Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 278 The Great Evil God Awakens



Amid the cheers of everyone, Yami Yugi finally regained consciousness!


His mind went blank. An Yugi stared blankly at the little girl in front of him who was hugging him tightly and crying. He asked tentatively: "...the dark magician girl?"


Mana cried even more sadly: "Master... Master, he..."

Yami Yugi raised his head and saw Mahat, who had transformed into an elf.

In an instant, everything came to mind!

The weird and funny face that petrified himself and the familiar sneer on the corner of Seth's mouth...

It's Sock!

The elf who petrified himself was the phantom card that Sok once used in the future - "Old Man Satan"!

That elf will be in the hands of Seth, so that means Seth and Sok have united the front! ?

"Damn it! I should have noticed it earlier!"

An Yuxi looked guiltily at the black magician floating in the air, and said sadly: "Mahat..."

"Don't be sad, Pharaoh!"

Mahat put his right hand on his chest, representing the most unshakable loyalty - dedicating his heart to the Pharaoh: "My soul is with you! No matter whether I go to the past or the future, whether on earth or in the underworld, I will always be there." I will follow you forever and become your most loyal servant!"

"Thank you, Mahat!"

An Yuxi clenched his fists and shouted in a deep voice: "I will not let your sacrifice be in vain. I will definitely make those who hurt you pay the price!"

This sentence is powerful and majestic,

But before he finished speaking, in a remote border place, suddenly a soaring evil aura shot up into the sky!

That kind of terrifying evil energy that shakes the heaven and earth, makes all living beings wail and cry, and is horrified, as if it wants to swallow up the whole world!

The seven artifacts gathered on the stone slab of the underworld.

The evil god...has arrived!

Map prompt: "The Evil God camp 'Sok Nenufa' has obtained the ultimate role - the Great Evil God of the Underworld! The countdown to the arrival of the Great Evil God has begun -"





An Yuxi immediately turned around and shouted to the priests and guards: "Organize a military formation immediately, with the elves as the main force and the army as support, to prevent the evil god from attacking the royal city!"


Although they don't know what happened, even those ordinary guards can feel the dark power of the evil god that seems to overflow the world!

Everyone has unprecedented fear and determination, united by one belief!

Defend the royal city to the death!


Shada lowered his head and clenched his fists: "All our millennium artifacts have been taken away. Now we can no longer control the elves. Pharaoh..."


An Yuxi was shocked and quickly looked down at his chest.


My Millennium Cone is also missing!

For a moment, An Yuxi was at a loss.

Unable to drive the power of elves, and unable to summon the phantom gods of the kingdom, how could it be possible to stop the evil god of the underworld with only the power of mortals! ?

Things have reached a desperate situation. Is there really any way to win this battle?

As if seeing through the confusion in Yami Yugi's heart, the black magician and the black magician girl both floated to Yami Yugi's side and stood side by side with him.

"Pharaoh, and us!"

"We are very powerful, Prince!"

These are the last two elves...

They were willing to live and die with Pharaoh and this country.


An Yuxi was moved in his heart and was about to say something, but at this moment, Aknadine beside him suddenly said: "No one knows the terrifying power of the evil god better than me! Mahat, Mana, your power is still there It is too small and will never be the opponent of the great evil god of the underworld!"

Mahat turned back with a slightly cold expression: "Then do we have to sit back and wait for death?"

"No, if you want to deal with the evil god, of course you have to use the power of God!"

Aknadin walked to An Yuxi and suddenly knelt down on one knee: "Pharaoh, we still have the last chance to win! As long as we command the three illusory gods in the name of the king, miracles will happen! And that is to defeat the great evil god. The only possibility!"

Yami Yugi was stunned: "The name of the king..." Only then did Yami Yugi remember that he had been using the name "Muto Yugi" and he had forgotten his real name!

Aknadine spoke very quickly: "It's too late to elaborate on the specifics. In short, someone must rush to the king's tomb you just built immediately and bring your name back. Only then can it be possible to defeat the evil god! And Mahat, who is proficient in space magic, is of course the best candidate!"

"I see!"

An Yuxi only hesitated slightly, and then immediately ordered to Mahat: "Mahat! Go to the Valley of the Royal Rest and bring my real name back! Please!"


Mahat got the order, jumped up, and disappeared in a few flashes!

"Next, it's time for us to unite as one!"

The Pharaoh raised his right arm and shouted: "Before Mahat comes back, we must defend the royal city!"

Through the seven forbidden secret treasures, open the door of darkness and release the power of the evil god...

The sky is covered with haze, and all disasters will come to the earth.

Every time the Evil God flaps its wings, the skin and flesh of countless creatures will be peeled off, and every time the Evil God exhales, the bones of the creatures will be burned to death!

At this moment, Suok stood on the stone slab of the underworld and listened to his own thoughts from three thousand years ago. Endless dark power poured into his body crazily like water flowing into the dry earth!

The dark power that was separated from the God King because of Oliha Gang is finally owned by Sok at this moment!


Suok's body began to change, and the underground temple was burst by the evil god's huge body. The extremely evil monster finally descended on the earth!

"O darkness! Come into my hand!"

"Evil God Avatar!!!"

Along with the roar of the evil god, Sok suddenly raised his left hand, and from his palm, a huge black ball wrapped with evil energy and darkness floated out!

this day……

The golden sun disappeared...

But the black sun is rising slowly...

"Awesome! So awesome!"

Set was located below, admiring the great and heroic appearance of the Great Evil God, and laughed wildly: "With such a powerful and perfect power, it is easy to conquer the world! Lord Great Evil God, let those mortals see your greatness and terror, hahaha!! !”

But the White Dragon Girl looked at Suok's current ferocious and evil posture, but she didn't feel scared at all. Instead, she seemed to feel that Suok's truest heart was not distorted by the change in appearance, and she was truly happy for him.

"You won't kill innocent people indiscriminately, right, Lord Evil God?"

The Great Evil God lowered his head and glanced at the White Dragon Girl, then breathed out an evil breath: "What a shame!" Then he flapped his wings and flew away, aiming to reach the royal city!

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