Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 284 Happy Wedding

We used to dislike each other, but after all, it was an unforgettable memory of our childhood.

Pegasus accepted Thok's commission and brought news about the original protagonists as promised during his visit the next week.


Chasing her dream, she came to Broadway in the United States, but because she was a newcomer and Asian, life was very difficult. Fortunately, she had saved a lot of money before coming here, and with the money she earned from working, she should be able to survive for a long time. Time...if she was still willing to chase her dreams at that time.

Muto game.

He was hired by Kaiba Corporation to develop a new game. The specific content was a commercial secret, so Pegasus didn't know about it, but he heard that he was developing the game with Kaiba on the space station.

Seto Kaiba.

Needless to say, as the president of Haima Company, he swallowed up many of the inheritances of Paradis Company in very shocking ways. Haima Company has further grown in strength and has almost become one of the top capitalists in the world.

Peacock dance.

She is still active in the professional dueling world and is very famous, but the fans who are attracted to her may be more because of her appearance and figure rather than her dueling skills.

Within the city, there is restraint.

Due to the current employment pressure in Japan, she is currently working three jobs at the same time to support Shizuka in completing her studies.

Hiroto Honda.

Inheriting his father's automobile company, he once invited Jonouchi, but was rejected.

Yoga dragon.

Run your own game store.

Friends who were once close friends ended up drifting apart after graduation. They were destined to be separated as they grew up. Everyone has their own way to go in the future.

But that precious memory is deeply engraved in my mind and will never be erased.

Friendship is invisible but visible.

It connects everyone and makes everyone feel - partner, right there.

When we meet again after many years, we can still look at each other and smile.

Say hello to each other...

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Closing the file, Suoke suddenly felt a little confused. Those people who had been together day and night had already had their own lives and careers. Although he had no worries about food and clothing and had too much money to spend, he always lay in bed and felt that his spiritual life Somewhat empty.

Do you want to find something to do?

But I am still in a semi-paralyzed state. Even if I want to, what can I do?

After holding his chin and thinking hard for a long time, Suoke's eyes suddenly lit up!


There is one thing that can not only pass the time, but you can do it even if you have a broken leg!

Take action immediately when you think of it!

So when Pegasus came to visit Sok again, he saw Sok lying on the hospital bed in high spirits, typing away with a notebook and not knowing what he was doing.

Pegasus walked up curiously, put down the gift, and asked: "What are you doing, Mr. Sok?"

Without raising his head, Suoke continued to type on the keyboard: "Nothing. I just recently signed a contract with a company with a market value of about 50 billion Hong Kong dollars. I can make a little money and enrich my life as a patient."


Pegasus' eyes widened: "You actually know how to work?... Then you must make a lot of money, right?"

Suoke happily hit the Enter key: "It's just so so, the profit is divided into 50% and 50%, and the annual income is less than 100 million."

"Compared to your previous extortion, the speed of making money is indeed a bit slower..."

Pegasus was amazed: "But it's amazing that you can earn so much from a legitimate job in just one year, and you can only do the work with a laptop! ... You are working for Silicon Valley companies. Writing programs? Or serving a country’s cybersecurity department?”


Suoke raised his head and coughed lightly: "The starting point is a street writer, and I can earn 600 full attendance a month."


Pegasus laughed dryly and did not dare to speak.

"Regardless of the small amount of money, it is not easy to sign a contract."

Suok closed the notebook and stretched: "I'm not doing it for money anyway, so I'll write a routine at the beginning, and then update it as the occasion demands, with literary youth, green male protagonists, all kinds of slaps in the face... Hey, you Don’t mention it, some readers have already said that they want to hack me to death. I happen to be bored so it would be nice to have someone to quarrel with.”

Pegasus was sweating profusely and didn't know what to say.

The little penguin on the shoulder sighed helplessly: "I told you that I have a complete set of "Q Breaks the Sky" and "Kidney Deficiency" for you to copy, but you still have to write something that is harmful to people..."

“There are always people who write books not just for the money.”

Suok held his chin and said: "Besides, I'm not short of money. There's no need to write short stories to earn market share... When you get tired of writing novels in two days, you can try to learn to draw comics... Well, how about just drawing "Yu-Gi-Oh!" How about that? I’ll stuff some personal stuff inside, like the Creator God of Light being pinned to the ground by the Evil God and having sex, etc..."

The little penguin covered his forehead in despair: "You are hopeless..."

In this way, time passes year after year.

After several years of hard work, Sock finally wrote a masterpiece, finished all the "Yu-Gi-Oh" comics, and handed them over to Pegasus for publication.

In this worldview where people who don’t play cards will always be ants, comics soon became popular in countless countries around the world.

Countless duelists are buying them like crazy, just to see the history and secrets of the Duel King's battles in the comics.

With the popularity of the comics, Muto Yugi's reputation has also grown. However, Sock, who is also the duel king, has disappeared for two years. Except for a few people who still remember him, others have forgotten that he was the champion of Duel City. There is also a great evil god.

After the comic was released, various ancillary industries continued to heat up.

Animation, competitions, peripherals...

The capitalists are making a lot of money, but Muto Games is in some kind of misery.

Not only because many duelists came to Domino Town to duel Muto Yugi after reading the manga, but what is even worse is that now almost all duelists are calling themselves "King Kuchi", which is very troublesome... …

However, when he read the comic himself and stared at Yami Yugi's confident face above, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

another me……

Where have you been?

Three more years passed, and Sock's injuries were almost completely healed. One day, Pegasus brought big news.

Muto Yugi is getting married.

Suoke was stunned for a moment, then curiously asked: "Who is the bride, Kyoko?"


Pegasus shook his head: "Mazaki Kyoko has been on Broadway in the past few years and has not returned to Japan. After a long separation, the relationship has of course faded..."

Of course there is another reason, and Sock knows it well.

Kyoko likes Pharaoh.

After the game lost its aura as a king, many things were different from before.

The only person who can be with him in the end is the strong girl who truly appreciates his "gentleness", not Kyoko who falls in love with Yugi because of the majesty and courage of the king.

Alas, how should I put it?

Walking to the window sill, Suoke looked into the distance. It seemed like yesterday that he had met for the first time, but now they have been separated for many years.

After thinking about it, Sock decided to do something.

"Although I didn't get along with Yugi before, now that he's married, I should give him something..."

Sok turned towards Pegasus behind him and said: "Hey, One-eyed Dragon, make me a congratulatory banner, and help me give a gift of three to five hundred yuan to Muto Yugi!"

Pegasus nodded: "No problem, Game Boy just invited me...but, what should I write on the banner?"

Suoke laughed evilly: "So, so, so, so..."

The wedding day.

The place was packed with guests and friends, and a huge banner was hung outside the church.

"All the technicians at Tong Mingye Health Club, Tokyo Not Too Hot Company, Big Shock Foot Bath, and Amateur Custom Shop wish our super VIP member Mr. Muto Yugi a happy wedding."

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