Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 285 Duel Academy

Sock is in his seventh year of hospitalization.

His body finally recovered, and he was so energetic that he felt like he could kill two to three hundred galaxies with one punch.

Pulling off the bandages, Sok opened the door and walked outside for the first time.

Seeing the people coming and going, Suoke rubbed his shoulders with emotion and said: "It would be better if there are more people and it's more lively. After being locked up in the ward for seven years, I'm almost bored to death..." At this point, the leader The man in the mask happened to pass by the ward again.

Suoke smiled at him: "Thank you for protecting me in secret for seven years."

The masked man also smiled: "You're welcome."

Suddenly taking off the mask, the man had the exact same appearance as Sok!

Back then, Sok pretended to leave, but in fact he had been hiding in the dark, protecting himself when he returned from the future to the present until his strength was fully restored.

Although Pegasus is more reliable, he is still an outsider.

Your own life, no matter what, must be in your own hands!

Now that his strength here has recovered, Sok can go to the future with peace of mind and join forces with his future self to deal with an enemy beyond imagination...

The following is the specific process:

1. Pretending to leave, in fact, he secretly protected himself for seven years.

2. Seven years later, go to the future and face powerful enemies with your future self.

3. After defeating a powerful enemy, Suok himself was seriously injured. He used D to reincarnate seven years ago, where he could recover from his injuries and accept the secret protection of his past self.

Hope it's not too complicated to explain.

It is precisely because of his own protection that Sok trusts Pegasus so much.

If Pegasus makes any move, another fully functioning Thok will turn International Illusion Company into ashes in an instant.

After seven years of inactivity, Sock desperately needed to interact with people.

So I called Pegasus and asked him to find a way to arrange a place for me to work, preferably somewhere lively and with lively people around.

Pegasus thought for a while and said on the phone: "According to your request, Mr. Sok, there is indeed a place that is very suitable for you... It is a school transformed from the artificial island of Haima Company to train top duelists. I am also the director of that school and can introduce you to work there..."

Duel Academy! ?

"I see!"

Sok clapped his hands and suddenly remembered what happened to Judai Yujo: "No wonder he called me teacher, it turns out that's why I went to Duel Academy!"

Pegasus on the other end of the phone couldn't understand what Sok was talking about, but it seemed that he was quite satisfied: "Then, I will contact the principal of that school, Mr. Samejima, and inform him that there will be a duel king general soon. News about taking a position in the college... But with all due respect, can I ask Mr. Sock what courses you want to teach the students?"


Suok had a headache after hearing this: "I played games online every day when I was in school, and the only thing I remembered was almost forgotten..." At this point, Suok had already made up his mind: "It's decided! Now I'm invincible My strength has been fully restored, so I might as well be the fucking easiest physical education teacher! By the way, I’ll also be the dean of students, and I’ll beat up anyone who dares to disobey!”


On the other end of the phone, Pegasus rolled his eyes in distress.

Although this school is just a cover, its real purpose is to study the three phantoms that were sealed by Suok.

But it would be bad if Sock went too far in school.

But now that the words have been spoken, it seems that we can only ask Principal Samejima to vaccinate the students and teachers in advance to prevent them from messing with Sok...

Five days later, Sok took the helicopter arranged by Pegasus and returned to Domino Town, and then took the Duel Academy's cruise ship at Domino Pier, which was specially used to pick up students and teachers, and headed towards his destination.

It was the beginning of school season, and there were many children on the boat. Each of them had a dueling disk on his arm, trying to look like a mature duelist.

Suok glanced around, looking for any familiar figures.

But then Sock felt stupid.

The plot of GX was all told to him by Little Penguin. As for the characters in it, for now, Sok only knows one Yujo Judai.

And it hasn't been found yet.

never mind.

Sok walked to the deck and leaned against the railing. Watching the duel between the children, he felt as if he was in another world.

The decisive battle between the Three Illusion Gods and the Martyrs was so exciting. If the duel plate hadn't been frozen by Dazi in the end, I would have won, right?

It's been seven years in the blink of an eye...no, fourteen years...

Time flies so fast...

At this time, the duel between several children on the deck has entered a fever pitch...

"I use the 'Captain who cuts into the enemy's formation' equipped with the 'Cursed Sword' to attack your 'City Defender Pterosaur'!"

"It's useless! My 'City Guard Pterosaur' can fly!"

"Ah! You're a scumbag!"

"You're such a scumbag! This is how it's drawn in the Yu-Gi-Oh comics. Duel King Muto Yugi-san's best friend is all drawn like this. Can you do that!?"

Sok: "..."

This kid has a future.

Using the rules of the Kingdom to speak GX's Hu, it's another Muto game to train well.

It's a pity that this child has no protagonist's life. The duel disk faithfully reflects the process of a normal duel. The 'City Defender Pterosaur' was destroyed by the battle.

The boy's little face almost turned into a bitter melon, and he murmured: "This is unscientific..."

Then the duel continues.

Just as Suok was watching with gusto, a young man with a spiky head suddenly appeared in front of Suok, blocking his sight, and then said with a stinking look on his face: "Hey, judging from your appearance... you should be a senior from Duel Academy. I'm from the Ministry, right? I have an extremely accurate eye, and I have always been No. 1..."

"No, get out!"

Without saying a word, Suoke kicked him out, and then continued to watch the duel between the two people over there.

Wan Zhangmu was kicked several times by Suok. After a long time, he regained his breath and stood up unsteadily. He said angrily to Suok: "Hey! What's the point of beating people! If you are still a man, Do you dare to have a duel with me!?"

Suoke glanced at Wan Zhangmu and said calmly: "Did you make something wrong... The way men solve problems is with fists."

"How rude!"

Wan Zhangmu activated the duel disk in his hand and shouted: "We are all students of Duel Academy, so of course we should use duel to solve problems! Now I challenge you, are you afraid and dare not accept the challenge? "


Sok turned around and sneered: "Young man, you are too impulsive...Does Dead Sea know? That was the one who was punched to death by me! Anyone who duels with me is basically missing arms and legs and has become disabled. Man, you are still young, don’t seek death!”


Wan Zhangmu snorted: "It's just a game of cards, how could it be disabled?"


Suoke raised an evil smile on his lips: "Although I haven't officially joined the job yet, but... now I'm going to teach you the first lesson in life - never mess with someone who looks very dangerous and has violent tendencies!"



Half an hour later, the cruise ship docked.

Thock was the first to step off the boat with a light-hearted swagger.

Following closely behind him was Wan Zhangmu, who had a bruised nose and swollen face and was walking with a limp.

Everyone was talking and pointing.

Wan Zhangmu was so aggrieved that he almost cried.

The duel I'm talking about...

It's not the kind of duel with fists!

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