Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 273 Who else?

soon after……


Suddenly there was an explosion in the palace!

Dilbondo protected Tapirang and escaped from the palace in embarrassment!

"Damn it... I actually summoned a god..."

The Thief King Tapir looked back at the palace with lingering conscience, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "The negotiation failed... but fortunately the main goal has been achieved! Aknadine, you can be my clone and lurk next to the Pharaoh, waiting for opportunities. !Whether they are evil gods or pharaohs, one day they will all be trampled under my feet!"

Map prompt: "The Pharaoh camp 'King of Thieves Tapirang' has been transferred to the neutral camp."

Map prompt: "The neutral camp 'King of Thieves' Tapirang' has become a hidden character and entered the fog of war."

In the palace, Yami Yumi put the god back on the slate and looked at the map in his mind.

On it, the black light spot representing Sok had disappeared, but the light spot representing himself suddenly appeared.

Is it because of the use of the power of elves?

An Yuxi secretly figured it out in his mind, and roughly understood the rules for the appearance of the bosses on both sides of the map.

The light spots of the bosses on both sides are not normally displayed on the map, but if the power of the elves is used, they will appear on the map for a period of time.

There is only one black dot left on the map and it is approaching the royal city. If it is true as Tapirang said, Suok is here to continue the war, then he must be fully prepared!

But the black spot representing Sock has disappeared, and it is difficult to determine whether Sock will continue to go in the same direction as the remaining black spot.

What if he mobilized everyone in the priesthood to ambush where the black spot appeared, but Suoke suddenly appeared in the palace and destroyed the three illusory gods' stone slabs? That would be terrible!

Constantly calculating in his mind, An Yuxi finally made up his mind, raised his head and shouted to the priests: "Priests, listen! Soon there will be evil forces appearing at the south gate of the royal city! Immediately dispatch four priests to mobilize troops to intercept, and the remaining priests will We are on standby around the palace, ready for support at any time, do you understand?"


The priests immediately knelt down on one knee to accept the order.

Seth was the first to stand up and said to the Pharaoh: "You don't need four, Isis and I are enough! My strength can guarantee the defeat of the invading enemies, and Isis's flying elf 'Sippi' Leah can send the good news back to the palace as quickly as possible! It would be better for the other priests to guard the surroundings of the palace to prevent Tapir Liang from leaving and coming back!"

Looking at this priest who looked exactly like Kaiba, An Yuxi thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement: "Okay, so be it! But if you meet a man who is extremely unreasonable, uses weird words, and has an evil aura about him , remember not to conflict with him head-on, and let 'Sipilia' send the news back immediately, do you understand?"

"Yes, Pharaoh!"

Seth nodded, turned towards Isis and said, "Let's go!"

Isis nodded slightly and walked out of the palace with Seth.

Seth and Isis walked silently outside the palace without any guards.

Walking into a remote alley, after confirming that there was no one around him, the expression on Seth's face finally dimmed, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "That bastard Tapirang actually betrayed the Great Evil God! I won't let him go. his!"

Isis glanced at Seth and said slowly: "What do you want to do?"

"Hmph, the great evil god will come to the royal city soon!"

A cold light flashed in Seth's eyes, and he said coldly: "At that time, we will break into the palace with the Great Evil God and kill all the Pharaoh and other priests!"

"Patience, Seth."

Isis shook her head and sighed softly: "The Great Evil God needs seven thousand-year artifacts to open the door to the underworld and gain all his power. Now that the Pharaoh's temple is protected by the three illusory gods, it will not be attacked so easily. Those who came down... What's more, that Tapirang has betrayed the Great Evil God and is waiting for an opportunity. Before we have an absolute advantage, we should not act recklessly..."

Seth calmed down, narrowed his eyes and nodded, "You're right...so what should we do now?"

"What we should do now is make good use of our identity..."

Isis reached out and touched the thousand-year-old jewelry on her slender neck, and said with a smile: "We are all priests, whether it is the Pharaoh or other priests, they will relax their vigilance towards us and hunt them by surprise. It couldn't be easier. !”

"good idea!"

Seth's eyes lit up, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips: "After we report this plan to the Great Evil God, I will take action tonight!"

At this moment, even though they were dozens of streets apart, Seth and Isis felt that a soaring evil spirit had entered the royal city!

"The Great Evil God is here!"

Seth and Isis looked happy and immediately rushed towards the city gate as fast as they could.

Tavern - "Camel's Eyes"

Suoke, who was carrying Qisara on his back, swaggered into the store, slapped the table and shouted to the boss in front of the counter: "Hey! That bald guy, give me some water!"

Of course the tavern also has water.

It is also common for guests to be drunk and drunk.

So the boss didn't care about Suok. Without raising his head, he bent down with a cup and scooped a cup from the bucket at the back and handed it to Suok.

Suoke found a chair and put it down for the weak Qisha behind him. He took the water glass and handed it to her: "Then, drink it. If you don't have enough, add more. I have plenty of money!"

Chisara pursed her chapped lips, gently picked up the water glass, and drank in small sips.

At this time, the owner of the tavern suddenly saw Qisha's blond hair and fair skin hidden under the hood and cloak. He was shocked and reached out to knock the water glass out of her hand!

But before he could hit him, a big iron-like hand suddenly stretched out from beside him and grabbed his wrist!

A cold voice came from my ears.

Suoke looked at the tavern owner coldly, and the air seemed to freeze as he said one word at a time: "What do you want to do?"

"You...you too...!"

The tavern owner seemed to have seen a ghost and shouted loudly: "Let me go! I will not sell you water! You devils with different skin colors and different eyes from us! You will bring misfortune to us!"

With this shout, the drunken drunkards around suddenly looked at the counter.

After they saw Suok's hair color and skin color clearly, they crowded over angrily, and some people reached out to grab Suok's clothes: "Get out of here! You are not welcome here!"

The other drunkards started shouting and yelling!




Wave after wave of sound.

There were faces full of hatred and hatred all around.

The unpleasant smell mixed with the curses made the White Dragon Girl feel as helpless as she did now.

Holding the water glass, Chisara's blue eyes dimmed, she lowered her head sadly, and begged: "Hug... I'm sorry... After drinking the water, I will return to the border of the desert..."

But those drunkards refused to give up. Some even got behind the counter, raised the bucket and poured it on Bai Longnu: "You want water? Hahaha! I'll give it to you!"


From today on, she is no longer alone!

She already has a back that is stronger than anyone else to rely on!


An explosion shocked everyone in the tavern!

Their eyes almost popped out of their eyes as they looked at the drunkard who was blown to pieces by Sok's energy wave.

Blood flowed on the ground along with the clear water, and the scene was completely silent and silent.

"Who else?"

Suoke's cold voice was not loud, but at this moment, it was as loud as Hong Zhongda Lu!

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