Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 277 Lifting Petrification

After an unknown amount of time, Aknadine woke up in a daze.

The severe pain in the orbit of his left eye was felt immediately, causing his old body to tremble continuously and gasp for breath weakly.

"What's going on...This is different from the established history..."

Aknadine was surprised and confused: "I haven't become the Dark Priest yet, so why did Set suddenly rebel against the Pharaoh!? Could it be that the memories of the thief Tapir Liang are all fake? Or has history changed?"

Pushing himself up, Aknadine stood up from the ground unsteadily and walked towards the outside of the temple.

After all, he has not yet been corroded by the dark power hidden in the Thousand-Year Eyes. After seeing Tapirang's memory, Aknadin's heart was shaken, but he is still loyal to the Pharaoh.

Now there is a sudden change in the palace, and Seth also takes away the thousand-year cone that is the symbol of the Pharaoh...

Does he also want to be a king?

Walking out of the stone temple, the sun was shining brightly outside.

No one is allowed to enter or leave without authorization, so except for the guards guarding the outermost perimeter, no one discovered the fact that Aknadine had been unconscious all night.

But the king's palace was now in chaos.

Karim and Priest Shada gathered around the palace wall, seemingly quarreling.

As he walked over step by step, a guard came over to support Aknadine halfway and helped him up to the top of the palace.

As soon as Aknadine showed up, the two priests over there immediately stopped arguing and crowded over, anxiously saying to Aknadine: "Lord Aknadine! It's not good, the Pharaoh was... Ah Lord Knadine, your eyes...!?"


Aknadine covered his left eye and panted slightly, "What happened?"

"A lot of things happened..."

Priest Shada looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "The Pharaoh was petrified, Priest Mahat was killed in the astrological platform, Seth and Isis also suddenly disappeared..."

"It's not missing!"

Next to him, Karim gritted his teeth and said with absolute certainty: "This is a premeditated rebellion! And the culprits are the two missing traitors!"

Xia Da frowned slightly: "Don't jump to conclusions easily without evidence. Maybe there is something hidden in it!"

"Hidden secret?"

Karim sneered: "I have already argued with you just now, and I don't want to repeat the facts I have seen with my own eyes... It is not a secret that you like Priest Isis, but this cannot mean that you ignore the facts and cover her up. reason!"

Shada said unhappily: "We are all priests who swear to be loyal to the Pharaoh, there is no reason for her to do this!"


Aknadine shouted impatiently and sighed deeply: "The palace has undergone sudden changes. At this time, we should unite together instead of fighting among ourselves and suspecting each other! The first thing to do now is We need to find a way to remove the petrification of the Pharaoh!"

Karim closed his mouth, but he already glared at Shada with displeasure on his face.

Shada pretended not to have seen it and said to Aknadine: "Lord Aknadine, you are the best magician in the kingdom. Please see how Pharaoh is doing now!"

Aknadine nodded, and with the support of the guards, he walked up to the petrified Pharaoh.

Reaching out and touching An Yugi's eyebrows, Aknadin closed his eyes and frowned for a long time without saying anything.

Finally, Aknadine opened his eyes and sighed helplessly: "I probably know how the other party petrified the Pharaoh, but the magic power gap between me and the caster is too big. If I was young, maybe there would be There is a way, but now..."

Xia Da asked unwillingly: "Is there no other way?"

"It's gone now..."

Aknadine raised his head in despair, looked at the sky with empty eyes, and said slowly: "Mahat is the best magician after me... If he is still alive, he may be able to lift this petrification curse, but now... …”

"Master is still alive!"

Suddenly, a crisp female voice came from the outside!

Aknadine turned around and saw a girl wearing a magic apprentice decoration trying her best to break through the guards' defense and rush inside.

If I remember correctly...

She should be Mahat's disciple, the black magic apprentice who grew up with the Pharaoh - "Mana"!

"Let me in!"

Mana pushed the guard's spear and shouted inside: "Lord Aknadin! The master is still alive. He asked me to lift the prince's petrification curse. Please let me in!"

"This girl..."

Priest Kalim frowned and said displeased: "I saw Mahat's body with my own eyes, how could he still be alive..." After that, Kalim shouted to the guard: "Get her away! This is not the kind of little girl here. A place you are qualified to enter!”

"Wait a moment!"

Aknadin suddenly remembered something and quickly stopped Karim's order and shouted to the guard: "Bring that little girl over quickly!"

Karim was puzzled: "Lord Akhnadine?"

"It is true that the body may die, but the soul may still be alive!"

Aknadin's face seemed to have regained its vitality, and he said with great certainty: "That is something that only the best black demons can do! As long as he uses black magic to use his soul and the elf beasts at the moment of death, If they become one, then he can live in spirit forever and live in this world in another way!"

The guard let him go.

Mana trotted all the way to Aknadine. Although there was still sadness in her eyes, she said with a strong face: "Master Aknadine, under the command of the master, Mana is here to lift the petrification curse of His Highness the Prince. Got it!"

Aknadine looked at her and asked slowly: "Where is Mahat?"


The sadness on her face flashed away, and Mana gently touched her sizable chest with her little hand, and said with great seriousness: "Master is here!"


Aknadine suddenly understood.

Mahat has become an immortal elf!

Nodding, Aknadine said in a deep voice: "Please, little girl!"


Mana turned around and looked at Yami Yugi, who had been petrified by "Old Satan". She crossed her hands in front of her chest and thought silently in her heart.

"Master, please give me strength!"

In an instant, a black magician wearing a purple robe appeared behind Mana in the bright light, and then, another little girl in revealing and sexy clothes jumped out.

The two magicians crossed their staffs and raised them high!

Special abilities activated!

"Dark Magic Phantom!"

Dark purple light shone on the Pharaoh's body, and in an instant, the petrified state began to dissolve rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The combination of two high-level magicians has surpassed the power of gods!

The gray stone statue turned into living flesh and blood again!

Under the excited and expectant gazes of everyone, the Pharaoh slowly opened his eyes!

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