Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 283 Hospitalization

"Mr. Sock!?"

Pegasus, who was originally looking at the new card plan, suddenly stood up from his seat and said in shock: "Do you want to... But I haven't made a card that can carry the soul..."

"It's no longer so troublesome."

Suoke's left eye ignited with white light, and the originally evil temperament on his body was instantly shrouded in a layer of sacred mist. He slowly said: "I have gained the power of creation. Now I not only control all the souls in the underworld, but also decide Even if the body is cremated, I can make her live again!"


Pegasus rushed out of his seat, grabbed Sok's arm tightly, and was so excited that he could not speak incoherently: "I have been waiting for this day for too long... I don't even know how to repay you... …”

"Fuck, let go!"

Sok pushed Pegasus away and snorted: "I do have one more thing I want you to help me with... After a while, for some reason, I will be seriously injured and lose all my strength, and so will you. You know, I have enemies all over the world. If I let them know this news, the situation will be terrible... Therefore, I want you to protect my safety when I am weak, and not let the outside world know... How about it, can you do it?”

"Ah...it's okay, it's okay..."

Pegasus looked at Sok in surprise and said, "But it's hard for me to imagine what kind of monster would be able to injure you..."

Suok snorted impatiently: "You don't need to worry about this. Take me to do business quickly... But let me remind you in advance that if you dare to betray me, I still have the ability to kill a lot of people. !”

"Don't worry, Mr. Sok."

Pegasus smiled: "I don't have much ambition, I just hope to stay with my lover forever... You will choose me, of course you should have considered this aspect, right?"

Suoke said nothing, taking it as acquiescence.

"Actually, you don't need to be too vigilant..."

Pegasus turned his head and looked out the window. There used to be a building that towered over all capitalists, but now it has turned into nothingness: "The president of Paratis Company suddenly disappeared, and the people under his name who had been involved in various countries and industries The huge business empire also collapsed in an instant... It was a terrifying economy that could rival the U.S. national tax revenue. All the capitalists were staring at its remains and wanted to swallow it alive... It shouldn't be digested within five or six years. It’s over, at least during this period, they shouldn’t remember other things, what do you think?”

"I think it's OK."

Suok nodded, touched his chin and muttered to himself: "In other words, when I recover my strength, I can harvest another wave of wool..."

The little penguin sitting on Suok's shoulder also hugged his little arms and nodded repeatedly: "Sustainable development is so wonderful."

Pegasus was sweating profusely after hearing this.

I silently prayed for those capitalists in my heart, wondering which unlucky guy would be used by Sok to operate and bleed out at that time.

In this way, Thok helped Pegasus resurrect his lover, and then disappeared.

But the next second, a white D-wheel suddenly broke through the shackles of time, rolled on the ground for more than ten times, emitting black smoke, and then stopped completely.

The person riding on the D train was none other than Suoke who had just left!

Now he looks very weak, unconscious, and his body is covered with shocking wounds, as if he had just emerged from a sea of ​​blood!

"OH! NO!"

Pegasus was horrified, and immediately called the Medical Rangers to conduct a comprehensive examination of Thok without waiting to take care of the newly resurrected Xantia.

The test results were not promising.

Not only did Suoke lose a lot of blood, but almost all the bones in his body were shattered!

According to common sense, this is definitely a category that cannot be saved by gods, but Pegasus still insisted on sending Sock to the best hospital in Washington for treatment, opened a separate high-end ward, and signed a confidentiality agreement .

Time passed day after day, and after each day of treatment, a man wearing a mask would pass by Sok's ward, then look at the two bodyguards in black at the door, and then turn around and leave.

But facing the appearance of this man, the bodyguards in black seemed not to see anything and continued to perform their duties.

About three months later, Suoke finally regained consciousness in the hospital bed.

Opening his eyes and looking at the white ceiling, Suoke breathed a deep sigh of relief...


Came back alive...

The shadow of a little penguin appeared in front of his eyes. He was peeling the oranges sent by Pegasus in front of the hospital bed.

Seeing that Suoke was awake, it broke off a piece and handed it to Suoke's mouth: "You're awake!"


Sok opened his mouth and took the orange into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it: "Penguin... I have a problem... If changing the history of the past or future will also have an impact on the present, then I will go back three thousand years. I absorbed the Creator God of Light before, why is there still no change in this era?”

"The trials are unique."

The little penguin chirped his little mouth and muttered while eating the orange: "That is the battlefield specially opened up by the system for you... It is a bit complicated to say, but in a simple summary, after you leave that world, except for Except for certain people, everything else will return to its original appearance in history, and they will no longer remember the day when the Great Evil God defeated the Creator God of Light..."

About another year passed.

Muto Yugi's class has all graduated, and Sok has regained his energy. Although he still can't get out of bed, the blood of the Great Evil God flowing in his bones is constantly regenerating his limbs, making Sok's body stronger.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Sock used the laptop brought to him by Pegasus to read the news and pass the boring time.

But suddenly, a video on YouTube caught Sok's attention.

It was a clip from a performance of the Broadway play "The Philosopher's Stone," and the comments below were nothing more than this girl has a great figure, this girl is so beautiful, and so on.

But Sock recognized the girl performing at a glance, it was Kyoko Masaki.

Watching the scene should not be a formal performance, because there is no audience in the audience.

But she is only eighteen years old, and there is still time for her to develop slowly.

Sock was not interested in the stage play, so he closed the webpage after watching it for less than three minutes and continued browsing for other news.

But when I see people I used to be familiar with, I always wonder, what did they do after graduation?

So, when Pegasus came to visit regularly every week, Sock asked Pegasus to help collect the whereabouts of the original protagonists and how they were doing.

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