Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 270 White Dragon Girl has joined the evil god’s camp

The God of Oriha Gang swooped down like a rocket, with his big mouth trying to swallow Keesara alive!

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed into the battlefield sweeping through the sand, hugged her body, and escaped the bite of the God of Oliha Gang like a gust of wind!


The blow missed, Da Zi was slightly startled, and then shouted: "Who is it!?"

"I am your father!"

The black shadow fell aside and put Qisha down. It was Sok!

Looking at the familiar figure who had been torn into pieces by his own hands, Suoke sneered: "Who do I think it is? It turns out to be Dazi, you troublemaker! ... That's right, it turns out that you were the one who assisted the Pharaoh in history. That’s why I was sealed into the Thousand-Year Brick… From the looks of it, we are still feuding!”

"What do you mean?"

Dazi frowned: "I don't seem to know you...but please get out of the way immediately, otherwise I will kill you together!"

"Come if you dare!"

Sok's pupils turned into linear shapes, and dark golden flames suddenly burned all over his body. He said with a ferocious smile: "Although I have lost the power of the Great Evil God now, as the villain of this final battle, of course I also have the three illusions of the Pharaoh. An elf with the same status as a god!...Open your eyes and look carefully, Dazi!"

With his hands raised high, the dark energy in Sok's body has burned to the extreme!

"O darkness! Come into my hand!"

Following Sok's call, the dazzling sun in the sky was gradually shrouded in black shadow, and a black ball as huge as the sun rose slowly, completely covering the sun!

The shadow covers the world, the loneliness and desolation that seems to lose everything.

The majesty that swept across the earth and poured into its face all proved its unrivaled power!

The Evil God Avatar—is coming!

Da Zi's body suddenly became extremely heavy, as if there was a huge evil voice screaming at him in his mind, asking him to surrender!

Dazi covered her chest and said in horror: "What... what is this?"

"Hmph...it is the dark side of the world, the black sun, and the evil god that surpasses the highest level of the sun god!"

Suoke pointed at Dazi and said with a ferocious smile: "Not to mention that your God of Oliha Gang is still just a weak loach. Even if it recovers all its strength, it may not be the opponent of the 'Evil God Avatar'... …Now, die again, Dazi!”

The shape of the black sun changed.

Black gauze, evil god's sickle.

The six dark purple magic balls continued to rotate and entwine, and the beauties with both evil charm and divine power revealed their true appearance. Several of them jumped up and teleported in front of Da Zi, raised the Evil God Scythe high in their hands, and slashed down!

A huge slash of black energy split Dazi and the God of Oliha Gang in half with one strike!

Immediately afterwards, from the crack, countless dark and unknown substances quickly burned the gods of Dazi and Oliha Gang!

The pain from the soul made Dazi tremble even after death!

The face is distorted and the soul is dead!

Dazi, who possessed the negative will of the earth, was buried by the evil god before he could shine as a villain in the future!

The enemy is destroyed and the evil god returns to Sok's body.

Suoke turned around and squatted beside the white dragon girl, reaching out and grabbing her slender wrist.

The pulse was weak, but there was no obvious trauma to the body.

It was probably just a simple mental breakdown or hunger that caused her current sluggish appearance.

Holding her chin, Suoke asked coldly: "Hey, are you okay, White Dragon Girl?"

"Thank you... thank you..."

Chisara didn't pay attention to Suoke's rude behavior, but weakly whispered: "I'm sorry...can you...give me some water..."

"no problem."

Suoke readily agreed, but a dangerous smile appeared on his lips: "But you must obey my orders from now on!"

Chisara reluctantly opened her eyes and saw Sok's face clearly.

What a kind face that is...

White skin like mine...blue eyes...

Because his appearance is different from ordinary people, he will be ostracized no matter where he goes, and he can only continue to wander...

I don’t know when I will die in such obscurity...

Poor and small...


The evil spirit in the man in front of him has become reality.

All the evil people she had seen in her life were not as evil and dark as even one finger of the man in front of her!

"Thank you... thank you for saving me..."

Chisara slowly closed her eyes, with a look of calmness towards death: "But... I won't do bad things... I'm sorry..." She was obviously doing the right thing, but she felt that she owed the other person, He didn't dare to look at Suoke's evil eyes.

"Hey, that's not up to you!"

Suoke didn't even discuss it with her, and stood up to take off his pants.

White Dragon Girl was so frightened that she woke up, her face turned pale and she said, "Oh!? What...what are you going to do...!?"

Suoke was confused: "Don't you want to drink water? There is no water in this desert. I have to pee myself and come out to save the emergency."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Chisara's fair face turned slightly red: "I thought you... it was nothing... I suddenly didn't feel very thirsty anymore... But thank you anyway..."

"Hey, there are so many looks!"

While showing his sharp claws, Suok said impatiently: "I don't know how you survived in the desert for so long. Does Mr. Bei know? Drink urine when you need to drink urine, eat maggots when you need to eat maggots, no matter what. If I compare with you, I can live longer, do you understand..."

Chisara looked confused when she heard this, and asked weakly: "Who is Master Bei...?"

But before she could finish her question, a warm and fishy smell had already blocked her mouth.

In an instant, a warm current flowed from her throat into her stomach!

But Qisara’s eyes widened!

Because she saw with her own eyes that Suoke cut the artery on his arm with his sharp claws and fed the blood to herself!

Chisara, who is kind-hearted by nature and does not want to hurt anyone, tried hard to struggle, but she was already so weak that she could not resist the power of an adult male, Suok?

"Don't move, it's spilled!"

Suoke impatiently pressed Qisara's head: "Don't worry, I am the great evil god of the underworld. I won't die with this little blood. Just drink it and keep it full!"


Qisara looked at Suoke with complicated eyes, but her lips just blocked Suoke's wound, refusing to swallow.

"I know that drinking blood will not quench my thirst, but my blood contains the energy reserves of the Great Evil God. I will feel energetic after a few sips. Do you understand?"

Suoke waited for a while, but still didn't see Qisara move her mouth, and secretly sighed in his heart.


Plan failed!

I originally wanted to use the blood of the Great Evil God to pollute the purity of Bailong, but I didn't expect that this woman was dying of thirst and didn't want to fall into the trap!

It seems that I have to think of other ways to steal the White Dragon's spirit... I wonder if the White Dragon's spirit will escape if I kill the White Dragon Girl? Then you can...

But before Suok could finish thinking about the evil plan in his mind, a prompt suddenly popped up on the map!

"The neutral camp 'White Dragon Girl' has joined the evil god camp."

What followed was that the yellow light spot representing the White Dragon Girl on the map suddenly turned black!

Suok was stunned, and quickly looked down at the White Dragon Girl in his arms. Her weak and pale face showed a slight blush, and there was something inexplicable in her eyes.

Thok blinked blankly.

What's going on?

How come it succeeded inexplicably?

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