Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 260 Fiery Red

From then on, the young Judai would duel Mr. Momiji every day.

Every day dueling time is very happy. Hibiki Momiji is not only a kind big brother, but also an outstanding duelist.

No matter how many times Judai challenged him, he always lost more than he won.

Sometimes, Xiao Judai wonders why Mr. Momiji, who is so cheerful and healthy, is always in the hospital...

"Ah! I lost again!"

In the ward, Xiao Judai lay down on the bed, scratching his hair in distress: "The deck I stayed up all night to come up with... actually lost again..."

"Okay, now we have 23 wins and 1 loss. Come on, Judai!"

Hibiki Hongye put away the deck for the duel with Judai, took out another deck from behind, shook it, and said with a smile: "If you continue like this, I don't know how long it will take before you can compete with my real deck. Let’s have a showdown between groups!”

"Huh? So Mr. Hongye has been letting me go!?"

Judai dragged his chin in distress and pouted, "I can't win this way. It seems that I'm still not suitable to be a duelist..." However, before he was distressed for a second, Judai became energetic again. Manman sat up from the hospital bed and said enthusiastically: "So, are you ready for the twenty-fifth challenge, Mr. Hongye! This time, please use your real deck to duel me!"


Hibiki Hongye squinted his eyes and shook his head: "When one day Judai becomes a powerful duelist and appears in front of me, then... I will use this deck to face you as a real enemy. Yes! As for now..." Xiang Hongye raised the corner of his mouth: "You are still just a low-class boy!"

"Oh!? Then there will never be a chance!?"

Judai pouted in frustration: "Mr. Momiji was the last all-Japan champion. How could I become as strong as Mr. Momiji..."

"Not as strong as me..."

Hibiki Hongye smiled and shook his head, then turned his attention to the video of the "Duel City" competition that was being played on the TV screen nearby. His eyes gradually became serious: "I hope Judai you can become a stronger duel player than me. As powerful as Muto Yugi and Sok Nenufa!"

"Huh? Aren't they duel kings?"

Xiao Judai felt a little guilty: "...Such a thing is impossible, right? I'm just a young boy..."

The words I used to speak to him just now were immediately used in reverse.

Hibiki Hongye was a little angry and a little amused and said: "You... I am very optimistic about you, Judai... Although you have not defeated me in the past two days, your progress is very obvious! This kind of improvement in adversity The ability to continuously grow is an indispensable potential for being a 'Duel King'!"


Xiao Judai said excitedly: "Am I really that powerful?"

"Of course, but you have to work harder yourself!"

Hibiki Momiji first said this with a smile, and then seemed to think of something, and quickly added: "Also, if you want to learn Sok Nenufa, you only need to learn his calm and unhurried spirit at all times. The calmness that can deal with any threats calmly...You must not learn to cheat from him, and you are not allowed to hit the referee during the duel...Remember?"

Judai clapped his chest cheerfully and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Hongye! You are my teacher, and I listen to you!" After only three seconds of seriousness, Judai rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Yes. Mr. Hongye...can you show me your real deck..."


Hibiki Momiji reached out and handed his deck to Judai: "But my deck is not as strong as the decks of the two Duel Kings. Don't be disappointed after reading it, Judai."

"What, isn't this cool!?"

Xiao Judai took the card set, looked through it a few times, and excitedly pulled out "E-HERO Earth Man" and said: "There is only one Earth Man in the world. It is so handsome! Mr. Hongye must also like this card the most. ,Right?"

"Well...although that is also a very important card, but if I have to choose one..."

Hibiki Momiji picked out a card from the card deck spread out in Judai's hand and opened it, smiling and saying: "As expected, this one...'Wing Kururi Ball' is more suitable for me!"

Judai scratched his head in confusion: "Oh!? Why is it such a weak monster?"

"Judai, let me tell you a secret quietly..."

Hibiki Momiji leaned close to Judai's ear and whispered: "Actually, this card contains the spirit of a duel monster. Isn't it incredible?"

Judai Youcheng looked confused: "Xia Mi?"

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly outside the ward.

"Are you telling your little secret again?"

A refreshing and capable professional woman with long black hair stood at the door of the ward, knocking on the door with her right hand, and said with a smile: "Don't tell the child this, he will believe it, Hongye."

"What, what I said is all the truth, sister!"

Hibiki Momiji snorted angrily like a child, then laughed out loud and said to Judai: "Let me introduce, this is my sister, Hibiki Midori, currently working at Kaiba Company."

"Haima Company has a new project recently, that's why I'm so free to come see you..."

Hibiki walked to the hospital bed and took out the red beans, rice and sushi he brought from the lunch box: "But looking at how energetic you are now, it seems that I care about you a little too much... I'm afraid you won't be here." I came here specially to take care of you..."

"Don't say that, sister."

Xiang Hongye took the food box in his hand and said with a smile: "But sister, you don't have to come see me every day. Take the time to find a boyfriend."

Hibiki rolled his eyes at him, handed his share to Judai, then sat on the chair next to the hospital bed and said angrily: "You should care about yourself. Although I have nothing to do recently, Kaiba Company' Duel Academy's new project has been implemented and will be completed in about a year. By then I will be arranged to teach there. I don't have time to come here every day... If you don't hurry up and find a girlfriend to take care of you, what will you think of me? Don’t worry either…”

"Don't worry, sister, I'm a strong duelist!"

The eyes behind Hibiki Momiji's lenses shone with unprecedented brilliance: "Fire-like passion cannot be knocked down, and I am the burning maple leaf!"

"That bright red coat is so tacky..."

Xiang Lu sighed and shook his head: "With your taste, it is indeed difficult to find a girlfriend..."

"What? That red dress is so handsome!"

Hibiki Momiji's face was filled with a look of pride, and she clenched her fists and said: "The burning fire, the fiery breath, and the hot blood are red, that is my soul as a duelist!"

"Wow...is he really that handsome?"

Judai looked at Hibiki Momiji with stars in his eyes, and said with great anticipation: "I really want to see Mr. Momiji look like in that outfit!"

For a moment, the ward was silent.

Kojudai blinked blankly: "Did I... say something wrong?"


Hibiki Momiji looked at Judai and suddenly smiled: "You will see it, Judai!"

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