Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 272 Washbasin Level Powerful Man

Map prompt: "The Evil God's camp 'King of Thieves' Tapirang' has joined the Pharaoh's camp."

The reminder sound really sounded in An Yuxi's mind, but he still felt that Tapirang was unreliable. This map that suddenly appeared in his mind, who could be sure that it was not a trap set by the evil god?

Seeing that An Yuxi was still hesitant, Tapirang said impatiently: "Pharaoh, decide quickly whether to accept our alliance! Sok has also come to this era, and maybe he is heading here... He has Do you believe that I don’t need to explain it to you again? Once he is blocked in the royal city, everything will be over!"


From the map, it seems that there are indeed two black light spots approaching the royal city!

And one of the black spots was even more terrifying. If the spots of light from Tapirang and the priests were as big as the mouth of a teacup, then the black spot that was rapidly approaching the royal city was almost as big as a washbasin!

A basin-level powerhouse, so terrifying!

"I understand...but I still don't trust you, Tairiang!"

An Yuxi stared at the Thief King Tapirang and said coldly: "Whether it's the dark history or your behavior of killing soldiers, I hate you very much! Compared to you, I trust Suok more! If Suok really He is here to continue the war three thousand years ago. If he destroys the royal city, my priests and I will do our best to stop him, even if we give our lives! I don’t need your power!"

"Well said, Pharaoh!"

Simon nodded with joy and immediately gave the order: "Priests, capture this sinner who broke into the palace without permission and disrespected the Pharaoh!"

"Hey, I've been waiting for this!"

A strange light flashed in Priest Seth's eyes, he reached out and raised the thousand-year-old tin staff high, and shouted: "Come out, Dios!"

A dazzling light rushed into the palace from the stone temple!

The warrior armed with a huge machete chopped Tapi Liang into two pieces without saying a word!


"Hey, it's no use!"

The King of Thieves, Tapirang, suddenly stepped back. A snake head suddenly stretched out from behind him and bit Dios on the neck!

The light shone, and a winged snake-tailed demon emerged from the body of the tapir!

"This is my Elf Beast - Dilbondo!"

Tapirang hid behind the elf beast and said with a ferocious smile: "It seems that we can't talk properly anymore. Do we have to kill all your priests before we can communicate?"

"Evil man, there is no room for negotiation between us!"

Priest Mahat immediately stepped forward and used the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom to summon his own elf: "Go! Fantasy Magician, defeat the monster!"

A magician who was very similar to the black magician was summoned from the stone temple. He raised his hand and threw three black magic bullets at Dilbondo and Tapirang!

This energy attack was no small matter. Dillbondo immediately dropped Dios, grabbed Tapirang and fell into the ground, avoiding the attack of the fantasy magician!

Immediately afterwards, Tapirang and Dilbondo appeared in another part of the palace.

"Hey, it's endless..."

The King of Thieves, Tapirang, looked at An Yuxi coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't cooperate with me now, you will regret it in the future! I'm not afraid to tell you that the elf beast Sok currently holds is the 'Evil God Avatar'. He is a phantom god on the same level as the Sun God, but his power is even greater than that of the Sun God! When he reaches the royal city, you will all be killed by him!"


The priest Aknadine came out and scolded: "How can there be an elf comparable to the Sun God? Don't be alarmist!"

"Are you being alarmist? Your Pharaoh knows it all too well!"

The Thief King Tapirang sneered and said: "Even if the three illusory gods come out together, they may not be the evil god's opponent. Once he releases the great evil god's true power, no one will be able to stop him!"


Yami Yugi has also seen the power of the evil god!

That is an extremely powerful evil god that is always stronger than the opponent's monster!

Whether the Three Illusion Gods can defeat it is still unknown, but...

Aknadine sneered: "Thief! Why do you make us believe that you will help us?"

"It's very simple, just use the power of your most trusted thousand-year artifact..."

The King of Thieves, Tapirang, smiled ferociously and licked his lips with his tongue, then pointed at Aknadine and said: "If I remember correctly, the Thousand-Year Eye can see through people's inner thoughts... You can definitely use the power of the Thousand-Year Eye to penetrate From my heart, tell Pharaoh the 'truth' you see. Then you won't doubt my sincerity, hehehehe..."

Aknadine was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly and strode forward: "Do you think I don't dare!?"

The Millennium Eye glows with golden light!

Aknadine's spiritual thoughts invaded the soul of the Thief King Tapiriang in an instant!

Tapirang didn't resist, he just opened his hands and let Aknadine peek into all the memories in his mind...

People who get the Millennium Eye can realize one wish...

Aknadine makes a wish to the Millennium Eye...

Make Seth king...

For all this, Akhnadine sought refuge with the Great Evil God of the Underworld, obtained the power of darkness and became the Great Priest of Darkness...


In the final battle, the Great Evil God was defeated, and the Dark Priest's soul was sealed into the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom...

Three thousand years later.

In order to seize the Millennium Building Blocks, the host borrowed by the Dark Priest was killed by Suok again...

In order to complete the fateful battle that was unfinished three thousand years ago, Sok and the Pharaoh traveled back in time and space, and the soul of the Dark Priest also seized this last glimmer of hope, traveled through time and space, and attached itself to the Thief King Tapiriang. Arrive at the palace...

! ! !

Aknadine's eyes widened in horror!

The King of Thieves in front of him, Tapirang, seemed to overlap with his own figure!

Tapirang grinned and said in a deep voice: "Master Priest, you should believe everything you see with your thousand-year eye... That is the power you trust most, isn't it? Hahaha..."


Aknadin's back was soaked with cold sweat, but his face quickly regained his composure. He turned around and knelt down on one knee and said to the Pharaoh, lowering his head to prevent the Pharaoh from seeing his slightly pale face: "Pharaoh, I saw in his heart his sincerity in hoping to cooperate, because he was afraid that the evil god would kill him again, so he had to join forces with us."

Hey, well said!

The King of Thieves, Tapir, sneered secretly in his conscience.



In order for the Pharaoh and the Evil God to face each other head-on, both sides would suffer, so of course I had to help the Pharaoh when necessary!

No matter who wins by then, they will definitely die tragically at the hands of Dilbondo!

Then, Dilbondo will become the new god...

You will also control this world!

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