Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 267 Thief

"If I wasn't moody and careless about human life, how could I be called the Great Evil God?"

Sok sneered, put the palm of his right hand against Tragodia's eyebrows, and said gloomily: "Although I don't care about you, you will die soon, but for the sake of being a demon in the dark world, I will give it to you. Just a ride..."

Before he finished speaking, the demonic fire burst out from his palm!

"Thok Flame!"

The raging demonic fire bites and burns Tragodia's body. Although among the monsters in the demon world, Tragodia is very powerful and famous for being indestructible, dominating one side.

But trying to resist the energy attack of the great evil god who rules the underworld, it is obviously not qualified yet.

The demonic fire burned stronger and stronger, not damaging the surrounding steel and concrete buildings at all, but Tragodia's body continued to turn red and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In about a minute, the magic fire will burn Tragodia to ashes.

Sok turned to leave, but after sniffing, he didn't expect Tragodia to be burning more and more fragrantly behind him!

Turning around, he pulled off a red-hot thorn from Tragodia's body. After Sock opened the joint with force, the steaming, tender meat inside popped out with a "DUANG" sound!



Sock and the little penguin screamed at the same time!

The little penguin drooled and touched his belly, whispering: "Is it really so silky!?"

Suoke tried to take a bite. After chewing twice, he nodded with satisfaction and said with a vague breath: "Hmm... I didn't expect this thing to look like it was run over by a tank. It actually tastes quite delicious." Well……"

After that, Suoke pulled off another hook and handed it to the little penguin on his shoulder and said, "Do you want it?"

"……don't want."

Although the little penguin was a little greedy, he finally shook his head regretfully: "It's so ugly. I'm afraid eating it will affect the appearance of the nest..."

Suoke looked at the hook he had just torn off in his hand, thinking that it could not be wasted, so he turned around and threw it at Xianglu: "Hey, do you want to try it? A fresh monster from the demon world, just killed, and it's still warm! "


Xiang Lu was a little at a loss: "Ah... thank you..."

Suoke didn't appreciate it at all, and arrogantly ate while preparing to leave: "It's just a crab leg, why are you being polite to me? Besides, I am the biggest villain in the world, and I don't need anyone else's thanks!"


Xianglu shook his head slightly, looked at Suoke's back, pursed his lips and said: "Thank you for saving Hongye... I don't know what I should repay you for..."

"Then you don't even need to thank me, woman!"

Sok glanced back at Judai, who was still unconscious on the ground, and said, "I was entrusted by one of my students to come here to help, that's all!"

After saying that, Suoke had already spread his wings, ejected from the roof of the hospital, and flew to who knows where.

Behind him, Xianglu looked at Suoke's disappearing figure, feeling a little disappointed, but he quickly cheered up and made up his mind.

Although he himself didn't care, the comparison of abilities between the two sides was even more different.

But...if there is anything that can help him in the future, even if he has to sacrifice his life for it, he will not hesitate.

late at night

It rained heavily.

Two figures in raincoats appeared furtively on the window sill of Muto Yugi on the second floor of Oogway Toy Store.

Lightning flashed, illuminating their faces.

It was the insect Feather Moth and the dinosaur Ryuzaki!

Greedy eyes swept around the game's room, and finally they found the three fantasy gods cards placed in the gold cabinet!


The insect feather moth chuckled evilly: "No one would have thought that we would come to steal the God's Card, right?"

Ryuzaki was still a little uncomfortable in his heart, gritted his teeth and muttered to himself: "Damn it, if we hadn't been coerced by that monster Sok, with our strength, we could have won the God Card by legitimate means, and even the title of Duel King It must belong to one of us! But now..."

"The God Card will still be ours now!"

Greed has wiped out conscience. The insect feather moth took out a stone from his pocket and smashed it on the glass of the game room: "Do it, Dragon Knight! Grab the God Card and run away. Don't let the game catch up! "

There was a crashing sound!

The glass was smashed in one piece!

Muto Yugi noticed something in his sleep and opened his eyes drowsily.

But the picture that appeared in front of him made his heart skip a beat!


"You've been discovered, run!"

Yu Mo grabbed the gold cabinet placed by the window sill, and he and Ryuzaki quickly jumped off the second floor, using all their strength to escape far away!

The heavy rain covered their whereabouts, and the two of them quickly disappeared in the dark night.

After running wildly for who knows how far, the two of them finally couldn't run anymore. They found a remote alley and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily and giggling.

"God's Card... God's Card!"

"Hehehe...we finally got the God Card, it was so effortless!"

Feather Moth laughed mischievously: "Kaiba, Sock, and Yugi, they fought desperately, but in the end the God Card fell into our hands! In the end, Sock's method of dealing with things was the most effective, why do we have to duel? Just use grab That would be great, hee hee hee..."

"Let's see what the God Card looks like, I can't wait!"

Ryuzaki rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "As agreed in advance, the giant god weapon belongs to me, and the sky dragon belongs to you... The sun god must recite a spell to use it, and we will sell it to the underground black market for the money. It’s enough for us to live happily for a lifetime!”

"of course……"

Yu Mo's expression changed slightly, and then he nodded, a cold light flashed on his spectacle lenses, and he smiled evilly: "Of course I will share the fantasy god with you equally... Of course..." At this point, Yu Mo had quietly taken out a can from behind his back. I don’t know what kind of spray it is…


"There are so many places in life where we don't meet, dwarves!"

A voice that made Yu Moth and Long Qi's hair stand on end suddenly sounded in the rainy night!

At the other end of the alley, a black figure wearing a cloak was slowly walking towards the two of them!

Thunder flashes!

The man's long and narrow shadow was reflected in the alley, looking as ferocious and terrifying as a man-eating demon king!


After stammering out the name, Yu Mo and Ryuzaki hugged each other shivering, snot and tears flowing down all at once: "Why is it you again!?"

"Hey, the Three Illusion Gods can't let you take it away..."

Suok approached step by step, his face cold and terrifying: "If the Pharaoh loses the basic conditions for the decisive battle, it will give me a huge headache... Hehehehe..."

A moment later, screams rang out in the alley!


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