!

To the left of the scale is the Feather of Truth.

To the right of the scale, there is a white spirit that takes away the heart of a sinner.

The trial of sin began, and the end containing the heart fell at an extremely fast speed, hitting the stone slab hard with a dull sound. Even the white elves were polluted and turned black, with a trace of evil around them!

The priests were all shocked!

They have never seen anyone with such a dark and sinful heart!

"Hey hey hey..."

The sinner finally spoke, and a frightening sneer came: "You say I am a sinner... What about you? Priests... In order to obtain the dark power in your hands, you have sacrificed all the living people in my hometown as living creatures. The alchemy ritual of the sacrifice... Do you think I don’t know..."

"...Guru Eluna Village."

Aknadin's face was extremely ugly, and he said word by word: "How do you know about this!?"

"God's will allowed one of my compatriots to survive and witness your unforgivable crimes..."

The sinner's face gradually became distorted and ferocious: "He told me all the truth... So I want to kill all you priests and pharaohs. Isn't it a matter of course!? You and I... have a deep hatred. The sea!!!”

Darkness bursts out of the sinner's body in an instant!

The extremely intense darkness, because of the hatred in his heart, condensed into an extremely powerful monster!

Its name is: Tragodia! (The Pathetic Demon)


Tragodia opened his bloody mouth full of fangs and said with a ferocious smile: "Priests! There is only one way to calm the resentment in my heart... that is for you, the Pharaoh, and everyone in this country to be torn apart by me. Only by breaking it and swallowing it can I satisfy my anger!"


Priest Seth immediately raised the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand: "Do you think we will tolerate your stupid behavior!? Watch me seal you into the stone slab!"

Tragodia immediately opened his mouth to fight back, spitting out a breath of green energy!

But less than a second after the confrontation, Tragodia's whole body suddenly shook, and he gradually felt exhausted!


Tragodia's pupils looked at the "winged chestnut ball" on the priest's side: "My heart... is still there..."

"I won't let you succeed!!!"

Set roared angrily and shouted towards the "Feathered Chestnut Ball": "White Elf, pick up the 'Feather of Truth' and fight back!"

The feathered chestnut ball immediately floated up from the Millennium Scale, flew to the other end, and held the white feathers in both hands!

In an instant, the sacred light pierced the darkness!

The divine light of the thousand-year-old tin staff enveloped Tragodia's entire huge body without any suspense, and forcefully dragged it into the largest stone slab!


Aknadine breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the stone slab that sealed "Tragodia", about to say something.

But suddenly, a voice full of resentment sounded directly in Aknadine's mind!

Even though she was sealed, Tragodia still had a strong residual consciousness!

In order to prevent Tragodia from breaking through the stone slab one day, the priests later broke the stone slab into countless pieces, and the white elf who held Tragodia's heart was placed in a special place for preservation.

Later, when Tapirang broke into the palace and the Great Evil God resurrected, Tragodia was torn into pieces, and its soul was locked in the underground temple of the palace.

Until three thousand years later...

The archaeologists unintentionally unleashed Tragodia's evil thoughts...

Tongminye Hospital.

"Ah...it's so hard to even go to the toilet..."

Eight-year-old Yujo Judai was walking with difficulty on the corridor of the hospital with two crutches.



Perhaps it was because he had just used crutches and before he had taken two steps, Yujo Judai's feet became unsteady, and suddenly he fell forward uncontrollably!

Just as Yujo Judai closed his eyes and prepared to face the floor he was about to hit, a strong arm wrapped around Judai's small body.

"Are you OK?"

When he raised his head, he saw a light and gentle face.

It was a man wearing glasses. Although he looked easy to talk to, Judai saw that he was different at first sight!

"Ah! Thank you!"

Judai smiled silly and scratched his head: "I almost thought I wouldn't be able to hold a cane anymore, haha..."

The man smiled slightly: "You're welcome." Then he left.

"Ah, wait!"

Little Judai hurriedly limped after him on crutches: "Brother, what's your name! I will repay you in the future!"

The man turned back and smiled: "My name is Hibiki Momiji, and I am a professional duelist."


Xiao Judai was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Ah! Are they those people with strange machines on the streets a few days ago?"

"Yes... that is a super large duel competition called 'Duel City' organized by Kaiba Corporation... I originally wanted to participate."

Hibiki Hongye nodded, and then sighed a little lonely: "But my body... I can only sit in the hospital and watch the duels of strong men from all over the world on TV."

"Mr. Hongye, do you really want to go..."

Xiao Judai scratched his head and said with a smile: "Actually, my family also has a lot of duel monster cards collected by my father, but compared to such complicated games, I still prefer simple and direct sports... That's why I play football. My leg was broken after falling..."

"You can try it too, kid."

Hibiki Hongye's eyes narrowed into slits behind his glasses, and he smiled: "Dueling is very happy."

"Huh? Is this so..."

Kojudai was stunned, looked at the sincere smile on Hibiki Momiji's face, and blinked.

"Okay, it's decided!"

Immediately afterwards, little Judai clapped his chest and said with a smile: "Yushiro Judai! From today on, try to be a happy duelist!"

"Won! What an interesting duel!"

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