Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 271 King of Thieves

After thinking for a long time, Suoke finally attributed the reason to the white dragon girl being hungry and dizzy.

Hey, you are so lucky!

A crab monster just died and a white dragon girl was given away for free. This transaction is not a loss. Let’s not mention the strength of both parties. Just exchange an ugly monster for a girl and you will definitely make a profit!

It's a pity that the White Dragon Girl is so weak that she can't even stand up, so she probably won't be able to fight immediately, but it's not a big problem.

After thinking about it, Suok activated his self-healing ability to heal the wound on his hand, then bent down and carried the white dragon girl on his back.

Qisara's mouth opened slightly, a little at a loss.

But then for some reason, her nose suddenly felt sore, her light body gradually leaned on Suok's back, and her hands carefully hooked Suok's neck.

With a slight smile on her face, her little heart was filled with happiness.


Finally, I am no longer alone...

In front of the palace, the Thief King Tapirang has arrived at the palace where the Pharaoh is!

With an evil smile on his lips, and the three scars on his face adding to his wildness and unruliness, the Thief King Tapirang strutted towards the palace and said in a loud voice: "I really miss it...seeing these familiar people Architecture, my memory is slowly coming back to life... hum hum hum…"


Immediately, several guards rushed up, pointed their spears at the Thief King Tapirang and shouted: "Who are you!? This is not a place for you, get out of here!"

"Oh, even this arrogant tone is missed..."

The king of thieves, Tapirang, looked at the guards with a gloomy face and said with an evil smile: "Don't bother me, I'm not here to find you. Get out of here and tell Pharaoh that his good friend Tapirang is here! Hahaha... "


When the guard heard that Tapirang dared to call himself brother to the Pharaoh, he stabbed Tapirang Liang in the mouth with a spear without saying anything!

But suddenly a sharp claw came out of Tapirang's dark chest and instantly crushed the guard's head into powder!

"Ah, sorry, sorry..."

He said this, but the Thief King Tapirang didn't even show any apology on his face. He still smiled evilly and said: "I came to discuss cooperation with the Pharaoh. If I kill too many people now, I won't be able to do anything about it later." Let’s sit down and discuss how to deal with the big evil god..." At this point, the face of the Thief King Tapirang suddenly changed. He pointed to the guard next to him who was intimidated by his courage and looked like a leader and shouted: "Hey! Come in quickly. Report, the evil god is rushing to the royal city, you don’t want to be burned to ashes by the evil god’s wrath, right!?”


The crisp and clean killing technique that Tapirang used just now made the guard leader know that even if he and others go together, they will definitely not be their opponents. Now, no matter whether the other party is hostile or not, they must go in first and inform the priest to deal with it!

So the guard leader immediately shouted to the other guards: "Keep looking at him! Even if you sacrifice your life, you can't let him step into the royal city!" After that, he immediately ran towards the palace as fast as he could.

In the palace, the astrologer's accomplices in the rebellion were being executed.

But the thousand-year-old wisdom wheel on the chest of Priest Mahat suddenly started to shake violently!

Sitting on the throne, An Yuxi, who had just accepted that he had traveled three thousand years ago, was keenly aware of Mahat's strangeness and asked, "What's wrong, Mahat?"

Mahat looked down at the gold pendant on his chest with an ugly expression, and said slowly: "My Millennium Wheel sensed a powerful dark force!"

At this moment, the leader of the guards outside the door rushed in.

"Pharaoh! There is a madman named Tapirang outside the door who killed the guards and claimed to be the friend of Pharaoh!"

What! ?

Tapiron! ?

Yami Yugi, who was sitting on the throne, was shocked!

Wasn't Tapirang killed by Suo Ke long ago? wrong! This was three thousand years ago... Why did he appear here?


Priest Aknadine immediately stepped out and reprimanded: "How could the Pharaoh have such a friend!? Moreover, he killed the guards, which was a provocation to the king's majesty. Send out the guards immediately to kill him!"

Before he finished speaking, shouts and screams could be heard outside the palace.

A young man wearing a bright red cloak has entered the king's palace!

"Sorry, I didn't have the patience to wait any longer, so I came in by myself..."

Reaching out and throwing the guard who had just been knocked unconscious by him to the ground, the King of Thieves, Tapirang, looked at An Yuxi on the throne with a grim smile and said: "Hey, Yuxi! Is this how you welcome your old friends? These minions are really annoying. , I may have accidentally killed one or two, I hope you don’t mind, hahaha..."


Although the skin has darkened and the appearance has changed slightly, this face-dark game is all too familiar!

He was the transfer student who was killed by Sok back then!

The holder of the thousand-year-old Wheel of Wisdom!

Unlike others...he just called himself a game! ... Could it be that he also traveled to this era from the future together! ?


When the priests saw the Pharaoh looking at Tapirang absentmindedly, they all hesitated and asked: "Is he really..."

"Ah...I do have a friend named Tairiang..."

An Yuxi's eyes gradually became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "But he is definitely not the murderous maniac in front of us!... Tapirang! Tell me, why are you here!?"

"Hey, it seems our king doesn't know anything yet..."

The King of Thieves, Tapirang, glanced at the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom on Mahat's chest and sneered: "Don't be so nervous. I am not in a hostile relationship with you this time. On the contrary, I am here to help you! ...Think about it carefully. Think about it, Yugi! Why did you appear in Egypt three thousand years ago?"


The last moments before coma flashed through Yugi's mind...

It's Sock!

Is it his fault? ?

"Huh, you seem to have remembered it..."

The King of Thieves, Tapirang, clasped his hands on his chest and said coldly: "That's right... the reason why you returned to this era is because Suoke embedded seven thousand-year artifacts into the stone slab. The power of the thousand-year artifacts opened the passage of time. The passage will send you and him back to this era to complete the unfinished duel three thousand years ago!"

The surrounding priests were confused and didn't know what they were talking about.

But looking at the exchanges between the two, the priests could not act rashly and could only listen quietly.

"The unfinished duel!?"

Yugi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the words he saw in his mind came back to the stone tablets he had seen at Tong Shenye Art Museum. What was recorded on them was a battle that was as devastating as heaven and earth!

And it was precisely because of that war against darkness that the young king sacrificed his soul and sealed himself with the darkness!

Could it be that the unfinished duel...

Is this what you mean? ?



An Yuxi looked at Tapiliang coldly and shouted: "Why are you here again? And judging from your appearance, you should be the evil Tapiliang who tried to seal my friend into a doll! What are you planning!? "

"That happened a long time ago. I have changed my ways, Your Majesty the King!"

The Thief King Tapirang shrugged his shoulders insincerely and said: "Since you still remember that incident, you should also remember how I was brutally killed by that bastard Suok? The resentment attached to me after my death On the thousand-year wheel of wisdom, with the opening of the time channel, we also returned to this era..."


The King of Thieves, Tapirang, showed hatred in his eyes and gritted his teeth: "I am a thief, and I must avenge myself! In this duel, let me help you kill that ruthless and cruel evil god!"

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