Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 274 Determined Plan

"Ah!!! Killing!!!"

I don't know who took the lead and screamed, and countless drunkards suddenly woke up, turned around and ran away!

They trampled on each other and fled in a swarm, fearing that if they were one step too late, their lives would be in danger.

Cries and screams were endless.

Suok raised his hand with a ferocious smile, and dark energy continued to gather in his palm. It was obvious that he was not ready to let any of them live. The white dragon girl next to him couldn't bear to close her eyes, her pretty face was full of sadness, she was naturally kind. , couldn't bear to see so many people die, but she also didn't want to help her Suok Hanxin.

With an inadvertent glance, Suoke saw the tormented look on the White Dragon Girl's face.

After roughly figuring out the reason, Suoke secretly spat, stopped condensing energy, and put down his hand.

"Forget it, spare their twenty-odd lives!"

With a look of displeasure on his face, Suok handed the glass of water to Qisara again and said: "Okay, drink it quickly! If I weren't afraid that you would become the opposite camp, I wouldn't be the murderous evil god of the underworld. Show mercy!”


The White Dragon Girl opened her eyes and saw that Suoke had indeed not killed anyone again, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

After taking the water glass, Qisara did not drink the water.

After thinking about it again and again, Qisara's pretty face turned slightly red, and she came close to Sok's cheek and kissed her gently: "Thank you."

My lips are not soft, but rather dry due to lack of water.

But in an instant, Suoke's hair stood on end!


What's happening here! ?

Thanks to the absence of the little penguin, otherwise I can live another life in the future! ?

"Lord Evil God!"

As the saying goes, it's just a coincidence. At this moment, two figures suddenly entered the tavern and saw the white dragon girl kissing Suok's cheek!

Needless to say, the ones who came were of course Priest Seth and Priest Isis.


Isis inexplicably felt a little sad in her heart and lowered her head slightly: "Did we come at the wrong time..."

Seth suddenly felt his heart hurt, and he covered his chest and said, "I...I didn't see anything..."

"No, you came just in time!"

Sok suddenly stood up, coughed lightly, pretended that nothing happened, and said seriously: "Set, Isis! As an undercover agent beside the Pharaoh, do you have any important information to report to me? ?"

"That's it, Lord Great Evil God..."

As soon as they got down to business, the two priests who were already secretly members of the Great Evil God's camp immediately became serious. They told Suok everything about what had just happened in the palace, and put forward Isis's idea, waiting for Suok. Gram's final ruling.

"It turns out that the dark personality in the thousand-year wheel of wisdom has also come to this era..."

Suok touched his chin, thinking, and said slowly: "But his desire to join forces with the Pharaoh to deal with me should be just a lie. The true identity of An Ziliang is the blackened Aknadine. I miss him. There must have been some way to turn Akhnadine, who is now in the palace, into his accomplice, waiting for the opportunity..."

"Tsk, you two are my people, and Aknadine has become the King of Thieves again..."

Suoke shook his head loudly and sighed: "Three of the six priests rebelled at the beginning, and Shada and Karim were two soy sauce wastes... With the internal penetration like this, Gin is probably worse than the Pharaoh... …”

Seth didn't know who Gin was, so he just asked: "Lord Evil God, what about our plan...?"

"The plan is good, but you don't have enough power!"

Sok walked up to Seth and Isis, stretched out his index fingers and put them on their hearts, raised the corners of his mouth and said with a grin: "The Pharaoh has three illusory gods. In contrast, of course I also have three 'gods' Elf manipulation of attributes... But now I am not planning to have a head-on conflict with the Pharaoh, so I will lend these two elves to you for the time being. If necessary, they can play an extremely crucial role!"

Before he finished speaking, two rays of divine light were transferred from Sok's fingertips to the bodies of Seth and Isis!

The gods from another world are dormant in the hearts of the dark priests for the time being!

"Set, the phantom god you hold is 'Old Man Satan'. Except for high-level phantom gods, he can sacrifice any elves..."

Having said that, Sok turned to Isis and said: "Isis, the phantom god you hold is the 'False Prophecy'. When she is destroyed, she has the terrifying power to die with the enemy, but she cannot do it until the critical moment. If you use it rashly, the Pharaoh knows these two illusory gods, and once you call them out, your identity will be discovered immediately, do you understand?"

"Yes! Lord Evil God!"

"Yes! Lord Evil God!"

"Okay, you go back and follow the plan!"

The joint of Suoke's right hand made a "crackling" sound, and he said with a sneer: "Before the final battle, all hidden dangers must be completely removed! You hunt the priests carefully and collect the seven artifacts. I will hunt down the thieves now. Wang Qiliang! That haunting guy, as long as he is alive for a day, he will be like a stick in my throat!"


Isis hesitated a little and said: "The Pharaoh seems to know that you will come here, so he arranged for us to come... Now that we go back, how should we reply to the Pharaoh..."

"this is very simple."

Suok stepped forward and reached out to snatch the two thousand-year artifacts, and said with a sly smile: "Just say, I took away your thousand-year artifacts, and forced out the news about the king of thieves, Tapirang, and now I'm going to hunt down Tapirang." Don't worry! You don't need a thousand-year-old artifact to drive the phantom gods in your body. The 'soul power' to maintain their existence is also deducted from me, although it doesn't matter if you use it! Now..."

Suoke's eyes suddenly glared, and he used a violent shock wave to send the two unsuspecting people flying out of the tavern!

The house collapsed, and Suok spread his wings with a wild smile, and flew away with the White Dragon Girl on his back. Before leaving, he did not forget to yell at Seth and Isis: "Let the Pharaoh wash his neck and wait!" After I went to kill Tapirang, I came back immediately to take his life! Hahaha..."

The arrogant grin echoed in the streets and alleys.

Almost all the people nearby saw Suoke's attack on the priest and heard Suoke's provocative words.

With this evidence, of course the Pharaoh would no longer doubt these two priests who had lost the thousand-year-old artifact!

Soaring in the sky, Suoke reached out and handed the Millennium Jewelry to the White Dragon Girl behind him: "Put it on. With the assistance of the Millennium Artifact, you can master the power of the White Dragon faster and hunt tonight. When the tapir is good, I need your help!"


Qisara felt a little sad, lowered her head and whispered softly: "Can you... not kill anyone?"

"Hey, you are too soft-hearted, White Dragon Girl."

Suoke sneered and said: "I am the great evil god of the underworld, and I have killed countless people...but the guy I am going to deal with tonight is not a good person either. You don't have to have a mental disorder! If you don't believe me , you can also decide for yourself whether to help me or not, how about that?"

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