Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 269 White Dragon Girl

The desert where Sok is located is still not close to the palace, and it is obviously unrealistic to support the Thief King Tapirang now.

After thinking about it in his mind, Suoke first confirmed his remaining strength, and then strode towards the royal city.

If everything develops as in the comics, the Thief King Tapirang's first attack should have been repelled by the Titan Soldier, and his second attack almost killed the Pharaoh!

Now, as long as he rushes to the royal city before the second attack, he can annihilate the priests and the pharaoh in one fell swoop, and collect the seven artifacts to release the power of the evil god of the underworld!

There should still be enough time. Just in case, Sok did not use the power of the elves, but walked across the desert.

Wait for the most suitable moment to take action and kill with one strike!

The sun is shining brightly and the yellow sand is spreading.

This kind of environment is a torture for anyone, both mentally and physically!

In ancient Egypt, felons were exiled to the desert to be dried by the sun and mummified to pay for their crimes.

Along the way, Suoke saw countless corpses buried in the yellow sand and blown out by the storm!

Strong winds whipped up sandstorms, covering the sky and the sun in an instant!

Not only the dead, but also the living people who were struggling to survive were flying around in the sky.

Suoke is protected by the power of elves and is not afraid of natural disasters of this magnitude, but ordinary people will almost certainly die once they are caught in a sandstorm!

Another living person roared past in front of Sok, and his face was distorted with fear!

But when the sinner who was blown up by the sandstorm saw Suoke stepping firmly on the ground step by step, his eyes widened, full of surprise, and he shouted: "White Dragon God, save me! Save I!!!"

The storm obscured his cry for help.

But Sok's ears were so good that he captured the most important information in a noisy environment at once!

White Dragon God?

Sok jumped into the air, stretched out his hand, and the sinner caught it in his arm and pulled it off!

The airflow around him formed a sound barrier, blocking the sandstorm from the two of them. Suoke was thrown to the ground by the sinner and asked in a cold voice: "Did you just call me the White Dragon God?"

"I picked up... I saved a life..."

The sinner first patted his chest as if he had survived a disaster, then knelt down towards Suoke with a plop, and said with great piety: "Dear White Dragon God, thank you for saving my life again. I swear, from now on I will never do bad things again in the future. I will definitely go back and apologize to the guy I robbed, and then work to repay his losses. I will definitely..."


Suoke raised his eyebrows slightly: "Have I saved you before?"

"You haven't before, but your companions have saved me..."

The sinner knelt on the ground and kept kneeling to Suoke: "You all have the same white skin and blue eyes. You must be the Dragon God from the same place, right?"


Suoke already knew who this guy was talking about, and said with a sly smile: "Yes, you guessed it right... Then where did you see my companion? I miss her very much!"

"The White Dragon God is trapped in the desert... being chased by monsters..."

The sinner trembled as if with lingering fear, and said in a trembling voice: "Although that monster is not as powerful as the White Dragon God, the mother who gave birth to the White Dragon God was bound by shackles and was not free... Her spirit was almost unbearable. Come on, I'm just a mortal and can't do anything. I can only go to the palace to ask the Pharaoh for help and I encountered a sandstorm on the way... Please, you must hurry up and save her!"

Are there monsters chasing the White Dragon Girl?

Suoke's heart skipped a beat. This plot didn't seem to exist in the original novel.

But now that the priest Seth has secretly become a member of the Great Evil God's camp, the White Dragon, as an important combat power against the priests, cannot go wrong!

So Suoke immediately grabbed the sinner's clothes and shouted: "Tell me, where is the White Dragon Girl!"

The desert is so vast, how can a mortal remember the east, west, north, and south?

But at this moment, a message with red letters suddenly popped up on the virtual map: the hidden character "White Dragon Girl" has appeared!

Then, a dazzling yellow glowing point suddenly appeared at a certain point in the desert on the map, and the name of the note underneath was "White Dragon Girl Qisara"! Not only that, just after the White Dragon Girl appeared, the yellow light spot suddenly spread out with red warning ripples, and at the same time, another message popped up: "The neutral camp 'White Dragon Girl' is under attack."

found it!

It seems this guy didn't lie!

Suok immediately sprouted wings on his back and turned into a stream of light and flew towards the yellow dot on the map!


Without Sok's protection, the man behind him was once again blown into the sky by a sandstorm.

But Suoke didn't look back and rushed into the distance as fast as he could!

The distance between the two sides continues to get closer, and the frequency of the flashing red ripples on the yellow dot representing the White Dragon Girl is getting faster and faster, which shows that the White Dragon Girl may be almost unable to hold on!


Sok cursed secretly.

Who is causing trouble for me? If the White Dragon Girl is killed later, I will hammer your brains out if I don’t!

In the yellow sand of the sky, a huge snake-like monster is hovering in the sky!

A girl with white hair and blue eyes on the ground was hugging a stone tightly to prevent herself from being blown up to the sky by the strong wind, and her body would be wiped out.

"Hmph, what an unexpected surprise..."

A figure in sacrificial robes appeared above the head of the snake-like monster. He stared at the white dragon girl below, raised his lips and said, "I heard that the patron saint of Egypt wiped out thousands of armies in one night, so I came here specifically." I rushed here... I didn't expect to meet such a powerful white dragon halfway..."

"Okay, woman!"

The man in sacrificial robes sneered: "Stop struggling. Although my god was severely wounded by the martyrs, I am currently no match for your Bailong, but... your spirit should be at its limit now, right? Be honest. Become one with my god and become the nourishment for the resurrection of the god Oliha Gang, hahaha..."

A dark vortex erupted from the snake-like monster, blowing away the sandstorm within hundreds of meters!

At this time, the monster and the man standing above the monster finally revealed their true faces!

It is the gods of Dazi and Oliha Gang from three thousand years ago!

After the continuous harassment and guerrilla attacks by the God of Oliha Gang in the past few days, Qisara had not had a good night's sleep for three days, and her spirit was extremely weak.

The limp body fell to the ground.

Everything he saw became blurry.

She no longer has the power to call on the white dragon...

"Oh, are you unable to resist anymore?"

A triumphant smile appeared on Dazi's lips, and she shouted coldly: "God of Oliha Gang, swallow the white dragon and merge her power with us!"

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