Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 266 Heart Shattered

Ten generations……

You'll make a great duelist...

At that time, you must also... fight with a happy mood...

His eyes were getting blurry, and after the duel, all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained away. Hibiki Momiji wanted to open his eyes again and take a look at Judai's appearance, but he was unable to do anything.

His arms hung down weakly, and Hibiki Hongye fell heavily to the ground.

The "Fate" deck has been exhausted...

The day of death has come!

Before Hibiki Midoriya and Judai could react, a ball of black energy suddenly burst out from the fallen Hibiki Momiji!

The black energy floated in the air and condensed into shape, gradually turning into a terrifying monster with countless hooks and thorns on its body, and landed heavily behind Xiang Hongye!

"Quack...it's finally time for me to come out!"

The monster stretched its huge body, stretched out its barbed tongue and licked the exposed fangs, stared greedily at Hibiki Hongye's body and said with a smile: "You finally drained your life! Then...I will accept your body and soul without mercy!"

After saying that, the monster rolled up its tongue and rolled up the red leaves on the ground, intending to swallow him in one gulp!

"Red leaves!!!"

Seeing that his brother was about to be eaten by a monster, Hibiki Green rushed over desperately, regardless of the fact that he was just a weak woman, and shouted like crazy: "Let go of Momiji, you monster!"

Although Judai was young, he was very brave and took a clothes drying rack from his side and rushed towards the monster, shouting loudly: "Give Mr. Momiji back to me!"


The monster's eyes narrowed: "There are actually humans who are not afraid of death who come to the door?" Then the monster raised its bloody mouth and let out a fierce sound barrier with a grin: "Don't get in my way! I'm not in the mood to eat now. You worthless mortals!"

The young Judai and Hibiki Midori were rushed into the sky without any suspense, and then fell heavily to the ground!

Judai fainted immediately, and Hibiki Midori also lost the ability to move!

Stretching out his hand in pain, Xianglu begged desperately: "Please... let go of Hongye..."

"That can't happen!"

The monster's eyes rolled, looking at the duel plate in Hibiki Momiji's hand, and greedily said: "My body is in pieces, I have to keep eating if I want to be fully resurrected... Hum, this guy is the All-Japan Champion , it’s really delicious, hahaha…”

After saying that, the monster stretched out his arm and took out the card deck from Hibiki Momiji's duel plate. After a cursory glance, he sneered contemptuously and scattered the cards that Hibiki Momiji regarded as precious as life in the air, and scattered them in the wind. The sky is full of them.


The monster laughed ferociously: "In this era, there are still poor people like him who are so naive that they are almost cute. Mortals are born with the sins of selfishness, greed, and depravity! How can there be such a thing as a hero in this world! ?Hahaha……"

Powerless and sad.

Everything you once had will disappear in the blink of an eye.

The "E-HERO Earth Man" card fell in front of Hibiki Midori's eyes. The golden "HERO" on it seemed to be ruthlessly mocking and trampling on Hibiki Midori's dream.


Hibiki bit his lip, trying not to shed tears: "If there are really heroes in this world... please save Hongye!" The last sentence was shouted out at the top of his lungs, crying with sadness.

The breeze blew by, and a figure passed by in a daze.

"I heard your call!"

He raised his head with blurred eyes, and Xianglu kept wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, but the tears were blurry and he could not clearly see the appearance of that person.

But in a daze...

She seemed to have seen a real hero!

"That's it, old dog!"

Suok's whole body was burning with dark golden air flow flames. He walked up to the monster covered with hooks and claws like a god descending from the earth. He raised his hand and cut off its tongue that was curled around the red leaves with a burst of sword energy. Then, He punched the monster hard in the face, smashing most of its head cleanly!

The aftermath of the impact almost shattered the roof of the hospital!

Even the air solidified instantly!

After a brief moment of dead silence, a heart-breaking roar suddenly sounded!


The monster was suddenly hit hard. He covered his head with unknown liquid flowing down with his hands, and his body kept twitching!

The monster that was so arrogant just now was beaten like a dog in front of Sok.

Endless air waves will blow up the green hair!

She had wiped away her tears, but everything in front of her made her almost think that she was living in a dream, so dreamy and unreal!

In an instant!

All the sadness I felt in the past suddenly came to my mind for some unknown reason.

I, who have always been strong-willed, seem to have found a back to rely on at this moment! !

The tears that had dried up once again flowed down her beautiful cheeks.

Covering his face with his hands, Xianglu slightly shrugged his shoulders and repeated over and over again: "Thank you... thank you..."

"I turned Europe upside down and finally found an old rogue and killed him..."

The demonic fire in Suoke's body became more and more intense, and his face was full of displeasure: "It took me more than half a month to find out such a waste... I'm very unhappy now, do you know?... And when I’m unhappy, I want to hit someone! I happened to see you, an old dog, with a perfect figure and appearance when I was passing by here. Do you think it’s reasonable for me to punch you twice?”


The monster's head was smashed, but it was not dead yet. It said in a bloody and hateful voice: "Who are you..." But then, it seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly it was shocked and said: "It's you!? You killed it?" my head'!?"

"Oh, that's a bit clever!"

Suok looked the monster up and down twice and sneered: "The one I killed was the 'head', so how did you change? Look at you looking like this... Is your little penis a sperm?"


The monster was about to vomit blood due to Suok's anger. The key was that he said that this was the most annoying thing!

From the current point of view, I can't survive anymore, and this monster that appears out of nowhere in front of me is obviously not something I can deal with, even if I was in my heyday!

The monster's face was twisted, and it gritted its teeth and said in hatred: "You can kill me... but my body was divided into countless pieces by the hateful priests three thousand years ago... You can't kill them all! As long as there is any part of me left. As long as I am alive, I will try my best to revenge you! You will not die well!!!"

"Hey, are you suddenly arrogant?"

Suoke's eyes were cold and he said with a strange tone: "But I really want to know...as a level 10 monster, after you lose your brain and heart, whether the rest of you can continue to live."


The monster finally started to panic: "This is impossible...even I don't know where my stolen 'heart' is. How could you find it..."

"Are you blind?"

Suok turned his head and looked sideways, stretched out his hand and hooked a card on the ground, and the card immediately floated into Suok's hand out of thin air!

It’s Hibiki Momiji’s “winged chestnut ball”!

A white light flashed, and the elf in the card was grabbed out by Sok!

Feather Wings Liziqiu noticed the overwhelming dark power in Suok's body. He held his head with his two little paws and trembled all over.

"Your 'heart' is obviously close at hand, but you haven't noticed it for so long..."

Suok shook the "Wing Chestnut Ball" in his hand and sneered: "You said you still have countless clones? Hahaha... I'm so heartbroken, let me see what else they can do!" After that, Suok used one hand to Using force, he directly pierced the claws into the body of "Wing Chestnut Ball" and crushed the heart of "Tragodia" into minced meat!


The monster forgot about Sok's terror and rushed toward Sok like it collapsed!


"Kneel down for me!!!"

Suok raised his leg and kicked the monster's knee in reverse!

The monster knelt down in front of the evil god in embarrassment. The astonishing evil aura and the dark power far beyond it finally made the monster wake up, and said in a trembling voice: "Great... Great Evil God... why...?"

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