Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 262 Hero VS Hero

My best deck...

The best deck in my opinion is...

After leaving the hospital, Xiao Judai looked at the dusk burning like fire on the horizon, and he had already made a decision in his heart!

In the ward

"elder sister……"

Hibiki Momiji leaned against the window, looking at Judai's increasingly distant figure below, and suddenly said: "I decided to make the duel with Judai the last battle... and then I retired as a duelist..."

The reflection of the lens made it difficult for Xianglu to see her brother's expression at this moment, but she could imagine that it must be a kind of unwilling loneliness.

"Really...Since you have decided so, I won't say anything else..."

Hibiki Midori tied her long hair behind her ears and said with a hint of sadness: "Then let's announce to the public that professional player Hibiki Momiji's retirement battle will take place in this hospital, and let the doctors and patients serve as the audience..."


The little duelist got his first duel disk in his life.

"Wow! So handsome!"

After Xiao Judai installed the duel disk, his excitement was palpable, but then he felt a little embarrassed: "But... this duel disk is very expensive, and Kaiba Company has just started publishing it not long ago..."

"Kids, don't worry about this!"

Hibiki took Judai's little hand and led him to the roof of the hospital: "Come on! The champion can't wait any longer!"

On the rooftop, the duelist burning like fire is standing there!

Long wait!

"Then Judai..."

Hibiki Hongye activated the duel disk in his hand and said with a slight smile: "Let's have a happy duel!"



Sound of Red Leaves, LP: 4000

Youcheng Judai, LP: 4000

"Start my turn and draw cards!"

Hibiki Momiji pulled out a card from the deck without hesitation, and then pulled out three cards and inserted them into the duel plate: "I want to summon 'E-HERO', then equip him with the equipment magic 'Electricity Mark', and finally cover it. A cover card, ending the round!”

[Current Man, 4 stars, thunder attribute, attack: 1000, defense: 1500, effect: When inflicting damage to the opponent's player, all cards except in the game will be returned to both sides' graveyards. 】

[Current mark, equipped with a magic card, effect: the warrior's attack power increases by 300, and if equipped by the electric man, the attack power increases by 1000 points. 】

A warrior with purple electricity flashing all over his body appeared on the field of Xiang Hongye, and then, a thunder fell, exploding with a dazzling light!

The electric light dissipated, and a javelin pulsating with electric current was inserted into the floor at the feet of the Electric Man.

He reached out and picked it up, and powerful power immediately poured into the body of the Electric Man!

Current Man, Attack: 1000→2000

"It's so powerful...just like a real monster..."

Yujo Judai's heart was pounding, and he imitated the red leaves and pulled out a card from the deck: "It's my turn. What I want to summon is...it is this card——!"

Let me see, Judai...

The best deck you ever put together!

"Come out! 'E-HERO Bubble Man'!"

[E-HERO Bubble Man, 4 stars, water attribute, attack: 800, defense: 1200, effect: If you only have this card in your hand, this card can be specially summoned from your hand. When this card is successfully Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, if you have no other cards on the field, you can draw 2 cards from the Deck. 】

Before he finished speaking, a hero wearing a blue cape appeared!

Elemental hero!

Xiang Hongye was startled for a moment, then smiled.

Hero vs. Hero...is that your best deck, Judai?

"First of all, when 'E-HERO Bubble Man' is summoned, when there is only this card on the field, I can draw two cards from the deck!"

Xiao Judai quickly pulled out two cards from the deck, looked through them, and inserted one of them into the duel disk: "Then, I want to activate the magic card 'Bubble Mix'! Use the effect of this card to turn 'E- HERO Bubble Man' changes to defense position, and then... the opponent's monster in attack position also changes to defense position!"

[Bubble Mixing, Quick Attack Magic, Effect: Effect: 'E-HERO Bubble Man' can only be activated when it appears on the side of the field. 1 "E-HERO Blister" in face-up attack position on your field and 1 monster in face-up attack position on your opponent's field are changed to defense position. You can sacrifice 1 "E-HERO Bubble Man" in defense position to special summon 1 monster with "E-HERO" in its name from your hand. 】

"The chain tactics of Bubble Man and Bubble..."

Hibiki Momiji looked at Judai's small figure with admiration, his eyes full of admiration: "Next, if there is a powerful hero in hand, then..."

"Next, according to the effect of 'Bubble Mixing', offer the 'E-HERO Bubble Man' on the field as a sacrifice... Specially summon the hero in your hand!"

Judai drew a card from his hand, nervously put it into the duel plate, and shouted: "I want to summon -'E-HERO Blade Man' to attack the Current Man! Go ahead, powerful blade strike!"

[E-HERO Blade Man, 7 stars, earth attribute, attack: 2600, defense: 1800, effect: When this card attacks a monster in defense position, its attack power exceeds the defense power, and it inflicts combat damage equal to the opponent's basic points. . 】

A warrior with a heavy metal light all over his body landed on the battlefield of Judai with a "pop"!

Immediately afterwards, the blade was unsheathed!

"E-HERO Blade Man" suddenly swung his knife towards the head of "E-HERO Current Man" with an unstoppable attitude!

"Well done! Not only did you summon the superior hero, but you also cleverly used the monster's characteristics to cause maximum damage to me..."

"But... you're so naive!"

Hibiki Momiji raised the corner of his mouth, waved his hand to open the cover, and shouted: "Didn't I tell you to pay attention to the opponent's cover when attacking, Judai? The trap card - 'Hero Barrier' is activated! Blade Man's attack is invalid!"

[Hero Barrier, Trap Card, Effect: When a monster with "E-HERO" in its name on your side of the field exists face-up, only one attack of the opponent's monster will be invalidated. 】


His cleverly conceived tactics were easily blocked. Judai was a little at a loss. It took him a long time to say quietly: "...my turn is over."

Seeing that Judai seemed to have lost confidence, Hibiki Midori, who was watching the battle next to him, said in time: "Don't be discouraged, you did a great job, Judai!"

Judai was stunned and said a little flattered: "Really...really?"

"Of course!"

Hibiki blinked at Judai: "Because cards with ineffective attacks will become very difficult in the later stages of the duel, so the sooner you force the opponent to use them, the better for you! Even the Duel King 'Sok Nenu' Fa' once said - 'Isn't the pit just for stepping on? If you don't hit it with your face, won't the pit disappear on its own?' Such words!"

"Although the wording is rude, it is indeed the truth..."

Hibiki Hongye laughed twice, and then cheered up: "Then, this is the only time for extracurricular tutoring! Next, it will be a one-on-one duel between the two of us. Are you ready, Judai!?"

Yujo Judai regained his confidence and nodded vigorously: "Come on, Mr. Hongye!"

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