Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 275 Village of the Dead

Where will Tapirang go?

Sok knew it clearly without having to guess!

The key to the complete resurrection of Sok's power is the underworld tablet stored in the 'Kel Erna Village'. If Tapirang is really so afraid that Sok will gain the power of the underworld and kills him again, then he should do the most right now What he did was, of course, destroy the underworld slate before the seven artifacts were put into the slate, thus cutting off the conditions for the complete resurrection of the Great Evil God from the source!


How could it be possible to hide this from Suoke's eyes with a mere plan to draw money from under the cauldron!

Carrying the White Dragon Girl, Sok flew as fast as possible towards the only site of the Great Evil God's camp on the map, 'Kel Erna Village'!

We must kill him completely before Tapirang destroys the stone slab!

Time continued to pass, and the sun also fell below the horizon.

Night falls.

The devil's bat wings pierced the night sky, and the evil god and the white dragon girl descended on the desolate place of death - 'Ke Erna Village'.

Countless broken buildings mixed with the pungent smell and creepy eerie feeling.

Scorched earth everywhere.

A series of twisted and ferocious white resentful spirits kept circling, entangled in the land where they lived.

The cold night wind blew on the white dragon girl's body, causing her to hug herself and rub her arms gently. Even my breathing seemed to be cold: "It's... so cold here..."

"There are countless earth-bound spirits entrenched here, and they cannot return to the underworld, so it is so cold."

Sok pulled the white dragon girl, looking for something from left to right, while explaining: "A few years ago, in order to defend against foreign enemies, Aknadin used the lives of everyone in the village as sacrifices to create seven weapons that contained dark power. A thousand-year artifact, and using the power of the thousand-year artifact, I killed thousands of enemies and defended the country..."

White Dragon Girl's eyes widened, then she lowered her head, pursed her lips and said softly: "So cruel..."

"Although it is unkind, when the country is about to be destroyed and the family is about to be destroyed, it is worth sacrificing a few people to protect the country from being trampled..."

Suoke continued to look around and said casually: "How can there be so many things that are perfect in this world? If there is another way, I think Akhnadine might not be willing to let his hands be stained with blood... He avoided the easy and the light, so he chose Blood Sacrifice in a village full of tomb robbers, try to make his own conscience feel better..."

The undead floating in the air smelled the scent of living people, and swarmed over, trying to steal the vitality of Suok and the White Dragon Girl.

However, the inherent evil power of the Great Evil God in Suok kept those resentful spirits away. They rushed around anxiously, but they did not dare to really get within a meter of Suok.

"Tsk, you bully the weak and fear the strong!"

Suok waved his hand, and the demonic fire swept across, and most of the resentful spirits floating in the air were immediately killed or injured!

Of course, the great evil god who controls the underworld knows very well how to torture souls. Countless resentful spirits scream and are annihilated without leaving even a trace.

They are obviously dead, but at this moment, the resentful spirits most truly feel the emotion called "fear"!


The remaining resentful spirits fled in panic and swarmed into a dilapidated house!

Suoke raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

found it!

Without fear, he walked into the house where the resentful spirits were hiding. In the corner, there was a staircase going down!

It's an underground temple that stores the slabs of the underworld!

It was here that the seven thousand-year-old artifacts were born!

Walking forward, Suoke stood in front of the stone slab of the underworld and could clearly feel the dark fluctuations coming from the other side of the stone slab! It was the power of the evil god that had the same origin as Suok's power. Suok could feel that the great evil god of the underworld three thousand years ago was looking at him across this stone slab!

He reached out and pressed it on the stone slab, and what he encountered was not a cold touch!

In a trance, the stone slab seemed to disappear, and the evil god in the underworld also opened his claws and touched Sok's palm!

But at this moment, Dilbondo suddenly emerged from the wall of the underground temple with Tapirang!

Tapirang was stunned at first!

Obviously, he didn't expect that there would be two people here before him!

But when he saw Suoke's appearance clearly, he was immediately horrified and inexplicable, his pupils shrank violently, and he lost his voice: "The Great Evil God!?"

"Oh, it came so quickly..."

Suoke spoke slowly, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all. He unexpectedly stretched out his finger and emitted a silent black light!

Although Tapirang was aware of it, by the time he reacted and wanted to avoid it, it was already too late!

The black light instantly opened a big hole in Tapirang's shoulder, and a huge bleeding hole appeared!


The blood inspired Tapirang's ferocity, suppressed the fear of Suoke deep in his heart, and roared: "Since I met you here, I will kill you first! You should be lost now The great evil god has the right power, it will be easy for my spirit beast to kill you!!!"

"Go, Dilbondo, kill the evil god for me!"

Following Tapirang's order, Dilbondo immediately rushed towards Sok and punched him hard!


Suddenly, a dark venomous snake came out from behind Sok and bit Dilbondo's neck! The venomous snake retreated with one blow, but the wound on Dilbondo's neck suddenly turned black, and it began to look around!

Dilbondo screamed and rolled on the ground!

Tapirang also clutched his neck tightly, looking at "Dilbondo" slowly emerging behind Sok in horror and shock, and said in a trembling voice: "Dilbondo is the embodiment of the resentment in my heart, you... ...How could you have an elf that is exactly the same as Dilbondo...This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Of course it's different, Tapirang!"

Suoke stretched out his thumb and tapped the black "Dilbondo" behind him, and sneered: "She is not a monster of an inferior race in the dark world like Dilbundo. Her status in the underworld is only noble. Next to the great evil god of the underworld is the extremely powerful evil god - 'Avatar'!"

"It's an honor, Tapirang!"

Suok smiled wildly, raised his right hand and shouted angrily: "Death in the hands of the evil god is my reward for your evil soul! The attack of the evil god Avatar - Dark Thunder Cannon!!!"

Dark energy condenses in the hands of the evil god Avatar!

The power that shook the world made Tapirang almost lose his will to resist!

"Damn it...I can never die here!"

Tapirang bit his lip with his teeth, forced himself to recover from the power of the evil god, suddenly waved his hand and roared: "Even if you are the evil god of the underworld, you will never try to kill me again! Dilbondo's specialness Ability activated—dark camouflage!”

At the moment when the evil god Avatar launched his attack, Dilbondo grabbed Tapirang, and at the critical moment, he assimilated into the surrounding darkness and hid his body!

The attack failed, and a huge hole was blown out of the underground temple!

But Tapirang, who was the main target of the attack, escaped the damage unscathed!

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