Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 276 The King of Thieves Dies Again

"Asshole! You actually made me lose so many 'souls' in vain..."

Hiding in the darkness, Tapirang covered his wound while thinking viciously in his heart: "Although Dilbondo can now launch a surprise attack to sneak up on Suoke, the opponent is a great evil god and has another one. Under the protection of the evil god, it is difficult for my own sneak attacks to be effective, and I might even lose my life because of this..."

"As for the woman next to her... maybe it's a trap set by Suok, it's better not to touch it..."

After thinking for a long time, Tairiang's eyes finally fell on the stone slab of the underworld behind Suok!

The attack target is determined!

There was a look of relief in Tairian Liang's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and sneered.


Didn't you want to get back all your power and traveled back through time and space three thousand years ago?

I will destroy this slate now and make all your plans come to nothing!

At that time, your pain and despair were barely enough to repay the blood debt between you and me, hahaha...

Dilbondo's attack...

Spiral wave kill!

But before Tapirang could give the order to Dilbondo, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from the inconspicuous woman next to Sok!


Pure white light illuminates the darkness, and the sacred white dragon descends at this moment to join the battlefield!

Night turns into day, and the power of the white dragon dispels the darkness, leaving Tapirang and Dilbondo nowhere to hide!


If the light continues to shine, Dilbondo will definitely be killed by the evil god of Sok!

If the slate cannot be destroyed this time, there will be another time, but once Dilbondo can no longer sneak into the darkness, his fate will come to an end here!


Must be eliminated!

Tapirang roared anxiously: "The target has changed! Dilbondo, kill that white dragon quickly!"

Dilbondo immediately raised his head, ignited the spirit energy in his hands, and suddenly pushed towards the white dragon!


"Don't even think about it!"

Thok's evil god Avatar struck out in time, blasting Dilbondo's hands to pieces with a dark thunder cannon! And Tapirang's arms also broke apart!

Before Tapirang could scream, the white dragon above had already launched an attack!

"The jet of white light of destruction!"

The sacred light energy poured into Dilbondo's body composed of resentment and hatred. The burning sting continuously dissolved Dilbondo's body, and every trace of skin, flesh and bones was burned to ashes!

At the same time, the Evil God Avatar also turned into the form of a white dragon, and blasted Tapirang to pieces with a blast of destructive black light, leaving no trace of his body!

The smoke and dust cleared, everything was as before.

But the cold atmosphere entrenched in this village has all disappeared.

As Dilbondo, the collective body of resentment, was eliminated, those earthbound spirits also disappeared with it...

Map prompt: "The hidden character 'King of Thieves Tapirang' has been killed."

An Yugi, who was in the palace, heard this prompt from the system, and his heart tightened slightly. He didn't expect that Suoke would kill Tapi Liang so quickly!

And because of the use of elves, the black light spot representing Sok appeared again on the map.

Right in the village of Ker Elna!

There is a stone tablet in the underworld that can open the passage to the underworld and gain the full power of the evil god! Sok...has he completely occupied that place! ?

Walking to the wall of the palace, An Yuxi felt uneasy.

Not only because of Tapirang's death, but also because of some unknown factors that made his heart unable to calm down!

"Pharaoh, are you still awake?"

A familiar voice came from the side. An Yuxi was startled at first and quickly turned his head to look.

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, An Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief: "It's Seth, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Seth's figure disappeared into the darkness, making An Yuxi unable to see his face clearly, and then slowly said: "There is something, no matter what, I want to show it to the Pharaoh..."

An Yugi was stunned: "What?"

Seth, who was in the darkness, didn't answer, but another strange and weird voice suddenly came from behind Yami Yugi!

"Happy Satan's Day, my friend!"

In a daze, An Yuxi seemed to see glistening white snow suddenly falling from the sky.

A terrifying and funny face flashed before An Yuxi's eyes, and then, An Yuxi's body gradually began to petrify, and he became unconscious again...

Seth strode out from the shadows, sneered and pulled off the Millennium Awl from An Yuxi's neck, and turned to look at the stone temple next to the palace, where was Seth's last target - Aknadin!

Map prompt: "Priest Set of the Pharaoh camp has joined the Evil God camp."

Map prompt: "Priest Isis from the Pharaoh camp has joined the Evil God camp."

Two red prompts popped up, but it was too late.

In the stone temple, Aknadin was digesting the memories he read from Tapirang during the day.

This is an era three thousand years ago compared to the two contestants Sok and Pharaoh. In addition to them, there is also an outsider, that is, the evil personality in the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom who accidentally joined - the Dark Priest, who is the future Own.

The gathering of stone slabs and thousand-year-old artifacts will release the infinite dark power that transcends this world. If you want to fight against it, you can only command the three illusory gods with the king's true name and call out the incredible light of miracles.

In the past history, the Pharaoh used his name to seal the Great Evil God, so even if we go back to the past three thousand years ago, the 'price' that has been paid cannot be reflected in any way.


There is one exception...

"Lord Aknadine!"

Aknadine was immersed in his own world and didn't even notice that someone was walking next to him.

After quickly opening his eyes and seeing who was coming, Aknadine breathed a sigh of relief: "It's Seth..."

"It's me, Lord Aknadine."

Priest Seth looked at Aknadine with cold eyes and sneered: "I have something to report to you, and I hope to get your approval..."

Akhnadine frowned: "What's the matter..." Before he could finish his words, he had already seen the thousand-year cone (thousand-year building block) symbolizing royal power held by Set in his hand and the thousand-year wisdom that should have been held by Priest Mahat. wheel!

"Set, you...!"

"Lord Aknadine..."

Seth knocked Aknadine to the ground with one punch, stretched out his hand to hold his head, and said with a ferocious smile: "I want to borrow your Millennium Eye. I wonder if you can approve it? Hahaha..."


Aknadine's face was full of disbelief: "I am your father...you actually did this to me!?"

Father! ?

Seth subconsciously loosened Aknadin's hand, but then he applied force again. He sneered in disbelief: "Hey, old man, do you want to use this method to survive when you are about to die? I have to say, I just did it I almost believed you..."


Aknadine's Millennium Eye has been dug out by Seth!

But maybe the words "father" really had an effect. Seth didn't kill the opponent completely like he did with Mahat, but just took away the Millennium Eye without adding another blow.

Soon, Seth and Isis reunited and rode the city-defending pterosaur towards the Thieves Village.

All seven thousand-year artifacts have been collected!

The power of darkness will be completely released soon!

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