Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 261 Kaiba Group Championship

that night

"Are you going to attend the conference held by Kaiba Company?"

When Hibiki Momiji told his sister about his well-thought-out decision, Hibiki Midori was shocked: "Are you kidding? You are still in the hospital, how can you participate in such a high-intensity competition?"

"I have received permission from the doctor to go out..."

Hibiki Hongye smiled and said to his sister: "Don't worry, sister, my health has been good recently, and I won't be in the same situation as last time..."


Xianglu sighed: "The cause of your illness has not been found out yet. If you fall into coma again..."

"elder sister……"

Hibiki Hongye raised his head, his eyes more determined than ever before: "I am not only a patient, but also a professional duelist... Being able to fall as a duelist is exactly my long-cherished wish!"


Hibiki Momiji's right hand tightened again and again, and she stared ahead blankly: "I want Judai to be able to see me as a duelist, instead of me as a patient now... and in this tournament, the Duel King Muto Yugi will also be a special guest as a guest, and the winner can finally challenge the duelist king... I also want to know how far my strength is from the peak duelist... This may be my last willfulness Come on, sister!"

"I see……"

Xianglu was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "I will also support you...but only this time, not next time..."

Xiang Hongye smiled as brightly as the sun: "Thank you, sister."

three days later

Kaiba Group Competition - Competition for the Strongest Duelist.

Wearing a bright red trench coat, Hibiki Momiji showed his strongest attitude, going through all the obstacles unstoppably, defeating countless powerful enemies, and reached the end!

"Winner - Hibiki Momiji!!!"

At the competition site, the audience cheered like thunder!

"It's a miraculous resurrection! The winner of the last All-Japan Competition, Mr. Hibiki Momiji, not only defeated the former United States Champion Rebecca, but also defeated the genius boy-Ren's Golden City with wonderful tactics! So now, as the winner, , he will be qualified to challenge the Duel King - Muto Yugi!!!"

Host Isono kept shouting into the microphone with 200% passion!

The atmosphere of the audience also reached its peak!

Seeing that the atmosphere was so lively, Kaiba, who was secretly observing in the VIP room, felt a little relieved.

Due to the sudden disappearance of Dazi, the world's largest capitalist, and the sudden and devastating attack on the headquarters of Paradis Corporation by unknown persons, the world's financial order has experienced crazy turmoil. Countless capitalists have gone bankrupt, and countless speculators have taken advantage of the situation.

In order to protect Haima Company in the undercurrent of the stock market, Haima hosted this competition, hoping to promote Duel Monster Cards more widely around the world, and to replace gold as a hard currency to a certain extent!


Kaiba's eyes turned to Hibiki Momiji, who was wearing a red windbreaker, and felt a little disappointed.

Although this duelist is already strong enough, his strength is still far behind that of Muto Yugi!

Because of the disparity in strength, the final Duel King Challenge will obviously not be so exciting. It will be so exciting for you and me to come and go. In this way, the value of this conference cannot be fully developed, which is really a pity.

Originally, the most ideal opponent in the game was supposed to be the monster using the "Martyr" deck - Sok. However, he has been missing for a full week, and I don't even know where to find him...

When he thought of this, a realistic picture of "Sock standing on the podium, with bruised and swollen contestants lying on the ground below" appeared subconsciously in Kaiba's mind...

After wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Kaiba felt much more comfortable looking at the red leaves.

"Finally, we have come to this point..."

Hibiki Momiji stood on the duel stage, looking at the starfish-headed boy walking towards him from the opposite side, his eyes slowly becoming determined!

I already……

I'm about to challenge the Duel King...

Judai...are you looking at me down there...

Muto Yugi walked up to Hibiki Momiji and stretched out his hand with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Momiji, I'm glad to have a duel with you."

Xiang Hongye smiled and stretched out his hand: "No, I am..."

But at this moment, the "Millennium Building Block" hanging on Yugi's chest flashed past Hibiki Momiji's eyes.

In an instant, Hibiki Hongye's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly by a devil's claw!

The boundless darkness rushed towards Xiang Hongye, swallowing his consciousness instantly!

The fingertips of his right hand intertwined with Yugi's palm, and Hibiki Momiji's entire body hung down weakly, falling to the ground uncontrollably, like a puppet with its strings broken.

While consciousness was dying, some broken pictures kept flashing through Xiang Hongye's mind...

After winning the All-Japan Championship last time, a strange man covered in black smoke found him in his dream and challenged him to a duel...

I lost miserably...

Dark game, the loser must be punished...

From then on, if you duel with a serious attitude, every time you draw a card, the deck called "life" will also decrease... When the deck is drawn to the end, life will come to an end...


Waking up from the nightmare, Hibiki Momiji was covered in cold sweat and panting continuously.

Sitting up, I saw the familiar white color again - it turned out that I was back in the hospital bed again...

The shouting woke Hibiki Midori, who had been lying beside the hospital bed taking care of Hibiki Momiji all day and night. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that his brother had woken up, and his beautiful eyes gradually became misty...

"Red leaves..."

Xiang Lu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: "It's great that you can wake up..."

"I'm sorry, sister..."

Xiang Hongye lowered his head and said softly guiltily: "I made you worry again..."

"I'm nothing, just that kid Judai..."

Xiang Lu whispered: "He thought it was his responsibility that you would faint. If he hadn't said he wanted to see you duel, you wouldn't have relapsed because of participating in the duel competition..."

"That's it..."

Hibiki Hongye sighed: "That child..."

"He's too serious."

Hibiki glanced at his younger brother: "That's why you have to show your spirit to Judai tomorrow, Momiji."

"Ah, I see..."

At this moment, Xiang Hongye had made a decision in her heart...

The next day.

Standing outside Xiang Hongye's ward, Xiao Judai stood for a long time, but still didn't have the courage to open the door.

Suddenly, a warm hand pressed on his shoulder.

"Why are you just standing at the door and not going in?" The voice was as gentle as ever, as warm as the sun.

"Mr. Hongye!"

Little Judai raised his head and said happily: "Are you okay!?" But then, snot and tears flowed down again: "I'm sorry...it's all me..."

"As a duelist, how can you cry easily?"

Hibiki Momiji took little Judai into the ward and sat down. As if he had made up his mind, he said to Judai very seriously: "Judai... before Sunday, form a deck of cards... according to your ideas. Come up with the deck you think is the best! Then have a duel with my best deck!"


Judai was stunned for a moment, then burst into tears and said with a smile: "Can I duel with the deck Mr. Hongye used in the conference!?"

"Of course, but this time it's not just for fun."

Hibiki Momiji put his hands on little Judai's shoulders and said seriously: "Let's have a real duel, Judai!"

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